Course Overview

Course Curriculum

Course Content

  • PCP BC - Applications and Architecture

    • Lesson 01: Course Introduction

      • Learning Path
      • Program Outline
      • Course Outline
      • Day wise agenda
      • Course Components
      • Skills Covered
    • Lesson 02: Ethereum Smart Contracts

      • Smart Contract Lifecycle
      • Solidity
      • Assisted Practice: Generate the ABI and Bytecode of a Smart Contract
      • Assisted Practice: Develop a smart contract for storing Pizza size with enum
      • Assisted Practice: Develop a Library Smart Contract using Struct
      • Assisted Practice: Develop a Smart contract that displays the Wallet Balance
      • Assisted Practice: Develop a Smart contract that store participant detail using mapping
      • Assisted Practice: Develop a Smart contract that store student detail using array
      • Assisted Practice: Develop a Smart contract for checking number greater than 100
      • Assisted Practice: Develop a Smart contract for calculating sum of first n natural numbers
      • Assisted Practice: Develop a Smart contract for understanding Function Visibility
      • Assisted Practice: Develop a Property Transfer Smart Contract
      • Assisted Practice: Develop a Smart contract that store ethers and transfer to multiple accounts using Fallback Function
      • Assisted Practice : Price Event Smart Contract
      • Assisted Practice : Develop a smart contract for error handling
      • Assisted Practice : Develop a smart contract for understanding abstract and interface
      • Assisted Practice : Develop a smart contract to create Math library
      • Assisted Practice: Create a Custom Token and Deploy it on Sepolia Network
      • Assisted Practice: Access Smart Contracts Functions from the Frontend
      • LEP 2: Creating a Custom Bank Contract
    • Lesson 03: Hyperledger Fabric Chaincode

      • Chaincode
      • Gradle
      • Chaincode Development and Chaincode Package, Install, Approve
      • Assisted Practice: Create New Gradle Project for Car Showroom
      • Assisted Practice: Create Chaincode for Car Showroom
      • Assisted Practice: Install the Chaincode
      • Commit Chaincode Definition
      • Assisted Practice: Commit the Chaincode
      • Assisted Practice: Access Chaincode Functions
      • Assisted Practice: Chaincode Lifecycle steps from shell file
      • LEP 3: Develop Chaincode for Property Ownership Application
    • Lesson 04: Hyperledger Fabric SDK

      • Java SDK
      • Assisted practice: Create Maven Project
      • Assisted practice: Enroll Admin User
      • Assisted Practice: Register and Enroll Client User
      • Assisted Practice: Access Chaincode Functions
      • LEP 4: Access Property Ownership Chaincode using Java SDK
    • Lesson 05: Multichain

      • Introduction to Multichain
      • Multichain Installation
      • Create a Multichain Instance
      • Multichain Assets
      • Multichain Streams
      • Multichain Consensus
      • Multichain API
      • Assisted Practice: Set up Multichain in the Local Machine
      • Assisted Practice: Create Multichain Instance with Two Nodes
      • Assisted Practice: Create a Multichain Asset and Transfer It
      • Assisted Practice: Create a Multichain Stream to Publish Data
      • Assisted Practice: Perform Mining in Multichain
      • Assisted Practice: Access Functions Using Multichain API
      • LEP 5: Create a Private Multichain Blockchain
    • Lesson 06: IOTA and Blockchain Use Cases

      • Introduction to IOTA
      • Traditional Blockchain Challenges
      • Healthcare Use Cases
      • Government Use Cases
      • Finance Use Cases
      • Supply Chain Use Cases
      • Use Cases

Why Online Bootcamp

  • Develop skills for real career growthCutting-edge curriculum designed in guidance with industry and academia to develop job-ready skills
  • Learn from experts active in their field, not out-of-touch trainersLeading practitioners who bring current best practices and case studies to sessions that fit into your work schedule.
  • Learn by working on real-world problemsCapstone projects involving real world data sets with virtual labs for hands-on learning
  • Structured guidance ensuring learning never stops24x7 Learning support from mentors and a community of like-minded peers to resolve any conceptual doubts
  • Disclaimer
  • PMP, PMI, PMBOK, CAPM, PgMP, PfMP, ACP, PBA, RMP, SP, and OPM3 are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.