Within a short span of its launching, Simplilearn's online training course on PMP®course exam has been acknowledged positively and our learners are liking the course. We present here, starting today, a series of post highlighting what our learners have to say about our free PMP® certification course.

"Overall the course is excellent and there is no doubt about it. You have made PMP® exam very simple; the way each process is explained is really too good and the examples given for them is relevant. Keep up the good work; expect more sample questions for each process/groups".

Anukul Chandran, Principal Planning Engineer, at Wood Group Engineering Ltd, UK

"The course deployment methodology is excellent and the course flow speed is great. The quality and the UI of the course are also exceptional; I like to be able to print the course material."

Naser Ayyub, Corporate Information Technology at Quebecor World, Inc, USA

"Logical and right dosed information in the learning modules, sequence of materials, and short conclusion at the end of lesson make your methodology effective for learning. The speed and quality are good enough. I did not notice interface during my training. I think this is a sign that interface user friendly and intuitional. It design does not dominate over material you offer."

Greg Golushko,Project Manager / Coordinator at National Process Equipment, Edmonton, Canada

"So far everything is great. I have only looked at the first four chapters of the PMI® course and need to do the rest. I am using this to study for the PMI® certification. I have already taken a live class so this I am using this system to reinforce what I have learned."

Beverly Wilson,Federal Account Manager, Oracle, USA

"The course seems excellent, but I am only on Lesson 2.I love the slow methodical presentation and the speed to deploy new screens is excellent. Compared to the books and other courses on line or CD this course is the best so far. The UI is also great.Thanks for the use of the coursework."

Michael Argust,MedSeries4 Consultant at Argust Consulting LLC, USA

"Enjoying the course thoroughly! Will recommend to anyone interested. Thank you! I believe the deployment and methodology is fine. Keep in mind I haven't taken the test, so I can't say how closely the materials deal with the actual test which would be extremely important.

I would say flow is generally good. I would delay pulling the end of each slide a bit longer before starting the next one to give people a chance to take notes etc. I would also give more time on each test question before closing it. Quality is great. User interfaces are more than adequate for my use."

Michael Bartels,President at Basys Consulting Inc., USA

"I really enjoy your course, and find it helpful. The technology, visualization and graphics are all perfectly fine. The pace of the vocal speech is a little bit too slow. I think that you should elaborate the content somehow, and add more examples and so I want to point out an error that I think fell into your site. In lecture 5, slide "Product scope and project scope", you wrote the definition of the two scopes. The definition for project is written on product, and vice versa. Please check."

Preparing for PMP® Certification? Take this test to know where you stand!


PMP is a registered trademark of the Project Management Institute, Inc. 

Our Project Management Courses Duration And Fees

Project Management Courses typically range from a few weeks to several months, with fees varying based on program and institution.

Program NameDurationFees
Professional Certificate Program in Project Management

Cohort Starts: 26 Oct, 2024

10 weeks$ 2,500
PMP® Plus7 weeks$ 1,849
PMP® Renewal Pack Bundle3 weeks$ 649

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