React.js Training in Hyderabad

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React JS Certification Course Overview

The major purpose of this react js training in Hyderabad would be to acquaint you mostly with important techniques. It has all the materials you'll need to be a successful React designer. Tutor-led instruction is used in this react js training in Hyderabad. You'll learn the fundamentals of React, along with how to create and manage projects with Redux.

React JS Course Key Features

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No questions asked refund*

At Simplilearn, we value the trust of our patrons immensely. But, if you feel that a course does not meet your expectations, we offer a 7-day money-back guarantee. Just send us a refund request via email within 7 days of purchase and we will refund 100% of your payment, no questions asked!
  • 1 real-life course-end project
  • Industry-recognized course completion certificate
  • Flexibility to choose classes
  • 1 real-life course-end project
  • Flexibility to choose classes
  • Industry-recognized course completion certificate
  • 1 real-life course-end project
  • Flexibility to choose classes
  • Industry-recognized course completion certificate

Skills Covered

  • React components
  • React Event Handling
  • ES6
  • React State and Props
  • Routing in React
  • React Redux node package
  • React components
  • React State and Props
  • React Event Handling
  • Routing in React
  • ES6
  • React Redux node package
  • React components
  • React State and Props
  • React Event Handling
  • Routing in React
  • ES6
  • React Redux node package

Take the first step to your goals

Lifetime access to self-paced e learning content


React.js is a sophisticated JavaScript platform that creates dynamic experiences using react js training in Hyderabad. Facebook and Twitter are two organizations that use them. The react js training in Hyderabad is beneficial for enhancing your knowledge and competencies while developing UI/UX solutions for mobile devices.

  • Designation
  • Annual Salary
  • Hiring Companies
  • Annual Salary
    Source: Glassdoor
    Hiring Companies
    Wells Fargo hiring for React js Developer professionals in Hyderabad
    Deutsche Bank hiring for React js Developer professionals in Hyderabad
    Source: Indeed

Training Options

Self Paced Learning

  • Lifetime access to high-quality self-paced e-learning content curated by industry experts
  • 24x7 learner assistance and support


Corporate Training

Upskill or reskill your teams

  • Flexible pricing & billing options
  • Private cohorts available
  • Training progress dashboards
  • Skills assessment & benchmarking
  • Platform integration capabilities
  • Dedicated customer success manager

Course Curriculum


This React JS certification program is designed for software engineers that produce new UI/UI elements for web and mobile apps and use a JavaScript foundation to function as quickly as possible with React.
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To enroll in this React JS class, you ought to have prior expertise in creating front-end internet projects involving CSS, JavaScript, and HTML.
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Course Content

  • Section 01: Self Paced Learning Curriculum

    • Lesson 01: Course Introduction

      • 1.01 Course Introduction
      • 1.02 What is React
      • 1.03 Setting up the Environment
    • Lesson 02: Project 1- Starting (GitHub Finder) and Setting up React

      • 2.01 Project Introduction
      • 2.02 Creating a React Application and Viewing the File Structure
      • 2.03 Create React App (CRA) Cleanup and Preparation
      • 2.04 Introduction to JavaScript Syntax Extension (JSX) and Fragments
      • 2.05 Expressions and Conditionals in JavaScript Syntax Extension (JSX)
    • Lesson 03: Components, States, and Props

      • 3.01 Component, Props and Prop Types
      • 3.02 Getting Started with Component States
      • 3.03 Lists and Passing a State with Props
      • 3.04 Stateless Functional Components
      • 3.05 Handling Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Requests and Updating States
      • 3.06 Spinner Component and Refactoring
      • 3.07 Environment Variables
    • Lesson 04: Event, Passing Props, React Router, and More

      • 4.01 Events and Search Components
      • 4.02 Passing Props up and Searching Users
      • 4.03 Clearing Users from Your State
      • 4.04 Setting up an Alert State and Component
      • 4.05 Setting up a React Router
      • 4.06 Adding a Single User Component and Data
      • 4.07 Creating a User Component User Interface (UI) and Layout
      • 4.08 Repos and the RepoItem Component
    • Lesson 05: Refactoring Hooks and Context API

      • 5.01 Overview of Hooks and Context Application Programming Interface (API)
      • 5.02 Using a Search- Class to Function with the use State Hook
      • 5.03 Using a User Class to Function with the use Effect Hook
      • 5.04 App Class Function Component
      • 5.05 Implementing the Context Application Programming Interface (API) and Using the Reducer
      • 5.06 Creating Reducers
      • 5.07 Moving User State to the Context Application Programming Interface (API)
      • 5.08 Moving Repos State to the Context Application Programming Interface (API)
      • 5.09 Creating an Alert Context Workflow
      • 5.10 Creating the Home and NotFound Components
      • 5.11 Preparing and Deploying to Netlify
    • Lesson 06: Project 2- Contact Keeper– Mongo DB, Express, React, and Node (MERN) and Setting up an Express Server

      • 6.01 Project Introduction
      • 6.02 Setting up MongoDB Atlas
      • 6.03 Creating Dependencies and a Basic Express Server
      • 6.04 Setting up Backend Routes
      • 6.05 Connecting MongoDB to the Application
    • Lesson 07: Backend User, Contacts, and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) Authentication

      • 7.01 User Model and Validation
      • 7.02 Hashing Passwords and Registering Routes
      • 7.03 Creating and Responding with a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Web Token
      • 7.04 Creating an Authentication Route
      • 7.05 Authenticating Middleware and Protecting Routes
      • 7.06 Creating a Contact Model and Getting the Contacts Route
      • 7.07 Adding a Contact Route
      • 7.08 Updating Contacts and Deleting Routes
    • Lesson 08: Setting up Your Client and Contacts User Interface (UI)

      • 8.01 Setting up React and Concurrently
      • 8.02 Setting up Cleanup, Navbar, and a Router
      • 8.03 Creating Contacts, Context, and a Global State
      • 8.04 Creating the Contacts and ContactItem Components
      • 8.05 Creating the ContactForm Component
      • 8.06 Deleting a Contact from the User Interface (UI)
      • 8.07 Setting and Clearing Current Contacts
      • 8.08 Adding Actions for Editing and Updating Contacts
      • 8.09 Creating a Contact Filter Form and State
      • 8.10 Creating a Basic Add and Delete Animation
    • Lesson 09: React or Express Authentication

      • 9.01 Creating Authentication Context and Initial State
      • 9.02 Creating Register and Login Forms
      • 9.03 Creating Alert Context, States, and Components
      • 9.04 Creating a User Registration Form
      • 9.05 Loading a User and Setting a Token
      • 9.06 Creating User Login
      • 9.07 Creating the Logout and Navbar Components
      • 9.08 Creating the PrivateRoute Component
    • Lesson 10: Integrating and Deploying the Contacts Application Programming Interface (API)

      • 10.01 Adding Contacts to the Database
      • 10.02 Getting and Clearing Contacts
      • 10.03 Deleting Contacts
      • 10.04 Updating Contacts
      • 10.06 Preparing and Deploying to Heroku
    • Lesson 11: Project 3- Start IT Logger (Redux)- Components and User Interface

      • 11.01 Project Introduction
      • 11.02 Setting up React and the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Server
      • 11.03 Setting up Materialize Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
      • 11.04 Creating the SearchBar and Logs Components
      • 11.05 Creating the LogItem and Preloader Components
      • 11.06 Creating the AddBtn and AddLogModal Components
      • 11.07 Adding the Edit and Tech Modal Components
    • Lesson 12: Redux State Management

      • 12.01 Setting up the Redux Store and Provider
      • 12.02 Setting up Logs Reducer, Actions, and Types
      • 12.03 Connecting Redux to a Component
      • 12.04 Adding Logs
      • 12.05 Deleting Logs
      • 12.06 Updating Logs
      • 12.07 Searching Logs
    • Lesson 13: Technicians State and its Components

      • 13.01 Techs Reducer, Actions, and Components
      • 13.02 Using the Select Component
      • 13.03 Adding Technicians
      • 13.04 Deleting Technicians
  • Section 02: Live Class Curriculum

    • Lesson 01 Features of ECMAScript6

      • 1.1 React and Redux
      • 1.2 ES6: Modern Javascript
      • 1.3 Array Helper Methods
      • 1.4 Const and Let
      • 1.5 Template Literals
      • 1.6 Enhanced Object Literals
      • 1.7 Default Function Arguments
      • 1.8 Rest and Spread
      • 1.9 Destructuring
      • 1.10 Arrow Functions
      • 1.11 Classes
      • 1.12 Generators
      • 1.13 Promises
      • 1.14 Fetch
      • 1.15 Modules
      • Assisted Practice: Scope
      • Assisted Practice: Let and Const
      • Assisted Practice: Template Literals
      • Assisted Practice: Default Function
      • Assisted Practice: Rest
      • Assisted Practice: Spread
      • Assisted Practice: Destructuring
      • Assisted Practice: Arrow Functions
      • Assisted Practice: Class
      • Assisted Practice: Static Methods
      • Assisted Practice: Inheritance
      • Assisted Practice: Import and Export Modules
      • Assisted Practice: Promises
    • Lesson 02 Fundamentals of React

      • 2.1 Why React?
      • 2.2 Introduction to React
      • 2.3 Building a React App
      • 2.4 Rendering UI
      • 2.5 JSX
      • 2.6 Components
      • 2.7 State
      • 2.8 Component Lifecycle Events
      • 2.9 React Events
      • 2.10 Conditional Rendering
      • 2.11 Handling Lists
      • 2.13 Forms
      • 2.14 React Router
      • Assisted Practice: Creating React Apps
      • Assisted Practice: Elements and Components
      • Assisted Practice: Lists
      • Assisted Practice: Controlled Components
      • Assisted Practice: React Router
      • Assisted Practice: React Events
    • Lesson 03 Introduction to Redux

      • 3.1 Introduction to Redux
      • 3.2 Fundamentals of Redux
      • 3.3 Parts of Redux
      • 3.4 Insalling Redux
    • Lesson 04 The React-Redux Node Package

      • 4.1 Introduction to the React - Redux Package
      • 4.2 Features of React - Redux
      • 4.3 Reducer Composition
      • 4.4 Normalization
      • 4.4 Middleware
      • 4.5 Thunk
      • Assisted Practice: Redux
      • Assisted Practice: Redux Thunk

Industry Project

  • Project 1

    Building an event finder app in React

    Build a React app where users can view and promote upcoming events, set up a JSON server for testing until backend APIs are ready and finally manage the state using Redux.


React JS Exam & Certification

React.js Certificate in Hyderabad
  • What do I need to do to unlock my Simplilearn certificate?

    To receive the react js training in Hyderabad certificate, you proceed as follows:

    • Complete eighty-five percent among an e-learning self react js training in Hyderabad.
    • You could also attend a React practice session on your own.

  • System requirements for this React JS Course?

    Software needs for react js training in Hyderabad-

    • Node.js is required for the setup of JSON Server, and the Create React Application CLI mentioned below.
    • Make a React app for it. It's a fantastic command-line platform for making and managing React apps.
    • Any type of code editing tool. A JSON Server for learning using react js training in Hyderabad.
    • Chrome Browser has been the preferred browser.

Why Online Bootcamp

  • Develop skills for real career growthCutting-edge curriculum designed in guidance with industry and academia to develop job-ready skills
  • Learn from experts active in their field, not out-of-touch trainersLeading practitioners who bring current best practices and case studies to sessions that fit into your work schedule.
  • Learn by working on real-world problemsCapstone projects involving real world data sets with virtual labs for hands-on learning
  • Structured guidance ensuring learning never stops24x7 Learning support from mentors and a community of like-minded peers to resolve any conceptual doubts

React JS Certification FAQs

  • What is the salary of a React JS Developer in Hyderabad?

    A React JS Developer in Hyderabad has an average base pay of ?10,00,000 per annum. Salaries may vary depending upon the firm you’re working with, your experience, and your skillset. The primary prerequisite, which is also recommended by professionals, is undergoing React JS training in Hyderabad.

  • What are the major companies hiring for React JS Developer in Hyderabad?

    Various renowned companies offer high-paying jobs for the post of React JS Developer in Hyderabad. You can expect greater opportunities in some of the major companies, like Cognizant Technology Solutions, Tata Consultancy Services, Infosys, and Cisco Systems. React JS training in Hyderabad will help you secure a job at these firms.

  • What are the major industries in Hyderabad?

    Some of the major economic sectors in Hyderabad include service and manufacturing industries such as IT, education, automobile, textile, and medicament. These industries in Hyderabad provide the majority of job opportunities to employees. To start your career in the fields related to technology, you may consider React JS training in Hyderabad and secure a job in these thriving sectors.

  • How to become a React JS Developer in Hyderabad?

    There is an increasing demand for a React JS Developer in Hyderabad due to the growing number of businesses. Various career opportunities are available for the job post of React JS Developer. It is recommended that you complete React JS training in Hyderabad to secure a job with a handsome salary in top firms.

  • How to Find React JS Courses in Hyderabad?

    With the advent of technological advances, merging with education, learning new skills has become even easier. You can explore various edtech platforms providing React JS training in Hyderabad. It is crucial that you evaluate and compare these courses based on accreditations, timeframe, budget, and mentors. Connecting with professionals in this domain is also a good option for seeking guidance. After thoughtful consideration, you can finally opt for React JS training in Hyderabad that suits your needs.

  • What is React and why it is used?

    React JS is an open-source JavaScript library that helps in building dynamic user interfaces for one-page applications. It handles the view layer for web and mobile apps and also allows developers to create reusable UI components.

  • What are the benefits of React Js certification from Simplilearn?

    In today’s era, technologies and best practices are changing rapidly and the demand for qualified candidates is significantly increasing. A certification from Simplilearn is key to your success and a valuable add-on to your resume to help you rise above your peers. Our training courses are designed and updated by over 2000 distinguished industry experts, and more than 40 global training organizations have recognized us as an official provider of certification training.

  • What are the benefits of a React JS certification course?

    React.js is a versatile JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces easily. It is used by companies such as Facebook and Instagram. Being a view layer as opposed to a complete framework, it adds a finishing texture to make your website more appealing. If you are planning to create UI/UX solutions for mobile or web, this course is extremely beneficial to improve your working skills.

  • Who delivers the React Js training course?

    All of our highly qualified trainers are industry experts with years of relevant industry experience working with front-end development technology. Each of them has gone through a rigorous selection process that includes profile screening, technical evaluation, and a training demo before they are certified to train for us. We also ensure that only those trainers with a high alumni rating remain on our faculty.

  • How do I enroll for this React JS course?

    You can enroll in this React training on our website and make an online payment using any of the following options:

    • Visa Credit or Debit Card
    • MasterCard
    • American Express
    • Diner’s Club
    • PayPal

    Once payment is received you will automatically receive a payment receipt and access information via email.

  • Can I cancel my enrollment? Do I get a refund?

    Yes, you can cancel your enrollment. We provide a complete refund after deducting the administration fee. To know more, please review our refund policy.

React.js Training in Hyderabad

Hyderabad is the largest and most densely populated city in Southern India after Mumbai. It is the fourth most populous city, with a staggering 6.9 million residents within the city and an approximate 9.7 million in the metropolitan region. The GDP of Hyderabad is between US$40–US$74 billion, which is estimated to grow even more due to its industrial expansion. The city has an area of 250 sq mi and an elevation of 1,778 ft. With a number of businesses and startups sprouting in the city every year, the city is now known as the second IT hub of India.

Over 157 million domestic and around 1.5 million international tourists come to Hyderabad. The tourism sector alone generates US$23 million in revenue. Also called the city of Nawabs, Hyderabad houses a large number of monuments, masjids, temples, and museums. Some of these sites are listed below:

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  • PMP, PMI, PMBOK, CAPM, PgMP, PfMP, ACP, PBA, RMP, SP, and OPM3 are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.