Data Streaming is generated continuously by thousands of data resources, which usually send the data records accordingly, and in small sizes (order of Kilobytes). Streaming data includes a good sort of data like log files generated by customers using your mobile or web applications, e-commerce purchases, information from social networks, financial trading floors, or geospatial services, in-game player activity, and telemetry from linked devices or instrumentation in data centers.

You must process this data sequentially and incrementally on a record-by-record basis or over sliding time windows and use it for a good sort of analytics, including filtering, correlations, aggregations, and sampling. Information taken from such analysis gives companies visibility into their business and customer activity like service usage (for metering/billing), website clicks, server activity, and geo-location of devices, people, and physical goods enable them to reply promptly to emerging situations. For example, businesses can find out changes in public sentiment for their brands and products by analyzing social media streams and responding quickly as the necessity arises.

How Does Data Streaming work?

Companies can have thousands of knowledge sources that get piped to different destinations. It often processes the data using stream processing techniques and typically consists of tiny chunks.

Streaming data allows fragments of this data to be processed in real or near real-time. The two most common use cases for data streaming:

  •  Streaming media, especially video
  •  Real-time analytics

Data streaming needs to be reserved for particular businesses, like media streaming and stock market financial values. Today, it's being adopted in every company. Data streams allow a corporation to process data in real-time, giving companies the power to watch all aspects of their business.

The real-time character of the monitoring allows management to react and answer crisis events much quicker than the other processing method. Data streams offer endless channels between all the moving parts of a corporation and, therefore, the people that can make decisions.

Streaming Media

Media streaming is one example. It allows an individual to start watching a video without downloading the entire video first.

It allows users to start viewing the info (video) sooner and, within the case of media streaming, prevents the user's device from storing large files directly. Data can come and go from the system because it is being processed and watched.

Real-Time Analytics

The data streams enable companies to use real-time analytics to watch their activities. The generated data is often processed through time-series data analytics techniques to report what's happening.

The Internet of Things (IoT) has increased the boom within the variety and volume of knowledge streamed. Improving network speeds contribute to the pace of the info.

Thus, you get the foremost accepted three V's of knowledge analytics and data streams:

  1. Variety
  2. Volume
  3. Velocity

Paired with IoT, an organization can have data streams from many different sensors & monitors, increasing its capability to micro-manage many non-rigid variables in real-time.

From a chaos engineering aspect, real-time analytics is good because it increases the company's ability to watch its activities. So, if their equipment were to fail or readings were to remit information that needed quick action, the corporate knows to act.

Characteristics of Data Streams

Streaming data from web browsers, sensors, and other monitoring systems have characteristics that set them apart from traditional, historical data. The following are a couple of crucial attributes of stream data:

Time Sensitive

Each element during a data stream carries a time stamp. The data streams are time-sensitive and lose significance after a particular time. For example, the info from a home security system that indicates a suspicious movement should be analyzed and addressed within a brief period to stay relevant.


Data streams are generally continuous and happen in real-time, but they aren't always acted upon instantly, counting on system requirements.


The stream data often originates from thousands of various sources, which will be geographically distant. Because of the disparity within the sources, the stream data could be a mixture of multiple formats.


Because of the variability of their sources and different data transmission mechanisms, a knowledge stream may have missing or damaged data elements. Also, the info elements during a stream might arrive out of order.

Data architecture for Streaming Data

Streaming Data Architecture consists of software component builts and is connected to ingest and process streaming data from various sources. Streaming Data Architecture processes the info right after it's collected. The processing consists of allocating it into the designated storage and will include triggering, further processing steps like analytics, further data manipulation, or some real-time, quite further real-time processing.

There are several approaches to data processing. First, the "old fashion" one is execution, which is the processing of an outsized volume of knowledge directly. However, here you will specialize in the difference between stream processing and real-time operations. The simplest clarification is that real-time operations are about reactions to the info, whereas stream processing is the action taken on the info.

A real-time solution guarantees the execution of data in a short period after being gathered. A reaction to the info is nearly immediate – processing can take minutes, seconds, or maybe milliseconds, counting on business requirements and applied solutions. Examples of the use case for real-time operations can be selling and buying operations in the stock market when the note needs to be provided right after the order is placed.

What Could Be the Components and Thus the Planning of Streaming Data Architecture?

Regardless of the platform used, the streaming data architecture must include the subsequent prominent component groups.

1. Message Broker

The component group that uses data from a source transforms it into a typical message format & streams it on an ongoing note to make it accessible to be used, suggesting that other tools can listen in and use the messages passed on by the brokers. The popular stream processing tools are open-source software like Apache Kafka or PaaS (Platform as a Service) components like Azure IoT Hub, GCP Cloud Pub/Sub, or Azure Event Hub, GCP Confluent Cloud, which may be a cloud-native event streaming platform availed by Apache Kafka. Microsoft Azure also works with Kafka as HDInsight cluster type, so in this manner, it is often used as PaaS.

Except for the examples mentioned above, there are various tools available like Solace PubSub+ or Mulesoft Anypoint that are built on top of open source components. They provide an entire multi-cloud integration environment, supporting different streaming data and allowing to get rid of overhead associated with the platform setup and maintenance.

2. Processing Tools

The output data streams from the above-described message broker or processor need to be transformed and structured to be analyzed further using analytics tools. The results of such analysis are often some actions, alerts, dynamic dashboards, or maybe new data streams.

When it involves open-source frameworks, which specialize in processing streamed data, Apache Storm, Apache Spark Streaming, and Apache Flink are foremost popular and broadly known. Microsoft Azure supports the deployment of Apache Spark and Apache Storm as a kind of HDInsight cluster. On top of that, Azure avails its proprietary solution called Stream Analytics, which may be a PaaS component of Azure, acting as a real-time analytical tool and a sophisticated event-processing engine designed to research and process high volumes of fast streaming data from multiple sources simultaneously. So, it falls a touch bit under data analytics, also as real-time operation.

In the case of GCP, the prominent platforms for streamed processing are Dataproc, which incorporates Spark and Flink, and a distinct proprietary solution, which is Dataflow.

3. Data Analytical Tools

Once streaming data is made for consumption by the stream processor and processing tool, it must be analyzed to provide value. There are various approaches to streaming data analytics, but you will specialize in the foremost known ones.

Apache Cassandra is an open-source NoSQL distributed database, and it provides low latency serving of streaming events to applications. Kafka streams are often processed and persisted to Cassandra's cluster. It is also applicable to implement another Kafka instance that gets a stream of changes from Cassandra's and serves them to other applications for real-time deciding.

Another example is Elasticsearch which may receive streamed data from Kafka topics directly. With Avro format and a schema registry, Elasticsearch mappings are created automatically, and quick text search or analytics within Elasticsearch are often performed.

Azure also utilizes CosmosDB with Cassandra API, so Apache Cassandra's capabilities are secured during this cloud. GCP supports the world with Firebase Realtime Database, Firestore also as BigTable.

4. Streaming Data Storage

Storage cost is generally relatively low; therefore, organizations store their streaming data. A data lake is the foremost flexible and cheap option for storing event data, but it's very challenging to set it up and maintain it properly. It may include relevant data partitioning, data processing, and backfilling with historical data, so in the end, the risk they are creating an operational data lake may become quite a challenge.

All cloud vendors provide interrelated components serving as data lakes. Azure avails Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS), and GCP has Google Cloud Storage.

The other option is often storing the info during a data warehouse or persistent storage of selected tools, like Kafka, Databricks/Spark, BigQuedowntime.

Benefits of Data Streaming and Processing

Streaming data processing is fruitful in most scenarios where new, dynamic data is generated continually. It implies most of the industry segments and large data use cases. Companies generally begin with simple applications like collecting system logs and rudimentary processing like rolling min-max computations. In turn, these applications evolve to more sophisticated near-real-time processing. Initially, applications may process data streams to provide simple reports and perform simple actions in response, like emitting alarms when key measures exceed certain thresholds. Eventually, with time, those applications perform more sophisticated forms of data analysis, like applying machine learning algorithms and extracting deeper insights from the data. Over time, complex streams and event processing algorithms, like decaying time windows to seek out the most recent popular movies, are applied, further enriching the insights.

Challenges for Data Streaming

Data streams offer continuous streams of knowledge which will be queried for information. Because data may come from different links or maybe an equivalent source, but it moves through a distributed system, it means the stream faces the challenge of ordering its data and delivering it to its consumer.

So data streams directly encounter the CAP theorem problem in its build. When choosing a database or a particular streaming option, the data architect needs to determine the value between:

  • Having consistent data, where all the reads received are the most recent write, and, if not, return an error.
  • Having highly available data, where all the reads contain the data, but they might not be the most recent.

Two among all of the challenges are:

1. Streaming Data is Very Complex

Streaming data is especially challenging to handle because it's generated continuously by an array of sources and devices and delivered in a variety of formats. There are relatively fewer developers that possess the talents and knowledge needed to figure with streaming data, making it nearly impossible for companies to offer real-time access to those employees who are so wanting to get their hands thereon.

One prime example of how complicated streaming data is often coming from the Internet of Things (IoT). With IoT devices, the info is usually on; there's no start and no stop; it just keeps flowing. A typical execution approach doesn't work with IoT data due to the continual stream and, therefore, the sort of data types it encompasses.

2. Business Wants Data, But IT Can't continue

The difficulties related to integrating and accessing streaming data, return many companies to the much-maligned business and IT divide. IT teams are struggling to scale what they will do to supply data to the business team. The business team needs the info to unravel business questions, get instant analytics, and find random business opportunities.

The problem occurs when the business team, desperate to get their hands on the streaming data, bypass IT, and utilize any ad-hoc solution or approach that will get them to the data. The tools and processes the business people work with to realize data access are outside of the traditional IT protocol, leading to unwanted new data silos and introducing an enormous data governance risk.

Difference Between Batch Processing and Stream processing: 

Batch Processing vs Stream Processing

  1. Batch processing refers to processing a high volume of data in a batch within a specific time span. Stream processing refers to the processing of a continuous stream of data immediately as it is produced.
  2. Batch processing processes a large volume of data all at once. Stream processing analyzes streaming data in real-time.
  3. In Batch processing, data size is known and finite. In stream processing, data size is unknown and infinite beforehand.
  4. In Batch processing, the data is processed in multiple passes. In stream processing generally, data is processed in a few passes.
  5. Batch processors take a longer time to process data. Stream processor takes a few seconds or milliseconds to process data.
  6. In batch processing, the input graph is static. In stream processing, the input graph is dynamic.
  7. In this processing, the data is analyzed on a snapshot. In this processing, the data is analyzed continuously.
  8. In batch processing, the response is provided after job completion. In stream processing, the response is provided immediately.
  9. Examples of batch processing are distributed programming platforms like MapReduce, Spark, GraphX, etc. Examples of stream processing are programming platforms like spark streaming and S4 (Simple Scalable Streaming System) etc.
  10. Batch processing is used in payroll and billing systems, food processing systems, etc. Stream processing is employed within the stock exchange, e-commerce transactions, social media, etc.

Data Streaming Tools

Amazon Kinesis

Through Amazon Kinesis, organizations can build streaming applications using SQL editor & open-source Java libraries. Kinesis often does all the heavy-loading of running the application and scaling to match requirements when needed. This eliminates the necessity to manage servers and other complexities of integrating, building, and managing applications for real-time analytics.

Kinesis non-rigidity helps businesses to initially start with basic reports and insights into data, but as demands grow, they are often used for deploying machine learning algorithms for in-depth analysis of the data.

Google Cloud DataFlow

Google recently removed Python 2 and equipped its Cloud DataFlow with Python 3 & Python SDK to support data streaming. By implementing streaming analytics, firms can filter data that are ineffectual and slackens the analytics. Utilizing Apache Beam with Python, you'll define data pipelines to extract, transform, and analyze data from various IoT devices and other data sources.

Azure Stream Analytics

Azure Stream Analytics is meant for delivering mission-critical end-to-end analytics within a brief period by using SQL, JavaScript, and C#. It has built-in machine learning capabilities to help you in processing data intuitively. Such a feature will allow detection of outliers, spike and dip, and slow negative and positive trends of streamed data to help consumers interpret output visualizations.

IBM Streaming Analytics

It offers Eclipse-based IDE and also supports Java, Scala, and Python programming languages to develop applications. It also allows you to develop notebooks for Python users to effortlessly monitor, manage and make informed decisions. The streaming services are often used on IBM BlueMix to process info in data streams.

Apache Storm

The open-source platform Apache Storm, built by Twitter, is maybe a must-have tool for real-time data evaluation. Unlike Hadoop that carries out execution, Apache Storm is specifically built for transforming streams of knowledge. However, it is often also used for online machine learning, ETL, among others. Its capability to process data faster than its competitors differentiate Apache Storm in completing processes at the nodes. It also can be integrated with Hadoop to further extend its ability for higher throughputs.


Striim is an enterprise-grade platform that executes during a diverse environment like cloud and on-premise. It provides consumers to mask, aggregate, transform, filter, and built-in pipeline monitoring to obtain operational resilience while molding data for insights. Through Striim, companies can effectively integrate with various messaging and other similar platforms to harness data for real-time visualization.


SQL was transformed to create StreamSQL such that even a non-developer can create applications for manipulating streams of knowledge and monitor networks, surveillance, and real-time compliance. As it is built on top of SQL, it is fast, easy-to-use, flexible, and analytics-ready, thereby resolving the need for data scientists to inspect streamed information.


The benefits of real-time analytics include real-time KPI visualization, demand sensing, among others. Data streaming allows organizations to make the most out of data and enable them to gain operational efficiency. Companies have to implement these tools in their business processes and harness the facility of knowledge in every way possible.

Applications and Examples of Streaming Data

  • Sensors in automobiles, industrial equipment, and farm machinery send data to a streaming application. The application monitors efficiency and detects any potential defects beforehand, and places a spare order automatically, resolving equipment downtime.
  • A financial institution (banks) tracks changes in the stock market in real-time, computes value-at-risk there and automatically balances portfolios based on stock price movements.
  • A real-estate website tracks a subset of knowledge from consumers' mobile devices and makes real-time property recommendations of properties to go to support their geo-location.
  • A solar energy company has to maintain power throughput for its customers or pay penalties. It applies a streaming data application that monitors all of the panels within the field, and schedules service in real-time, thereby lowering the periods of low throughput from each panel and the associated penalty payouts.
  • A media publisher streams billions of clickstreams record from its online properties, aggregates and enriches the info with demographic information about users, and optimizes content placement on its site, delivering relevancy and better experience to its audience.
  • An internet gaming company stores streaming data about player-game interactions and feeds the data into its gaming base. It then inspects the data in real-time, offers incentives and flexible experiences to interact with its players.


After learning about Data Streaming and Batch Processing that can be used to process, store, analyze, and act-upon data streams in real-time, you might be thinking about what suits your project well. A variety of courses are available on Simplilearn, and you can select one depending upon the project you are planning to do. If you are willing to take courses or training, then we are here to help you. We have a wide range of training programs and courses that can help you build and scale up your career in Data Streaming and Batch Processing.

Do you have any questions for us? Leave them in the comments section of this article, and our experts will get back to you on the same, ASAP!

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Cloud Computing Courses typically range from a few weeks to several months, with fees varying based on program and institution.

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Post Graduate Program in Cloud Computing

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8 months$ 4,500
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