Free CAPM® Exam Prep Practice Test17458 Tests taken

Change the way you learn with the free CAPM practice test. The CAPM practice questions are simulations of the real deal. You can take this CAPM mock test many times and gauge where you stand after each module you learn. Try it today! Change the way you learn with the CAPM exam prep. These CAPM exam questions are representative of the real certification exam and can be taken multiple times to help you map your progress. Use this CAPM practice test to identify which areas of project management you are weak in and work on strengthening them. Professionals who want to test themselves on core project management philosophies will enjoy this mock test. Take the CAPM questions today and improve your chances of becoming a CAPM certified professional.

Take the Free Practice Test

  • Instructions:

  • FREE test and can be attempted multiple times.
  • 180 Minutes
  • 150 Multiple Choice Questions
  • You can pause the test in between and you are allowed to re-take the test later.

course page fpt faqs

  • What are the requirements to take this CAPM practice test?

    There are no defined requirements to take the CAPM exam simulator.

  • Will the Practice Tests be updated frequently?

    Yes. Simplilearn’s practice tests are up-to-date, which in turn helps the candidates to get the latest information always.

  • Will this CAPM exam simulator help in clearing the actual CAPM certification exam?

    Yes. This free CAPM practice test is a representation of the actual CAPM exam questions. Answering this test does not guarantee you clear the exam, but it makes the whole process a lot easier for you.

  • What is included in this CAPM exam prep?

    In this CAPM test, you will have 150 MCQs that can be attempted multiple times for free. The test can be paused and resumed at a later period.

  • What is the CAPM exam prep practice test?

    The CAPM practice test is free of cost and is a simulation of the CAPM exam. The CAPM exam simulator consists of 150 MCQs. The CAPM exam questions are representative of the actual CAPM exam. This CAPM exam prep is ideal for professionals who want to test their skills in core project management philosophies.

  • Can I retake this CAPM Practice Test?

    Yes. The CAPM sample questions can be attempted several times as and when required by requirements. However, Simplilearn suggests that you take the practice test when you are well prepared in order to get the optimal experience.

  • Who can take up this CAPM practice exam?

    The CAPM exam simulator is recommended for project associates and any professional who wants to gain proficiency in the growing field of project management.

  • Are these the CAPM sample questions same as the real CAPM exam questions?

    The CAPM test questions are indicative of the CAPM real exam questions.

  • What will I learn from this CAPM exam prep?

    The CAPM practice test contains 150 multiple choice questions that must be answered in a duration of 180 minutes. This CAPM test helps candidates identify the areas of project management they are weak in and need to work.

  • I didn’t do well on this practice test. What should I do now?

    The practice test can be attempted any number of times as desired by the candidate. If the candidate was unable to clear the test in the first attempt, they can learn more about CAPM from our CAPM Certification Course and then retake the exam after preparing well.

  • Acknowledgement
  • PMP, PMI, PMBOK, CAPM, PgMP, PfMP, ACP, PBA, RMP, SP, OPM3 and the PMI ATP seal are the registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.