In this article, we’ll outline a few of the most common interview questions asked during WordPress interviews. This is by no means a comprehensive list; interviewers tend to vary their questions a lot, and in our experience, it's the little details that end up deciding whether you get hired or not. Still, many of these are popular questions and knowing what they are can help you develop your own answers and be more confident when answering them.

About WordPress

WordPress is a content management system and a website framework, which is used by millions of web developers, designers, and bloggers worldwide. WordPress was created in 2003 and since then it has gained immense popularity. As of January 2014, WordPress holds around 57.5% of the web market share (the percentage of websites using WordPress). You can use WordPress for designing websites for your clients and earn money as a freelancer or you can get hired by one of the many reputed companies that use this dynamic Content Management System for their business needs.

As a Content Management System, WordPress helps you build your websites easily. However, before you begin to learn about WordPress, you will need a basic understanding of HTML and CSS along with knowledge of how to use WordPress.

Opportunities and Average Salary of WordPress Developers

WordPress developers have a national average salary of ₹21,602 /mo in India. Unfortunately, WordPress is a commonly pirated platform, which means that competition for jobs is tough. However, if you’re able to land a job as a WordPress developer, it’s a great field with lots of room for growth and advancement. In fact, many WordPress developers are among some of India’s most sought-after tech talent. In demand skills (hyperlink to skill up/PayScale): WordPress development is one of India’s top-paying careers. On Skill Up, WordPress Development has an overall rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars from 566 reviews from employees who were asked about their satisfaction with their current employer and whether they would recommend working at their company to a friend or family member.

Top 50 WordPress Interview Questions and Answers for 2023

1. What is WordPress?

It is one of the most popular Open-Source Content Management System (CMS) and also it is a blogging tool that is based on PHP and MySQL. The best part about wordpress is that It is free of cost, and also we can take advantage of it for our personal and commercial website.

2. Is a website on WordPress secure and safe?

WordPress is safe and secure to operate. In the sense that we don't have to worry about anything, although the best part is that Wordpress will still suggest updating your site with the latest WordPress version to avoid hacking.

3. Are there any limitations for WordPress websites?

Everything has its own sets of pros and cons and so does WordPress. You can use it for e-commerce sites, photo galleries and any other type of site you can think of. Some of the disadvantages of WordPress are:

  • It uses numerous plugins that can make the website heavy to load and run.
  • You should have the PHP knowledge as it is required to make modifications or changes in the WordPress website.
  • You need a backup copy of the website as you might need software to be updated to keep WordPress up-to-date with the current browsers and mobile devices. Updating WordPress versions leads to loss of data, so a backup copy of the website is required.
  • You might find that to Modify and format the graphic images and tables is difficult.

4. When was WordPress released initially? When is it announced as open-source software?

The initial release date was on 27th May 2003 and it was done by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little. In October 2009 WordPress was announced as open source.

5. What do you think is the latest version of WordPress?

According to me WordPress is 4.9.8 released on Aug 02, 2018 is the latest version.

6. What are the different system requirements for installing WordPress?

You need the following for installing:

Database - MySQL 5.0 +

  • Web Server -
    • The WAMP (Windows)
    • The LAMP (Linux)
    • The XAMP (Multi-platform)
    • The MAMP (Macintosh)
  • The Operating System - Cross-platform
  • The Browser Support - IE (Internet Explorer 8+), Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera
  • The PHP Compatibility - PHP 5.2+

7. What are the steps that should be followed for installing WordPress?

The steps to be followed to install wordpress are as follows:

  • You should download the wordPress from this website (
  • You have to Extract the downloaded files and then upload it on your web server or localhost.
  • Then try to Open your web browser and navigate to the wordPress file path. Then you will be able to see the first screen of the WordPress installer.
  • It is now In the next step that you have to select your preferred language.
  • Then you will see the information that is needed for the database before proceeding with the WordPress installation.
  • Now you have to enter the details of your MySQL in the database.
  • Then WordPress will then check the details provided by you and display a confirmation screen.
  • In the next step, you have to enter the administration details.
  • After entering the administration details, click on the "Install WordPress" button.
  • Then after the successful installation, you get a screen showing "success." You will be able to see the username and the password on this screen.
  • Enter your username and password on the subsequent screen and click 'login.'

8. Could you explain the components shown on the home screen of WordPress.

  • On the left side of the screen, the Dashboard menu includes navigation menu options for posts, media library, pages, and comments.
  • Screen choices refers to the component of the home screen that shows several types of widgets that can be shown or hidden on specific screens. This component also includes checkboxes for displaying or hiding certain screen choices, as well as the ability to alter areas of the admin interface.
  • The Welcome component of the home page allows us to edit WordPress themes by clicking the customize your site button. In addition, the center column contains some handy links, such as creating a page and viewing the front end of your web page, as well as generating a blog post. Furthermore, the last column offers connections to menus, widgets, and comment settings.
  • Quick Draft refers to the home screen component that includes a tiny post editor that is used to draft, save, and publish posts from the admin dashboard. This comprises the draft's title, followed by some notes about the document, and saving it as a draft.
  • The WordPress news refers to the component of the home screen that displays the most recent news about the current WordPress software version.
  • The Activity component of the home screen displays the most recent comments and published posts. It also lets you respond to, edit, remove, approve, or disapprove comments.
  • You can also move comments to spam. At a glance this component of the home screen displays an A summary of your blog postings, including the number of published posts and pages, as well as the number of comments.

9. Is it possible to SEO a WordPress site to show it on Google first page?

So, the wordPress includes an inbuilt SEO search engine benefit. Therefore you can also have an additional plug-in in WordPress to help with SEO and rank on a favorite search engine like Google.

10. Are you aware of the difference between character 23 and x23?

So, there are almost 23 specimens and including the one octal 23 and x23 determine the hex 23.

11. According to you, What do you think are the hooks? Can you define different types of hooks in WordPress?

As the Hooks enable users to create the WordPress themes or the plug-ins with shortcode without changing the original files.

These are the two types of hooks:

  • Action hooks: Action hooks refers to facilitating you to insert an additional code from an outside resource.
  • Filter hooks: Filter hooks refers to facilitating you to add content or text at the end of the post.

12. What do you think are the most thrilling and valuable elements of WordPress?

Some of the most valuable and thrilling elements which make WordPress very popular are as follows:

  • It is Easy to install and upgrade
  • It also has an In-built SEO engine
  • It also has Free and easy theme selection
  • It has Flexibility
  • It also has a Multilingual- available in more than 70 languages
  • No It has own data- no unwanted advert on your website
  • It has the Flexibility and Easy publishing option

13. Why do you think WordPress uses MySQL?

The below mentioned are few of the reasons why to use MySQL with WordPress:

  • It is an Open source
  • It is also Extremely fast
  • It is a widely available database server
  • It also supported by low-cost Linux hosting

14. By default, how many tables are there in WordPress?

There are about 11 tables in WordPress by default. So if someone wants to analyze the quantity of tables in WordPress by phpMyAdmin.

  • The wp_commentmeta
  • The wp_comments
  • The wp_links
  • The wp_options
  • The wp_postmeta
  • The wp_posts
  • The wp_terms
  • The wp_term_relationships
  • The wp_term_taxonomy
  • The wp_usermeta
  • The wp_users

15. What is the default prefix of WordPress tables?

As you know, The wp_ is by default prefixed with WordPress tables.

16. In WordPress, objects are passed by value or by reference.

As you know, In WordPress, all objects are passed by the value.

17. What do you think is a way through which you can call a constructor for a parent class?

So You can call a constructor for a parent class by this way:

Parents: constructor($value)

18. In which cases, WordPress is not suitable for a website?

The below mentioned are some of the situations when WordPress is not recommended:

  • In this case,If the client is working on a non-CMS based project.
  • There are sophisticated and innovative e-commerce sites.
  • The Sites that require custom scripting solutions.

19. Do you think WordPress is the best CMS or any other CMS is better than WordPress?

There is no doubt that WordPress is a good CMS, however Drupal and Joomla are also considered superior CMS to deal with.

20. Which is considered more secure or

Therefore it is the, it is relatively more secure than and because they limit the themes and there they do not allow plugin's installation. However, the security of your website is dependent on the hosting business and the actions they take to prevent security issues.

21. Can you please Explain the posts in WordPress?

The Posts in wordpress allow you to write a blog and post it on your site. However, They are also listed in reverse chronological order on the front page of your blog.

22. Explain pages in WordPress.

Pages are not the same as posts. They are immobile and do not alter frequently. So that you can add additional pages with information about you and your site.

23. According to you What is the difference between WordPress posts and pages?

The WordPress posts are content printed on a site with an exact date and time. Therefore They can be categorized systematically by category and tags. Therefore it is listed in the reverse chronological order on a website.

The WordPress pages are fixed and hence do not frequently change like contact us, about us, privacy policy. Also the pages don’t have a date and time published. Although the date and time published is stored by the database.

24. What do you think is a loop in WordPress?

So WordPress uses the PHP codes to show posts. Therefore the loop is the PHP code.

25. What is the way to disable WordPress comments?

So You can disable the WordPress comment on the dashboard. So select the panel, and then you will see under the options- discussion there you will find "Allow people to post the comment”. Then here you have to Uncheck this option to disable comment.

26. What is the way to edit a WordPress comment?

You can use the dashboard to edit WordPress comments. That you can find From the panel, that is under the Comments option, then select edit to edit a comment.

27. Can you Explain moderate comments in WordPress?

So the visitors' Comments on a post are not published directly unless the admin provides it. And It is referred to as moderation. To change comment moderation settings, you have to select Settings option from the dashboard and the. Then You have to check the option that is "Comment must have been manually approved."

28. Do you know How to allow only registered users to comment on WordPress?

If you don't like seeing a comment from a new user on your blog then you should check the option "Users must be registered and logged in to comment" from Discussions under the Settings option.

29. Could you Explain Avatar and Gravatar in WordPress.

So the Word Avatar is used for a user's profile image in online communications. And Gravatar is a web-based service that allows its users to use the Avatar image.

30. According to you , How can you handle the situation if your WordPress site is hacked?

Suppose you encounter a situation when you’re Wordpress site is hacked then You should follow these steps:

  • You should Install security plugins like WP security
  • You should Re-install the latest version of WordPress
  • You should Change password and user-ids for all your users
  • You should Check your themes and plug-ins are up to date

31. Could you please Explain Categories in WordPress.

The Categories allow a user to divide its content into different sections. The Different topics published on a single website can then be divided into different groups. And It tells a reader what a post is about and they can easily find their content from a lot.

32. What can you do to convert a category into a tag?

WordPress gives you the option to convert a category to a tag and a tag to a category. Install Categories and Tags Converter from the Import option in the Tools section to accomplish this.

33. Could you please explain Tags in WordPress.

With the help of tags, similar posts can be grouped. Hence, it makes it more comfortable for the users to search for a particular post. Although people find Tags are the same as categories, they are still distinct.

34. Could you please Explain the difference between WordPress Categories and Tags.

The WordPress Categories are broad-ranging. It helps a user to identify a blog. A post must have at least one category.

And the WordPress Tags are like categories, but they are used to describe a post more specifically. Tags are not necessary for every post.

35. What do you think are the types of users WordPress have?

A WordPress user role determines which users have access to a WordPress site.

  • Administrator: Have complete control over a website.
  • Editor: They are in charge of a website's content part.
  • Author: They are solely concerned about their posts. They have the option to delete their post even after it has been published.
  • Contributor: A contributor does not have the authority to publish their article or page. They must submit it to the administrator for evaluation.
  • Subscriber: Users who have subscribed to your site can log in and edit their profile.
  • Follower: They have no right. They can simply read your post and leave comments on it.
  • Viewer: They can only read and comment on a post as a viewer.

36. What are WordPress Themes?

You can customize the layout and appearance of your website in the front end by using a WordPress theme.

37. How will you select a WordPress theme?

WordPress themes should complement your site. It can be either free or paid. An ideal theme should have qualities like simple, responsive, supported plugins, and SEO friendly.

38. What is the difference between custom themes and normal themes?

The Custom themes are designed to be very simple to format. To make changes in the coding section, you don't need much technical experience. The custom theme supports SEO search, however with an SEO plugin available, it would be similar to a standard theme.

39. What do you think is the difference between free and paid WordPress themes?

The Free and premium WordPress themes are quite different in many ways. Therefore, with the free themes, you should have to compromise with the quality as many other sites using the same theme. Therefore the problems in premium themes are solved much more quickly than in free themes.

40. What do you think are the WordPress Plugins?

WordPress plugins are programmes written in the PHP scripting language that extend the functionality of a WordPress site or provide new features. They also supply an application with additional functions.

41. When will you not be able to see the plugin menu on a WordPress site?

The plugin menu does not appear when a site is hosted on free You also can't see the plugin menu if you don't have an administrator account.

42. What WordPress plugins can you use to construct a contact form?

To develop a contact form in WordPress, you can use a plug-in such as Gravity Forms or a free plugin such as Contact Form 7.

43. Explain the difference between WordPress Plugins and Themes.

A theme is an exterior effect of the presentation and design of a website. A plugin, on the other hand, is an internal effect that adds or removes functionalities from a website.

Themes can be used to customize some functionality instead of installing plugins, however plugins cannot replace themes.

44. How to update a WordPress site?

You should constantly upgrade your WordPress site to the most recent version. When a new WordPress version is released, an update message appears on your admin screen.

A WordPress site can be updated in two ways:

  • One-click update
  • Manually update

45. How to improve security on a WordPress site.

WordPress site security is critical because these sites are popular targets for hackers. A site cannot be completely safe, however it can be reduced by implementing certain security measures.

The following are some security precautions for a WordPress site:

  • Choosing a host
  • Strong password
  • 2 step login authentications
  • Limit number of login attempts
  • Use SSL=-p-
  • Keep site updated

46. How to reset password in WordPress?

If you forget or lose your account password, WordPress allows you to reset it using a variety of methods.

There are four methods for resetting your WordPress password:

  • Change the password from the dashboard
  • Reset the password via email
  • Manually reset password through the database via PhpMyAdmin
  • Using emergency password reset script

47. What can be done to improve a WordPress site's performance?

Optimization enhances your site's speed and has the best possible result. The majority of search engines utilize a ranking system to determine website position.

Many tricks exist to optimize a WordPress site. A few of them are listed below

  • Use CDN
  • Use a caching plugin
  • Use a simple theme/framework
  • Keep site updated
  • Split long posts into smaller pages

48. What are WordPress template tags?

You can use Template Tags to pull in content from your database with ease. It is an object that instructs WordPress to pull data from the database.

49. How can I best implement metadata in WordPress?

When applied to a website, meta-tags are keywords and descriptions which let readers see what the site is about.

50. What is the meaning of custom fields in WordPress?

A custom field can also be called post meta. In a nutshell, this is a tool for allowing users to add extra information with their posts. To display this metadata, use Template Tags in WordPress Themes.


Hope this article was able to give a thorough idea about the different WordPress interview questions and answers. Applicants should take the time to read them and prepare for their job interview well in order to successfully get the job. You can also choose Simplilearn's Full Stack Java Developer program. This program can help you hone the right skills and make you job-ready in no time.

If you have any questions or queries, feel free to post them in the comments section below. Our team will review and get back to you at the earliest.

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