The PSM certification enhances a professional's ability to guide their team in using Scrum effectively, leading to improved team dynamics, increased productivity, and better project outcomes. Employers often view PSM-certified individuals as assets who can drive significant transformations, leading to career advancement opportunities and potential salary increases. As the demand for agile expertise grows, a PSM certification can substantially distinguish an individual in a competitive job market.

Importance of Professional Scrum Master Certification

The Professional Scrum Master (PSM) certification holds significant value for anyone aiming to excel in agile project management and Scrum practices. This certification, recognized globally, validates an individual's proficiency in the principles and process theory underpinning the Scrum framework, including team roles, events, and artifacts. By acquiring a PSM certification, professionals demonstrate their commitment to continuous improvement and a deep understanding of agile methodologies, which is highly regarded in industries prioritizing rapid and responsive project execution.

What Is the Professional Scrum Master (PSM) Certification?

The Professional Scrum Master (PSM) certification is a widely recognized accreditation designed to validate an individual's expertise and understanding of the Scrum framework—a popular agile project management methodology. It emphasizes a deep knowledge of Scrum principles, including its roles, events, and artifacts, and the ability to apply this knowledge practically to effectively lead and manage Scrum teams.

Offered by, the PSM certification involves passing one or more rigorous exams that assess a candidate's proficiency in Scrum practices. There are different levels of certification - PSM I, PSM II, and PSM III - each representing a deeper level of understanding and mastery. PSM I focuses on the foundational aspects of Scrum, PSM II on the application of Scrum, and PSM III on a more advanced and nuanced understanding of the framework and how to coach and interact with teams and stakeholders.

Professionals who earn this certification are highly capable of implementing Scrum in their teams and organizations, leading to improved project management, increased team efficiency, and better product delivery.

Levels of PSM Certification

The Professional Scrum Master (PSM) certification offered by is structured across three distinct levels, each designed to certify different degrees of knowledge and practical application of the Scrum framework. These levels cater to various professional needs and depths of understanding, from basic to advanced.

PSM I (Professional Scrum Master I)

  • Focus: This level focuses on the foundational knowledge of the Scrum framework, including its roles, events, and artifacts, as well as the rules that bind them together, as described in the Scrum Guide.
  • Exam Details: The assessment is an 80-question multiple-choice test that must be completed in 60 minutes.
  • Objective: The goal is to demonstrate a fundamental understanding of how to apply Scrum. This verifies that the candidate knows and understands the Scrum framework well enough to use it competently in team environments.

PSM II (Professional Scrum Master II)

  • Focus: At this level, the focus shifts to applying Scrum, including the principles and processes in managing and leading Scrum teams.
  • Exam Details: This is a more challenging exam, comprising 30 questions (a mix of multiple-choice and essay-based) that must be completed in 90 minutes.
  • Objective: PSM II certification ensures the holder can apply Scrum in complex, real-world situations. It tests a deeper understanding of the nuances of leadership and behavioral shifts necessary in the Scrum Master role to guide and support teams and stakeholders effectively.

PSM III (Professional Scrum Master III)

  • Focus: This is the most advanced level, assessing a candidate’s ability to understand the nuances of Scrum and apply them in complex organizational scenarios. It also evaluates the candidate's ability to mentor and lead others.
  • Exam Details: The assessment includes 34 questions combining multiple-choice and essay formats, requiring a broad and deep understanding of Scrum practices. The test duration is 120 minutes.
  • Objective: Candidates who achieve PSM III certification demonstrate a distinguished mastery of Scrum, including understanding its application and practices, coaching abilities, and leadership. They can promote and support Scrum in their organizations and among their peers.

Factors Influencing the Professional Scrum Master Certification Cost

The cost of obtaining a Professional Scrum Master (PSM) certification can vary based on several factors. Understanding these elements can help you anticipate the overall expenses involved in achieving this credential:

Level of Certification

The cost differs depending on the level of certification (PSM I, PSM II, PSM III). Each successive level typically involves more advanced material and a more challenging examination, often resulting in higher fees.

Training Course

While training courses are not mandatory for PSM exams, many candidates enroll in official training courses to better prepare. These courses are usually provided by trainers and can vary significantly in cost based on the trainer’s expertise, course materials, and duration.

Examination Fees

Each level of the PSM certification requires passing a specific exam, which has a set fee. For instance, the fee for the PSM I exam is around $200, while PSM II and PSM III are more expensive.

Retake Costs

You may need to pay for subsequent retakes if you do not pass the exam on your first try. Some training providers include a free or discounted retake as part of the training course package, but not all do.

Geographical Location

Costs may vary by country due to differences in economic factors, currency exchange rates, and the local market for Scrum training. For instance, training in North America might be more expensive than in other regions.

Training Mode

Training costs can also vary based on the mode of delivery. In-person training sessions are generally more expensive than online courses due to additional costs like venue, logistics, and possibly travel and accommodation for the participant.

Additional Learning Materials and Resources

In addition to the core training and examination fees, some candidates might purchase additional study guides, books, or practice exams, which can increase the overall cost.

Membership or Affiliation Discounts

Some organizations offer discounts on training and certification to their members or employees. It’s worth checking whether such benefits are available through professional associations or your employer.

Professional Scrum Master Certification Cost Breakdown

The cost of obtaining a Professional Scrum Master (PSM) certification can vary based on the specific level of certification you are pursuing. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the costs associated with each level of the PSM certification:

PSM I (Professional Scrum Master I)

Exam Fee: $200 per attempt. This fee is for the exam alone and is payable directly to

Training Cost: Training courses cost around $1,400, depending on the provider and the training format (in-person or online).

PSM II (Professional Scrum Master II)

Exam Fee: Approximately $250 for taking the PSM II exam.

Training Cost: Training for PSM II generally costs around $1,400. The training is more advanced and focuses on real-world Scrum applications.

PSM III (Professional Scrum Master III)

Exam Fee: Approximately $500. The PSM III exam fee is higher due to the advanced knowledge and understanding required.

Training Cost: Training costs for PSM III can range around $2,000. These courses are typically more intensive and may offer more personalized instruction.

General Considerations

  • Retake Fees: If you fail an exam and choose to retake it, each attempt will incur the same exam fee.
  • Geographical Variation: Costs can vary by location due to economic factors, local demand, and the specific prices set by local training providers.
  • Discounts and Bundles: Some training providers offer discounts for early registration, bundles that include the exam fees, or discounts for groups. These can significantly reduce costs.

Best Training Courses for PSM

When preparing for the Professional Scrum Master (PSM) certification, selecting the right training course can significantly impact your understanding and application of Scrum principles. Simplilearn offers comprehensive courses tailored to PSM I and II certification levels. Below are the detailed insights into these courses:

Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I)

The Professional Scrum Master I training course by Simplilearn is designed to provide a solid foundation in Scrum and prepare participants for the PSM I certification exam. This course covers the principles and empirical process theory underpinning the Scrum framework and the role of the Scrum Master.

Course Content

  • Introduction to Agile and Scrum: Understanding Agile principles and values and Detailed exploration of the Scrum framework.
  • Scrum Roles: Responsibilities and interactions of the Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Development Team.
  • Scrum Events: In-depth analysis of Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective.
  • Scrum Artifacts: Detailed understanding of Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Increment, and Definition of Done and its importance.
  • Scrum Theory and Principles: Empirical process control, Scrum values, and their applications.
  • Cross-functional and Self-organizing Teams: Building and managing high-performing Scrum teams.


  • Live Online Classes: Interactive sessions with Scrum experts.
  • Self-paced Learning: Access to high-quality e-learning content.
  • Case Studies and Real-world Projects: Practical exposure through industry-relevant scenarios.
  • Practice Tests: Mock exams to help you prepare for the certification exam.
  • Certification: Upon completion, you receive a course completion certificate.


  • Comprehensive understanding of Scrum basics.
  • Preparation for the PSM I certification exam.
  • Practical knowledge to apply Scrum in real-world projects.

Course Link: Professional Scrum Master I Training

Professional Scrum Master II (PSM II)

The Professional Scrum Master II training course by Simplilearn is aimed at individuals who have a foundational understanding of Scrum and want to deepen their knowledge and expertise. This course is designed to help participants tackle more complex Scrum scenarios and prepare for the PSM II certification exam.

Course Content

  • Advanced Scrum Framework: Advanced concepts in Scrum theory and practice.
  • Scrum Master as a Coach and Facilitator: Enhancing team performance through coaching and Techniques for facilitating Scrum events effectively.
  • Servant Leadership: Principles of servant leadership and its application in Scrum.
  • Dealing with Complex Scenarios: Handling dependencies, scaling Scrum, and working with distributed teams.
  • Maximizing Value: Techniques to ensure value delivery through Scrum.
  • Continuous Improvement: Tools and techniques for fostering continuous improvement within the team.
  • Real-world Applications: Case studies and practical exercises to apply advanced Scrum concepts.


  • Live Online Classes: Interactive sessions led by experienced Scrum practitioners.
  • Self-paced Learning: On-demand access to extensive learning resources.
  • Hands-on Projects: Real-world projects to apply advanced Scrum techniques.
  • Practice Exams: Simulated exams to prepare for the PSM II certification.
  • Certification: Certificate of completion from Simplilearn.


  • Deepened understanding of advanced Scrum concepts.
  • Enhanced ability to manage and lead Scrum teams in complex environments.
  • Preparation for the PSM II certification exam.

Course Link: Professional Scrum Master II Training

Career Benefits of Being a Certified Scrum Master

Enhanced Job Opportunities

  • Broader Career Prospects: Certified Scrum Masters are in high demand across various industries, including IT, finance, healthcare, and more.
  • Global Recognition: The PSM certification is recognized worldwide, opening doors to job opportunities in different countries and regions.

Increased Earning Potential

  • Higher Salaries: Certified Scrum Masters often command higher salaries than their non-certified peers.
  • Bonus Opportunities: Many organizations offer performance bonuses to certified professionals who successfully implement Scrum practices.

Career Advancement

  • Leadership Roles: The PSM certification positions you for roles such as Scrum Master, Agile Coach, and Project Manager.
  • Promotion Prospects: Certification can catalyze promotions and career growth within your organization.

Professional Development

  • Enhanced Skills: Gain in-depth knowledge of Scrum practices, team management, and project execution.
  • Continuous Learning: Stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in agile project management.

Improved Project Outcomes

  • Efficient Project Management: Ability to lead Scrum teams effectively, ensuring timely and successful project delivery.
  • Quality Improvement: Implementation of Scrum practices leads to higher-quality products and services.

Networking Opportunities

  • Professional Community: Join a global community of Scrum professionals, enabling knowledge sharing and collaboration.
  • Industry Events: Access exclusive Scrum and Agile conferences, workshops, and seminars.

Job Security

  • Agile Transformation: As more organizations adopt agile methodologies, the demand for certified Scrum Masters continues to grow.
  • Future-Proofing: Certification ensures you remain relevant and valuable in a constantly evolving job market.

Organizational Impact

  • Cultural Change: Play a key role in fostering your organization's collaborative and agile culture.
  • Process Optimization: Help streamline processes, reduce waste, and improve efficiency.

Personal Satisfaction

  • Achievement: Earning a PSM certification is a significant professional achievement that boosts confidence and job satisfaction.
  • Contributing to Success: Enjoy the fulfillment of contributing to the success of your team and organization.

Consulting Opportunities

  • Independent Consultant: Certification can lead to an independent agile consultant career, providing expert guidance to various organizations.
  • Advisory Roles: Serve as a trusted advisor to businesses looking to implement or optimize their Scrum practices.

Boost Your Career With PSM Certification!

Enroll in the Professional Scrum Master Certification Training Course and master the skills to excel in Scrum principles and Agile project management. Gain hands-on experience, learn from industry experts, and elevate your career prospects. Start today and become a certified Scrum Master!


1. Is CSM or PSM better?

CSM (Certified ScrumMaster) and PSM (Professional Scrum Master) are highly respected Scrum certifications but differ in focus. CSM, offered by Scrum Alliance, is more popular and beginner-friendly, emphasizing Scrum fundamentals and role-playing. PSM, provided by, is more rigorous and theory-based, emphasizing a deep understanding of Scrum principles. The best choice depends on your career goals and learning preferences.

2. Who should pursue the PSM Certification?

The PSM Certification is ideal for professionals aiming to deepen their Scrum knowledge and enhance their careers in agile project management. This includes Scrum Masters, project managers, software developers, product owners, and anyone involved in agile software development. It's especially beneficial for those seeking to demonstrate their proficiency in Scrum practices and principles.

3. How long does it take to prepare for the PSM exams?

Preparation time for the PSM exam varies based on prior knowledge and experience. Typically, it can take 20-30 hours of focused study, including reading the Scrum Guide, practicing with mock exams, and participating in Scrum training courses. For those new to Scrum, additional study time may be needed to grasp the concepts thoroughly.

4. Is PSM Certification worth it for freelancers?

Yes, the PSM Certification is valuable for freelancers. It demonstrates a strong understanding of Scrum, making freelancers more attractive to clients seeking skilled, agile practitioners. The certification can open up more opportunities, command higher rates, and enhance credibility in the competitive freelancing market, especially for project management and software development roles.

5. What are the renewal requirements for PSM Certification?

The PSM Certification from does not require renewal. Once you pass the PSM exam, your certification is valid for life. This lifetime validity distinguishes it from other certifications that require periodic renewal and continuing education units (CEUs), making it a cost-effective and convenient option for professionals.