Technology literacy refers to the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to effectively and responsibly use technology tools, devices, and resources.

Technology is all around us and permeates every aspect of our modern existence. Advances and innovations have made many of our daily tasks easier to accomplish and have enriched our professional and personal lives.

Technology's dizzying growth rate shows us that technology literacy is essential to our daily lives. So, today we’re diving into the concept of technology literacy, including what it is, a comparison between media and technology literacy, essential elements, skills, and examples. Let us learn more about technology literacy.

What Is Technology Literacy?

Technology literacy is the ability to use, comprehend, manage, and analyze technology safely, effectively, and responsibly. This literacy includes using technology to evaluate, create and integrate information.

But technology literacy isn’t limited to just computers and the Internet; it can be applied to any technological device. The definition of technology is any device, system, or methodology created to solve a problem or help carry out a task.

What Is Technology Digital Literacy?

Technological digital literacy involves proficiency in using digital devices (smartphones, laptops, tablets) to access the Internet to discover, create, review, evaluate, and use information via different digital platforms.

Note that many of these definitions are fluid, changing, and evolving. For example, in some instances, technology digital literacy is referred to as just "digital literacy." But in this instance, we should consider technology digital literacy a sub-group, a specific form of technology literacy.

Media Literacy vs. Technology Literacy vs. Information Literacy

Media literacy can be defined as the ability to access, evaluate, analyze, or create media in various forms. Media literacy helps people digest the news, ascertain legit news from fake news, and digest the information. It’s not limited to the Internet, however. Media literacy includes television, newspapers, radio, magazines, books, etc.

On the other hand, technology literacy deals with navigating technology and getting the most out of it.

Information literacy is the ability to search for, identify, analyze, organize, apply, and communicate information regardless of the format and is used primarily in situations that require decision-making, problem-solving, or knowledge acquisition.

So, bringing together all three literacies, we get the following difference breakdown:

  • Information Literacy: The ability to locate, evaluate and use/apply information.
  • Media Literacy: The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create information in various forms.
  • Digital Literacy: The ability to use digital technology, networks, and communication tools to find, evaluate, and create information.

Difference Between Information Literacy and Technology Literacy

Here's a breakdown of the differences between information literacy and technology literacy:

Information Literacy

Technology Literacy


Information literacy refers to the ability to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use information from various sources. It involves critical thinking, research skills, and the ability to analyze and interpret information.

Technology literacy refers to the knowledge and skills required to effectively and responsibly use technology tools and resources. It encompasses understanding basic computer operations, digital communication, software applications, and digital citizenship.


Information literacy encompasses a broader set of skills related to finding, evaluating, and using information across different mediums, such as books, articles, databases, websites, and other sources. It focuses on the overall process of information seeking, evaluation, and application.

Technology literacy specifically concentrates on understanding and utilizing technology tools and resources. It includes proficiency in using computers, operating systems, software applications, digital devices, online platforms, and navigating the digital landscape.


The primary objective of information literacy is to develop critical thinking and research skills that enable individuals to effectively locate, evaluate, and use information to meet their needs. It aims to foster lifelong learning, decision-making abilities, and intellectual growth.

The main objective of technology literacy is to equip individuals with the skills necessary to use technology effectively and ethically. It focuses on providing the knowledge and competencies needed to navigate the digital world, communicate efficiently, and leverage technology tools for personal, educational, and professional purposes.


Information literacy emphasizes skills related to information evaluation, synthesis, and application. It focuses on understanding the credibility, reliability, and relevance of information sources, as well as the ability to integrate information into one's knowledge base.

Technology literacy concentrates on acquiring technical skills, understanding digital tools and platforms, and using technology efficiently. It emphasizes learning how to operate hardware and software, navigate interfaces, troubleshoot common issues, and stay updated with technology advancements.

While both are distinct concepts, they often intersect and complement each other. In the digital age, technology is a vital component of information literacy, as individuals must navigate digital platforms and tools to access and evaluate information effectively. Similarly, technology literacy benefits from information literacy skills by enabling individuals to find accurate and relevant information using digital resources.

Pitfalls of Technology Literacy

Since technology plays an increasing role in our lives, we must make sure that we are navigating technology in a manner that helps rather than hinders us. Technological literacy shows us how to get the most out of our technology while avoiding pitfalls.

And yes, there are pitfalls. The more features something has, the more challenges it poses, and the more things can go wrong. After all, a machine with 1,000 moving parts has a greater chance of developing a glitch than a device with just ten moving parts! But that machine with 1,000 parts can do more, and that’s the one we will want. So here we are, trying to make sure we get the full benefit of that complicated machine without it backfiring on us!

Here are some of the pitfalls of modern tech, things that, ideally, technology literacy will help mitigate:

1. Over-reliance

It’s possible to get too dependent on the latest gadgets. But if you're tech-literate, you are aware of how too much technology can draw you in, and hopefully, that literacy will help you strike a healthy balance.

2. Misinformation

Today’s media comes in many forms, and it’s easily accessed and available 24 hours a day. The choices are mind-boggling. Unfortunately, this glut of media has dramatically increased the chance of stumbling across misinformation, exaggeration, events taken out of context, and outright lies. A savvy, technologically literate person has a lower risk of getting duped.

3. Privacy Concerns

Thanks to recent tech innovations, we have video cameras everywhere, GPS trackers on our smartphones, wearable tech that monitors our health, and phones that can access the vastness of the Internet quickly and easily. The technologically literate consumer is mindful of secure personal passwords and knowing where to draw the line regarding personal privacy.

The Benefits of Technology Literacy

Let’s see what good stuff technology literacy brings to the table.

1. Improving Your Skills

The more you understand about technology, the easier it is to build up your old digital skills or learn new ones. With more of today's workforce going digital, it's wise to increase your proficiency. The more you use technology, specifically in the digital world, the more you will pick up, and that’s good news for your resume!

2. Technological Versatility

Technology is everywhere, so if you’re highly technologically literate, you become more comfortable using technology in many situations and get the best from it.

3. Raises Student Engagement

The more technology we introduce into classrooms, the more engaged students become. Technology provides students with a more immersive, engaging experience that enhances student learning. Furthermore, introducing technology literacy into the classroom teaches students how to make the most of technology and use it responsibly. Thus, the concept perpetuates itself to a new generation and develops a core of technological ethics.

Elements of Technology Literacy

Here are the eight critical elements of technological literacy:

1. Cultural

Understanding the online digital culture, how to behave, netiquette, and privacy.

2. Cognitive

Using different devices, software, and interfaces, and using standard features like navigation menus, profiles, hashtags, and settings.

3. Constructive

Understanding how to create things in the Internet community, including how digital content can be appropriated, reused, and repurposed. This elements also covers copyright issues and plagiarism.

4. Communicative

Learning how to communicate in the digital environment.

5. Confident

Grasping the idea that we belong and fit into an online community.

6. Creative

The art of creating things that have value online.

7. Critical

Using reasoning skills to evaluate, discern, scrutinize, and question digital content effectively. This element also covers telling reputable sources apart from less credible sources.

8. Civic

Realizing how to be a good digital citizen, including understanding their digital rights and responsibilities and using the digital environment to self-organize and be a part of something bigger than the individual.

What Are Technology Literacy Skills?

So, what skills should you master to achieve technological literacy? Here’s a breakdown of the critical technology literacy skills necessary:

1. Adaption

We’ve already established that technology changes fast. Tech-savvy people pick up new skills to effectively use new technology. As tech evolves, we must adapt.

2. Communication

Technologically literate people don’t just consume data; they create their own information and share it with others.

3. Comprehension

It’s essential to know how to make sense of what we see and read in the context of technology.

4. Evaluation

This skill covers the ability to critically analyze information to determine its accuracy, authority, validity, and reliability.

Technology Literacy Examples

Here are some examples of technology literacy:

  • Creating content: This includes posting to social media, making a YouTube video, and writing a blog post.
  • Communication: This includes sending and receiving emails, using video conferencing, and participating in online discussions.
  • Research: This includes using search engines to find information, evaluating the credibility of sources, and citing sources correctly.
  • Problem solving: This includes troubleshooting technical problems, identifying and resolving security risks, and using technology to find creative solutions to problems.
  • Collaboration: This includes working with others on projects, sharing files and information, and using technology to facilitate teamwork.
  • Critical thinking: This includes evaluating the accuracy and reliability of information, identifying bias, and making informed decisions about the use of technology.
  • Creativity: This includes using technology to express oneself, solve problems, and create new things.

As technology continues to evolve, so will the skills that are considered essential for technology literacy. Here are some additional examples of digital technology literacy skills:

  • Using productivity software: This includes word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software.
  • Using social media: This includes creating and managing social media accounts, using social media to connect with others, and using social media to promote oneself or one's business.
  • Using e-commerce: This includes making purchases online, managing online accounts, and using online payment methods.
  • Using cloud computing: This includes storing files online, accessing files from anywhere, and collaborating on projects with others.
  • Using security software: This includes protecting one's devices from malware, using strong passwords, and being aware of online security risks.

Technology literacy is an essential skill in today's world. By developing these skills, you can be more productive, communicate more effectively, and be more successful in your personal and professional life.

Making Sense of Technology

It's a vast, sprawling tech world, and it can be overwhelming. Fortunately, Simplilearn has the resources to help you make sense of it all. Simplilearn offers a fantastic array of online courses, bootcamps, tutorials, articles, and even free resources, all designed to improve your tech skills.

Whether you want to find a better job or just learn how to get the most out of today’s tech, Simplilearn has what you need. So visit Simplilearn today, and join the ranks of the technologically literate!

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