Adobe transformed the world by introducing PDF files. It is a dream of many software developers to work in this company. With a global reorganization, Adobe offers diverse job opportunities for software engineers, developers, engineering managers, and other applicants. Several open positions at Adobe might fit your experience and expectations. We have simplified the Adobe interview process for you to crack the interview in a single go! 

Adobe Interview Process

Adobe hires new graduates via traditional off-campus channels or campus recruitment drives. The experience holders apply through Adobe's career portal. CV Shortlisting Procedure at Adobe: Adobe follows specific criteria to shortlist applicants. It prefers: 

  • A strong background in CS
  • Developed problem-solving skills 
  • Proficiency in coding 
  • Proven practical experience

Adobe Online Coding Exam: The company uses coding sites like 'HackerRank' and 'CodinGame' to conduct coding exams online. Top performers with exceptional programming capabilities are often considered by the company. 

Interview Rounds

Adobe conducts 5-7 interview rounds to select the best candidates. 

1. Phone Screen: The recruiter provides a brief about the company and the position a candidate has applied for. They also put up a few questions to understand an applicant's work experience, technical skills and knowledge. 

2. Technical Phone Screen with a Recruiting Manager: A discussion with a recruiting manager on an applicant's resume follows next. The manager assesses the problem-solving skills, leadership abilities, and whether the candidate is a culture fit.

3. Online Technical Assessment: On passing the phone screen interview rounds, the candidate is sent a link to an online technical assessment. It comprises approx. 65 questions under two main sections: 

  • Aptitude and Logic: Tests quantitative and logic-based reasoning skills via 45 questions in 45 minutes. 
  • Technical and Coding: Tests knowledge of data structures, algorithms, and bit manipulation in the preferred programming language via 15-20 questions within 75-120 minutes.  

4. On-site Interview: Consists of four technical interview rounds and one HR interview round. System Design and Object-Oriented Design interviews are a must among the four technical ones. The other two depend on the position a candidate has applied for. Software engineers are required to code using a whiteboard in the coding rounds. 

5. HR Interview: The recruiter evaluates a candidate's core values and works dynamics via behavioral, situational, personal, and company-related questions.  

Tips for Adobe Interview Preparation

Whether you are a fresher or an experienced professional, the following sure-shot preparation tips will help you crack the most challenging Adobe interview questions and land the job. 

Preparation Tips

  • Be thorough with data structures: You should be prepared to solve easy to hard level problems on the following data structures: arrays, graphs, linked lists, heaps, hash sets, hash maps, stacks, trees, and queues. 
  • Practice algorithms: You should consistently practice questions on crucial algorithm topics, such as binary search, depth-first search, breadth-first search, divide and conquer, dynamic programming, merge sort, and quicksort. 
  • Refer to the best coding interview preparation books: Expert programmers compile their years of learning into coding interview preparation books. Some of the best options are: Cracking the Coding Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell, Elements of Programming Interviews in Java by Adnan Aziz, Tsung-Hsien Lee et al., and System Design Interview – An insider's guide by Alex Xu. 
  • Practice coding on popular platforms: The best coding sites for sharpening your competitive edge are TopCoder, Codility, HackerRank, CodeChef, and LeetCode. 
  • Prepare for follow-up interview questions: When practicing problems for a coding interview, you should also prepare answers for some follow-up, concept-based questions. Interviewers often put up follow-up questions in your preferred language. 
  • Develop a practice of explaining your approach: It is crucial to talk to the interviewer and explain your approach. This practice often fetches marks even if you do not arrive at the right solution but follow the optimal approach to a problem. When you think aloud, you can also get some hints from the interviewer. 
  • Enroll for mock interviews: Boost your confidence and get interview ready by practicing via mock interviews. Solving problems and explaining your approach during mocks like you would in an actual interview helps you get comfortable and fight stress.  

Tips for the Interview

  • Know your syntax: Be thorough with it, as forgetting the syntax can cost you your confidence and flow. 
  • Validate assumptions: Unverified assumptions can lead to invalid solutions. It is necessary to clarify your assumptions with the interviewer, even if it is small.
  • Understand constraints: It is crucial to consider the space and time resource constraints and valid input types and sizes.
  • Think well before you proceed: Avoid impulsively solving a question. To arrive at the optimal solution, pause to think and enhance your chances of success. 
  • Communicate your approach: The wisest technique for coding interviews is to update interviewers on how you arrive at a solution.
  • Decide a data structure and algorithm: Choose the ones appropriate for the question. Consider the given resource constraints while implementing a solution that compiles. Fix the minor details later when your solution is ready. 
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We hope this Adobe interview process guide helps you get your dream job. Want to know how you can increase your chances of working at Adobe? Sign-up for our PGP in Full-stack Development  and learn the basics of JavaScript. You will also be studying some advanced concepts like Angular, Spring Boot, Hibernate, JSPs, and MVC. 

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