Are you ready to dive into the world of cloud computing with AWS? Well, buckle up because you've landed in just the right spot! If you aim to crack the AWS Solutions Architect certification, getting a good grasp of the syllabus is essential. Let's break it down and turn the intimidating into something completely manageable. 


Becoming an AWS Solutions Architect is like being handed the keys to the cloud kingdom. You get to design scalable, cost-efficient, and secure AWS-powered systems. But, first things first—you need to know what you’re getting tested on. That's where this comprehensive guide to the AWS Solutions Architect syllabus comes in handy.

AWS Solutions Architect Syllabus

The AWS Solutions Architect certification is designed to validate your expertise in designing and deploying scalable systems on the AWS platform. This comprehensive syllabus covers many topics, ensuring you are well-prepared to create robust, secure, and efficient cloud solutions. Below is a detailed syllabus breakdown highlighting the essential focus areas.

AWS Core Concepts

Knowing the core concepts of AWS ensures you have a rock-solid foundation. This segment covers everything from understanding on-demand computing and storage to grasping the fundamentals of AWS architecture.

Overview of AWS Infrastructure

AWS infrastructure is vast and intricate, yet critical to your learning path. Familiarize yourself with data centers, availability zones, and regions. It’s all about understanding where and how AWS hosts and manages its vast resources.

Overview of Core Services (EC2, S3, RDS, etc.)

Core services are the bread and butter of AWS. EC2, S3, RDS—learn what they do, how they interact, and why they’re indispensable for different applications. This segment is the backbone of your AWS expertise.

AWS Account Setup and Management

Setting up and managing your AWS account might seem trivial, but it's crucial. Understand billing, security best practices, and how to optimize your AWS console experience.

IAM (Identity and Access Management)

IAM is your guard at the gate. Mastering IAM ensures you can control who has access to what within your AWS environment, safeguarding your resources against unauthorized access.

Compute and Related Features

Compute services form the core of cloud computing. Compute refers to the processing power required to perform computational tasks. This generally involves using central processing units, graphics processing units (GPUs), and other specialized hardware to execute various algorithms and operations.

EC2 Instance Types and Management

Learn the ins & outs of choosing the right EC2 instance type for your workload, scaling your instances, and managing their life cycles.

Auto Scaling and Load Balancing

Keep your applications robust and responsive with Auto Scaling and Load Balancing. Discover how these features ensure your apps can handle anything thrown at them.

Understanding EBS and EFS

Storage is critical, and understanding Elastic Block Store (EBS) and Elastic File System (EFS) can make or break your architecture. EBS provides block-level storage for EC2, while EFS offers scalable file storage.

Serverless Computing With Lambda

Serverless? It sounds like magic, but in reality, it’s AWS Lambda. Learn to run code without provisioning or managing servers, scaling precisely with your application's demands.

Storage Services

AWS Storage services offer various storage options with specific use cases and benefits. Understanding these services can help you architect your applications for scalability, availability, and cost-efficiency.

Amazon S3 Basics and Advanced Features

Amazon S3 is the king of storage services. Understand the basics and explore advanced features like lifecycle policies, versioning, and analytics.

Data Lifecycle Management

Effectively managing the data lifecycle ensures cost efficiency and compliance. Discover strategies to automate data archiving and deletion.

Storage Gateway and File Systems (EFS)

Bridge your on-premise and cloud storage with AWS Storage Gateway and understand how EFS offers scalable file solutions.

VPC Networking and Content Delivery

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) allows you to create a private network in the cloud. Learn the basics of VPC, including subnets, routing, security groups, and best practices for secure and efficient networking.

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Fundamentals

VPC is your private slice of the AWS cloud. Learn to create secure, isolated cloud environments to host your resources.

Route 53 and DNS Services

Route 53 is your go-to for DNS. Mastering it can ensure your web traffic gets routed effectively and efficiently.

CloudFront and CDN Implementation

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) like CloudFront ensure your content is delivered quickly, securely, and reliably to users around the globe.

Do you want to upskill and become a master cloud programmer? Then enroll now in our AWS Cloud Architect Master’s Program!


Databases are structured data collections designed to store, manage, and retrieve information efficiently. They serve as the backbone of any application that requires persistent data storage. Databases can be relational, like Amazon RDS, where data is stored in tables with relationships between them, or non-relational, like Amazon DynamoDB, which is optimized for scalability and flexibility without a fixed schema. 

Introduction to RDS and DynamoDB

Databases are core to any application. Understand the managed relational database service, RDS, and the NoSQL powerhouse, DynamoDB.

Aurora and ElastiCache

Amazon Aurora is a high-performance managed database, and ElastiCache is your in-memory database service. Learn how these services fit into your architecture.

Data Warehousing With Redshift

Data warehousing with Redshift is about handling petabytes of structured data. Learn how to set it up and utilize it effectively.


It is crucial to keep your data secure and compliant. You must learn best practices for securing your AWS infrastructure and compliance with industry regulations.

IAM Policies and Roles

Define precise authorizations using IAM policies and roles to maintain security without sacrificing functionality.

Encryption and Key Management

Data protection is paramount. AWS offers data encryption and key management tools that protect your data from prying eyes.

Monitoring and Compliance Tools

AWS offers tools like CloudWatch and Config to monitor your resources and ensure compliance with industry standards.

Serverless and Application Services

Serverless APIs allow developers to build and deploy backend services without managing the infrastructure. With this approach, developers can focus on writing code while the cloud provider handles server management, scaling, and maintenance. 

AWS Lambda and API Gateway

Combine the serverless power of Lambda with API Gateway to build scalable, efficient API-driven applications.

Messaging Services (SQS, SNS)

AWS messaging services like Simple Queue Service (SQS) and Simple Notification Service (SNS) ensure your application components communicate seamlessly.

Data Streaming With Kinesis

Kinesis is key for real-time data streaming. Learn how to collect, process, and analyze streaming data at scale.

Monitoring and Automation

Monitoring and automation are critical components in managing AWS environments efficiently. Monitoring involves continually overseeing and checking your AWS resources' performance, availability, and health. 

CloudWatch Metrics and Alarms

CloudWatch is your go-to for monitoring. Set up metrics and alarms to respond automatically to changes in your AWS environment.

Infrastructure as Code With CloudFormation

CloudFormation lets you treat infrastructure as code. Learn to define and provision AWS resources in a safe, predictable manner.

Automation Tools and Best Practices

Automation is vital for scaling and efficiency. Familiarize yourself with tools and best practices to automate AWS tasks seamlessly.

Container Service

In the world of AWS, a container service refers to a managed environment that enables containerized applications' deployment, management, and scaling. Containers combine an application and its dependencies into a single, portable unit that can run anywhere, ensuring consistency across multiple deployment platforms.

Container Orchestration (ECS, EKS)

Manage containers at scale with Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

Container Registry (ECR)

ECR makes storing, managing, and deploying Docker container images simple and scalable.

Serverless Containers With Fargate

Fargate allows you to run containers without managing servers. Learn how to deploy containerized applications effortlessly.


If you've made it this far, you're well on your way to acing the AWS Solutions Architect exam and anchoring yourself in the cloud computing domain. Preparation and understanding the syllabus thoroughly are your most excellent tools. To help with that, you can check out the AWS Solutions Architect certification training, specially designed for AWS aspirants from Simplilearn. 

Keep diving into the details, stay curious, and remember that every expert was once a beginner.


1. Is the AWS solutions architect exam hard?

It can be challenging, especially if you're new to cloud computing. However, with diligent study and hands-on practice, you can conquer it.

2. Is there coding involved in AWS solutions architect?

Yes, some coding is involved, mainly when dealing with infrastructure such as code (IaC) using tools like CloudFormation or scripting for automation. But don't worry. It's manageable even if you're not a coding wizard!

Our Cloud Computing Courses Duration and Fees

Cloud Computing Courses typically range from a few weeks to several months, with fees varying based on program and institution.

Program NameDurationFees
Post Graduate Program in DevOps

Cohort Starts: 23 Oct, 2024

9 months$ 4,849
Post Graduate Program in Cloud Computing

Cohort Starts: 23 Oct, 2024

8 months$ 4,500
AWS Cloud Architect Masters Program3 months$ 1,299
Cloud Architect Masters Program4 months$ 1,449
Microsoft Azure Cloud Architect Masters Program3 months$ 1,499
Azure DevOps Solutions Expert Masters Program10 weeks$ 1,649
DevOps Engineer Masters Program6 months$ 2,000