Reviewed and fact-checked by Sayantoni Das

Data is the currency of business, allowing smarter decision-making based on granular information. One of the leading tools for making sense of data in a business setting is Tableau, which enables interactive, data-based visualizations. As data-centric business processes continue to take hold, the demand for Tableau professionals grow too. And in order to get into one of these demanding fields, cracking those fierce tableau interview questions is paramount!

In this article you will learn a series of Tableau interview questions (and answers) you may encounter if you’re interviewing for a job using Tableau. Reviewing these Tableau interview questions and answers will help you ace your Tableau interview in one go! 

The video below will take you through some of the most asked Tableau interview questions and answers that will help you prepare for your next interview.

Most Asked Tableau Interview Questions 

1. What is Tableau?

Tableau is a powerful data visualization tool that allows users to connect to various data sources, create interactive dashboards, and generate insightful reports. Tableau is the Business Intelligence (BI) industry's most potent and fastest tool for visualising data. It turns the raw data into a format that is easy to understand. Tableau makes it faster to look at the data. Dashboards can be used to create visualisations. Data visualisations or diagrams make it easy for employees at all levels of an organisation to understand the information.

2. What are the different data connection options available in Tableau?

Tableau provides various data connection options, including Excel spreadsheets, text files, databases (such as SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL), and web data connectors.

3. How can you create a calculated field in Tableau?

To create a calculated field in Tableau, you can right-click in the data pane, select "Create Calculated Field," and then enter the desired formula or expression using Tableau's calculation syntax.

4. What is the difference between a dimension and a measure in Tableau?

In Tableau, a dimension is a categorical or qualitative variable that represents the characteristics or attributes of the data, while a measure is a quantitative or numerical variable that can be aggregated or summarized.

5. How can you create a dashboard in Tableau?

A tableau dashboard is a final step in creating the visualisation. First, make all of the charts in separate sheets. Then, click "add new dashboard" in the tab where you add new worksheets. You can also right-click on the "Add new sheet" button and choose "Add new dashboard" instead of "sheet." To create a new dashboard differently, click Dashboard in the toolbar. Once you've done one of those three things, you'll be brought to a new dashboard where you can begin piecing together your story by dragging the relevant sheets from the left panel onto the dashboard individually.

6. What is data blending in Tableau?

Data blending is a technique in Tableau that allows you to combine data from multiple data sources based on a common field or key. It enables you to analyze and visualize data that resides in different databases or files. Data blending is a more advanced way of combining two different data sources. For example, one data source shows the annual sales of a product in other countries, and another shows the profit and loss for each country each month. Different levels of segregation mean that a simple join won't work in this case. The first step will be to add up all the values in the second data source based on the year. After that, a join will be done. Tableau makes it very easy to do all of these steps because Tableau can find the field of country and year that is shared by two data sources and do a post-aggregate join on its own.

7. What is the purpose of a parameter in Tableau?

Parameters in Tableau allow users to define dynamic values that can be used to control various aspects of the visualization, such as filtering data, changing calculations, or modifying colors.

8. How can you perform data aggregation in Tableau?

Tableau provides various aggregation functions, such as SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN, COUNT, etc., which can be applied to measure fields. To perform aggregation, you can drag a measure field to the visualization and choose the desired aggregation function.

9. What are the different types of charts available in Tableau?

Tableau offers a wide range of charts, including bar charts, line charts, pie charts, scatter plots, maps, treemaps, heat maps, and more. Each chart type is suitable for different types of data and analysis purposes.

10. How can you share your Tableau workbooks with others?

Tableau provides several options to share your workbooks, such as publishing them to Tableau Server or Tableau Public, exporting them as image files or PDFs, or creating interactive Tableau stories that can be shared as web links.

Tableau Interview Questions for Beginners

11. What Are the Data Types Supported in Tableau?

Following data types are supported in Tableau:

  • Text (string) values
  • Date values
  • Date and time values
  • Numerical values
  • Boolean values (relational only)
  • Geographical values (used with maps)

12. How Will You Understand Dimensions and Measures?



  • Dimensions contain qualitative values (such as names, dates, or geographical data)
  • You can use dimensions to categorize, segment, and reveal the details in your data.
  • Example: Category, City, Country, Customer ID, Customer Name, Order Date, Order ID
  • Measures contain numeric, quantitative values that you can measure (such as Sales, Profit)
  • Measures can be aggregated
  • Example: Profit, Quantity, Rank, Sales, Sales per Customer, Total Orders

13. What is Meant by ‘discrete’ and ‘continuous’ in Tableau?

Tableau represents data depending on whether the field is discrete (blue) or continuous (green).

  • Discrete - "individually separate and distinct."
  • Continuous - "forming an unbroken whole without interruption."

The values are as shown:

14. What Are the Filters? Name the Different Filters in Tableau.

This is one of the most frequently Tableau interview questions. And you must try giving a thorough answer to this one! Tableau filters are a way of restricting the content of the data that may enter a Tableau workbook, Tableau dashboard, or view. 

The Different Types of Tableau Filters are:

  • Extract filters
  • Context filters
  • Data source filters
  • Filters on measures
  • Filters on dimensions
  • Table calculation filter

15. There Are Three Customer Segments in the Superstore Dataset. What Percent of the Total Profits Are Associated with the Corporate Segment?

Follow these steps:

  1. Drag segment field to the rows shelf. Here, segment consists of Consumer, Corporate, and Home Office 
  2. Double-click on the profit field under Measures. 
  3. Right-click on SUM (Profit) under marks card, select Quick Table Calculation and click on Percent of the total. 

Looking above, the corporate segment has 32.12 percent of the total profits. 

Tableau Interview Questions for Experienced

16. What Are the Different Joins in Tableau?

Joining is a method for combining related data on a common key. Below is a table that lists the different types of joins:

17. What is the Difference Between Joining and Blending?

Combining the data from two or more different sources is data blending, such as Oracle, Excel, and SQL Server. In data blending, each data source contains its own set of dimensions and measures.

Combining the data between two or more tables or sheets within the same data source is data joining. All the combined tables or sheets contain a common set of dimensions and measures.

Also Read: Top SQL Server Interview Questions And Answers

18. What is the Difference Between a Live Connection and an Extract?

This is another frequently asked Tableau interview question. Tableau Data Extracts are snapshots of data optimized for aggregation and loaded into system memory to be quickly recalled for visualization.

Example: Hospitals that monitor incoming patient data need to make real-time decisions.

Live connections offer the convenience of real-time updates, with any changes in the data source reflected in Tableau.

Example: Hospitals need to monitor the patient’s weekly or monthly trends that require data extracts.

Did You Know?

When you create an extract of the data, Tableau doesn't need access to the database to build the visualization, so processing is faster.

If you have a Tableau server, the extract option can be set to a refresh schedule to be updated. 

19. What is a Calculated Field, and How Will You Create One?

A calculated field is used to create new (modified) fields from existing data in the data source. It can be used to create more robust visualizations and doesn’t affect the original dataset.

For example, let’s calculate the “average delay to ship.”

The data set considered here has information regarding order date and ship date for four different regions. To create a calculated field:

  1. Go to Analysis and select Create Calculated Field. 
  2. A calculation editor pops up on the screen. Provide a name to the calculated field: Shipping Delay.
  3. Enter the formula: DATEDIFF (‘day’, [Order Date], [Ship Date])
  4. Click on Ok.
  5. Bring Shipping Delay to the view.
  6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 to create a new calculated field ‘Average Shipping Delay’ using the formula: AVG (DATEDIFF (‘day,’ [Order Date], [Ship Date]))

  7. Drag Region field to Rows shelf and SUM(Average Shipping Delay) to the marks card; the average delay for each region gets displayed.

20. How Can You Display the Top Five and Bottom Five Sales in the Same View?

We can display it using the In/Out functionality of sets.

Follow these steps:

  1. Drag the Customer Name field to Rows shelf and Profit field to Columns shelf to get the visualization.
  2. Create a set by right-clicking on the Customer Name field. Choose to create an option and click on Set.
  3. Provide the name ‘Top Customers’ to the set. Configure the set by clicking on Top tab, selecting By field, and filling the values as Top, 5, Profit, and Sum. 
  4. Similarly, create a second set called ‘Bottom Customers’ and fill the By Field values as Bottom, 5, Profit, and Sum. 
  5. Select these two sets and right-click on it. Use the option Create Combined Set. Name it ‘Top and Bottom Customers’ and include all members of both sets. Pull the Top and Bottom Customers onto Filters.

The top five and bottom five are displayed:

21. Is There a Difference Between Sets and Groups in Tableau?

A Tableau group is one dimensional, used to create a higher level category by using lower-level category members. Tableau sets can have conditions and can be grouped across multiple dimensions/measures.

Example: Sub-category can be grouped by category.

Top Sales and profit can be clubbed together for different categories by creating a set:

  1. Continuing with the above example of Sets, select the Bottom Customers set where customer names are arranged based on profit. 
  2. Go to the ‘Groups’ tab and select the top five entries from the list. 
  3. Right-click and select create a group option. 
  4. Similarly, select the bottom five entries and create their group. Hide all the other entries.

A key difference here is that the groups will consist of the same customers even if their profits change later. While for sets, if the profit changes, the top five and bottom five customers will change accordingly.

Did You Know?

We can’t use groups in calculated fields, but we can use sets.

22. What is a Parameter in Tableau? Give an Example.

A parameter is a dynamic value that a customer could select, and you can use it to replace constant values in calculations, filters, and reference lines.

For example, when creating a filter to show the top 10 products based on total profit instead of the fixed value, you can update the filter to show the top 10, 20, or 30 products using a parameter.

Continuing with the same example of top-five and bottom five customers, follow these steps:

  1. Select the drop-down arrow on the top right corner of the Data pane. 
  2. Click on Create Parameter and fill in the details:
  • Name - Number of top/bottom customers 
  • Select ‘Range’ for Allowable Values and fill the fields as:
    • Minimum - 5
    • Maximum - 20
    • Step - 5
  • Edit the set ‘Top Customers’ by changing the ‘By Field’ value of 5 with ‘Select number of top/bottom customers.’ Do the same changes in the ‘Bottom Customers’ set. 
  • Go to the created parameter on the Data pane, right-click on it and select ‘Show Parameter Control.’ Now, if you increase the step within the range, the data appears as per the parameter value set.

Following is the visualization for a step size of 10:

23. What is the Difference Between Treemaps and Heat Maps?

Heat Maps

A Heat map is used to compare categories using color and size. In this, we can distinguish two measures.

Scenario: Show sales and profit in all regions for different product categories and sub-categories.

Follow these steps:

  1. Drag Region field to Columns shelf, and Category and Sub-Category fields in Rows shelf. 
  2. Use the ShowMe tool and select the Heat Map.
  3. Observe the hotter and colder regions in the heat map produced:

A heat map is not only defined by color, but you can also use its size. Here we define the size by sale by dragging the Sales tab to Size under marks card, comparing profit and sales through the color and size.

Analysis: Profit is represented by color and ranges from orange for loss to blue for profit. The total sales are represented by size.  

Tree Maps

A Treemap is used to represent hierarchical data. The space in the view is divided into rectangles that are sized and ordered by a measure.

Scenario: Show sales and profit in all regions for different product categories and sub-categories.

  1. Select two dimensions Category and Sub-Category
  2. Select two measures Sales and Profit from the data pane. 
  3. Use the Show-me tool and select tree-map.

This is how it looks:

Analysis: The larger the size of the node, the higher the profit in that category. Similarly, the darker the node, the more sales in that category.

24. What is the Difference Between .twbx And .twb?

This is one of the most frequently asked Tableau interview questions, and you must answer this one in detail.


The .twbx contains all of the necessary information to build the visualization along with the data source. This is called a packaged workbook, and it compresses the package of files altogether.


The .twb contains instructions about how to interact with the data source. When it's building a visualization, Tableau will look at the data source and then build the visualization with an extract. It can’t be shared alone as it contains only instructions, and the data source needs to be attached separately.

25. Explain the Difference Between Tableau Worksheet, Dashboard, Story, and Workbook?

  • Tableau uses a workbook and sheet file structure, much like Microsoft Excel.
  • A workbook contains sheets, which can be a worksheet, dashboard, or a story.
  • A worksheet contains a single view along with shelves, legends, and the Data pane.
  • A dashboard is a collection of views from multiple worksheets.
  • A story contains a sequence of worksheets or dashboards that work together to convey information.

Also Read: Tableau Dashboard: Your One-Stop Solution For The Dashboards In Tableau

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26. What Do You Understand the Blended Axis?

Blended Axis is used to blend two measures that share an axis when they have the same scale. 

Scenario: Show Min and Max profit in the same pane and have a unified axis for both, so that it is quicker and easier to interpret the chart.

First, create a visualization that shows sales over time. Next, see profit along with sales over the same time. Here, you get two visualizations, one for sales over time and the other for-profit over time.

To see a visualization that has a blended axis for sales over time and profit over time, we bring in Measure Values and select the properties that we want to keep (Sales and Profit), removing all of the rest. You can now see profit and sales over one blended axis.

27. What is the Use of Dual-axis? How Do You Create One?

Dual Axis allows you to compare measures, and this is useful when you want to compare two measures that have different scales.

Considering the same example used in the above question, first create a visualization with sales over time and profit over time. To create a dual-axis, right-click on the second pill of the measures and select Dual Axis.

Observe that sales and profit do not share the same axis, and profit is much higher towards the end. 

The difference between a blended axis and a dual-axis chart is that the blended axis uses the same scale, while a dual-axis could have two different scales and two marks cards.

Scenario: We want to show Sales by year and Profit Ratio by year in the same view.

We create a visualization of sales over time and profit ratio over time. Observe that sales and profit ratio can’t use the same scale as the profit ratio is in percentage. As we want the two parameters in the same area, we right-click on Profit Ratio and select Dual Axis.

28. What Will the Following Function Return?

Left(3, “Tableau”)

Choose the correct answer:

  • Tab 
  • Eau 
  • Error 
  • None of the above

It will return an error because the correct syntax is: left(string, num_chars). So, it should be: Left(“Tableau,” 3)

Left returns a specific number of characters from the start of the given string. If the correct syntax is followed, the result would be ‘Tab.’

29. Find the Top Product Subcategories by Sales Within Each Delivery Method. Which Subcategory Is Ranked #2 for First-class Ship Mode? 

  1. First, draw a visualization using ship mode and subcategory. 
  2. Next, we take sales on to the visualization as a rank table calculation. 
  3. Right-click on Sales and select Add Table Calculation and change the Calculation Type to Rank. 
  4. Select Table Down, and you get the data as shown:

The chair is the subcategory, which is ranked #2 for the first class shipment mode.

30. What is the Rank Function in Tableau?

The ranking is assigning something a position usually within a category and based on a measure. Tableau can rank in several ways like:

  • rank 
  • rank_dense
  • rank_modified 
  • rank_unique

Consider five stores whose sales are as shown:

Let us understand how they are ranked based on their sales:

  1. Drag Store field to Rows shelf and Sales field to the marks card. 
  2. Create a Calculated Field named Rank and use the formula: RANK (SUM(Sales))
  3. Bring the Rank field to the marks card.
  4. Double-click on the Rank field, and you can see the rank assigned to the stores based on sales. 

Next, duplicate the Rank field by right-clicking on it and selecting Duplicate. Name the copy as ‘Rank Modified’ and use the formula:


Bring Rank Modified to the marks card to view the data. 

Repeat the same steps to create ‘Rank Dense’ and use the formula:


Similarly, create ‘Rank Unique’ and use the formula:


31. What Would You Do If Some Countries/Provinces (Any Geographical Entity) are Missing and Displaying a Null When You Use Map View?

When working with maps and geographical fields, unknown or ambiguous locations are identified by the indicator in the lower right corner of the view.

Click the indicator and choose from the following options:

  • Edit Locations - correct the locations by mapping your data to known locations
  • Filter Data - exclude the unknown locations from the view using a filter. The locations will not be included in calculations
  • Show Data at Default Position - show the values at the default position of (0, 0) on the map.

32. What is the Level of Detail (LOD) Expression?

A level of detail expression is used to run complex queries involving many dimensions at the data source level instead of bringing all the data to Tableau interface.

Consider a visualization as shown:

Here, the scales are shown for a category like Furniture and its sub-categories (Chairs, Tables, etc.). To look at sales for the furniture category as a whole and not its sub-categories, remove the sub-category from the calculation field as shown:

Now, the visualization looks like:

33. How Do You Calculate the Daily Profit Measures Using LOD?

LOD expressions allow us to easily create bins on aggregated data such as profit per day.

Scenario: We want to measure our success by the total profit per business day.

Create a calculated field named LOD - Profit per day and enter the formula:

FIXED [Order Date] : SUM ([Profit])

Create another calculated field named LOD - Daily Profit KPI and enter the formula:

IF [LOD - Profit per day] > 2000 then “Highly Profitable.”

ELSEIF [LOD - Profit per day] <= 0 then “Unprofitable”

ELSE “Profitable”


To calculate daily profit measure using LOD, follow these steps to draw the visualization:

  1. Bring YEAR(Order Date) and MONTH(Order Date) to the Columns shelf
  2. Drag Order Id field to Rows shelf. Right-click on it, select Measure and click on Count(Distinct)
  3. Drag LOD - Daily Profit KPI to the Rows shelf
  4. Bring LOD - Daily Profit KPI to marks card and change mark type from automatic to area.

The visualization is as shown:

34. How Can You Schedule a Workbook in Tableau after Publishing It?

  1. When you’re signed in to Tableau Server, go to Content > data sources or Content > Workbooks, depending on the type of content you want to refresh.
  2. Select the checkbox for the data source or workbook you want to refresh, and then select Actions > Extract Refresh.
  3. In the Refresh Extracts dialog, select Schedule a Refresh, and complete the following steps:
    1. Select the schedule you want.
    2. If available, specify whether you want a full or incremental refresh.

35. What Are the Different Types of Tableau?

The different types of Tableau are Desktop, Prep, Online, and Server.

Scenario-based Tableau Interview Questions

36. How Do You Handle Null and Other Special Values?

If the field contains null values or if there are zeros or negative values on a logarithmic axis, Tableau cannot plot them. Tableau displays an indicator in the lower right corner of the view, and you can click the indicator and choose from the following options:

  • Filter Data
    Excludes the null values from the visualization using a filter. In that case, the null values are also excluded from any calculations used in the view.
  • Show Data at Default Position
    Shows the data at a default location on the axis.

37. Find the Customer with the Lowest Overall Profit. What is Their Profit Ratio?

Draw a visualization between Customers and their profit and sort it from smallest to biggest.

Here, Cindy Stewart is the one who has the lowest profit. To determine her profit ratio:

  1. Create a calculated field named Profit Ratio. 
  2. Right-click on Profit Ratio under Measures and select Edit. 
  3. Enter the formula: SUM (PROFIT) / SUM (SALES) 
  4. Next, drag the Profit Ratio to the Label to find out Cindy’s profit ratio.

38. How Can You Embed a Webpage in a Dashboard?

Follow these simple steps to embed a webpage in a dashboard:

  1. Go to dashboard
  2. Double click the ‘Webpage’ option available under ‘Objects.’ 
  3. Enter the URL (here of the webpage in the dialog box that appears

You can see the webpage appears on the dashboard.

39. How Do You Make the Webpage Dynamic?

Begin by bringing Map by Sales into view. It shows the state's name and its sales.

  1. Go to the dashboard.
  2. Double click the ‘Webpage’ option available under ‘Objects.’ 
  3. Do not provide a URL in the dialog box that appears and click on Ok. 
  4. Click on the Dashboard in the menu and select ‘Action.’
  5. Click on ‘Add Action’ and select ‘Go to URL.’
  6. Enter ‘’ under the URL option. Click on the arrow adjacent to it and select ‘State.’
  7. Click on ‘Select option’ and hit ‘Ok.’

Now, when you click on any state like California, it brings up the California Wikipedia page. This is how to make it dynamic.

40. Design a View to Show Region Wise Profit and Sales.

Follow these simple steps to show region wise profit and sales:

  1. Drag Profit and Sales field to the Rows shelf
  2. Drag Region field to the Columns shelf

But for such Tableau interview questions, the interviewer may be looking for your mapping capabilities in Tableau. So, you need to follow these steps to show region wise profit and sales in a better way:

  1. Double click on the State field to get its view
  2. Go to Marks card and change the mark type from Automatic to Map.
  3. Bring Region field to Color on the Marks card
  4. Drag Profit, Sales, and State fields to Label on the Marks card

These steps produce a better view of region-wise profit and sales, as shown:

41. How Can You Optimize the Performance of a Dashboard?

There are multiple ways to optimize the performance of the dashboard like:

  • Maximize the number of fields and records. You can exclude unused fields from your visualization or use extract filters.
  • Limit the number of filters used, by avoiding quick filters and using action and parameter filters instead. These filters reduce query loads. 
  • use Min/Max instead of Average because average functions require more processing time than Min/Max
  • Use boolean or numerical calculations more than string calculations. Computers can process integers and boolean much faster than strings.

Boolean > int > float > date-time > string

42. Which Visualization Will Be Used in the given Scenarios?

  1. To show aggregated sales totals across a range of product categories and subcategories
  2. To show the duration of events or activities 
  3. To show quarter wise profit growth 

We would use the following visualizations for the given scenarios:

  1. Treemap
  2. Gantt chart
  3. Waterfall chart

Additional Tableau Interview Questions

43. What does it mean to data visualization?

Data visualisation is the process of showing data or information visually. We can use graphs, charts, bars, and many more things that are easy to see. Data visualisation tools make it easy to look at and understand the data.

44. What do Measures and Dimensions mean?

Measures and Dimensions are parts of a Tableau dataset that describe it.

Measures are amounts of data that can be counted and analysed against dimensions. Dimensions determine how many measures can be added to a single string. For example, an online shop's inventory can list the number of items, their prices, the number of things sold in the past, how they are paid for, etc. All of these can be thought of as steps.

On the other hand, dimensions are just descriptions that make it possible to see something. They let a user say different things about a single metric. All of these descriptions make up a dimension table.

45. Explain why data servers are essential in Tableau.

In Tableau, a data server has two jobs to do. One, it lets you keep your data, like datasets, past calculations, aliases, and definitions, in sync with the server so that you can access it from anywhere. This makes it possible to do any task more honestly. So, it gives you security and quick access.

Second, if you have a data server, you can download some of the data you need to a local machine to run a visualisation or report. Through the server, it is easy to get from the internet.

46. What's a heatmap? Describe a case.

A heatmap is a type of data visualisation that uses different shades of colours to show a data set. The darkest shade of a particular colour shows an extreme value (high intensity or density). Usually, it is used to compare two or more measurements.

A quick way to use a heatmap would be to learn about the human body's structure and see how warm it is based on the temperature of different organs. If the red and yellow colours are used, the red parts will show where the temperature is the highest.

47. In Tableau, what are aggregation and disaggregation?

Aggregation is the simple idea of taking the average of the values in a given column of a data set. If a report shows how the price of a product has changed over time, aggregation can help find its average value. Most of the time, Tableau automatically groups a set of data.

The opposite of averaging is disaggregation, which can be helpful if a user wants to look at each data point separately. You can also use both grouped and ungrouped data in the same worksheet.

48. Tell the difference between discrete and continuous.

There are two kinds of dimension flow in Tableau. They are discrete and continuous.

Discrete values are single points counted separately from a group of other issues. The number of states in a country is one example.

Continuous values let the user use values in a range that can be either finite or infinite—for example, how a company's stock price changes.

49. Give a story about Tableau as an example

A story is a set of worksheets or dashboards that work together to tell a message.

An example of this would be putting together two worksheets showing how well a company's employees are doing. On one worksheet, there are performance metrics and summaries for employees in levels L1 through L3. At the same time, the same information can be found on the second worksheet for employees in levels L3 and L4 (upper management). Since each employee's performance depends on the others' performance, this can give a big-picture view of how well the company's employees are doing as a whole.

This is used when the worksheets have different parameters and measures.

50. In Tableau, what is a context filter?

Context Filters can improve the dashboard's view when more than one filter is used. A filter in Tableau works on every row in the dataset, no matter what other filters are in place. By utilising a context filter, we can cut down on the size of the dataset. The rest of the filters will then be run on the smaller dataset, reducing the time it takes.

51. In Tableau, what is KPI?

By using the Key Performance Indicators in Shapes card, Tableau makes it easier to look at how well a company is doing based on some key indicators:

  1. Create a calculated field and mark the values as successful or unsuccessful based on the required parameter.
  2. Make a chart using a dimension and the calculated field you just made. In the marks card, change automatically to shapes.
  3. Put success and failure on the KPI shapes card to make things easier to understand.

52. How to make a doughnut chart in Tableau?

Tableau doesn't have a direct way to make a donut chart, but there are two ways to do it. If you want to show a donut chart on a sheet, you should make a pie chart and add another measure to the rows shelf. Now you can see two pie charts on the sheet. Change the second pie chart's colour to match the background and make it smaller. Then, right-click on the second instance in the rows shelf and choose "dual axis." Finally, remove any details that aren't needed. The second way to make a donut chart will only work in a dashboard. First, create a pie chart in a sheet and import it to the dashboard. Then, put a round image in the middle that is the same colour as the background.

53. What is a tableau server?

Tableau server is used to organise, edit, share, and work together on Tableau dashboards made on the Tableau desktop. It's safer for organisations because the data will only be seen by people who work there, and the administrator can decide how much control each user has. For example, a user might only be able to view the data, or only be able to edit it, or both.

54. What does bin mean in Tableau?

In Tableau, bins are containers of the same size used to store data values that fit in the size of the bin. In other words, bins divide the data into groups of the same size, which can be used to look at the data systematically. All of Tableau's discrete fields can be thought of as "bins" instead.

55. In Tableau, what is analysis?

Tableau has built-in tools to help you analyse the data on a chart. We have several tools, such as adding an average line to a chart. Once we drop the tool on the chart, Tableau does the math. There are also tools to explore and inspect data, such as clustering, percentages, making bands of a specific size, and more. These tools can be found on the "Analyze" tab of every sheet used to create a chart. The features only show up when they can be used on the worksheet.

56. How do I make sets in tableau?

Sets are custom fields that let you compare and ask questions about a subset of data. To make a set on a dimension, right-click on a size in the data pane and choose to create > set. On the "General" tab, select the fields used to figure out the set. On the conditions tab, you can set the conditions for making a set. On the top tab, you can also choose the top N members of the dataset based on any field. When a set is made, the measure is split into two parts, "in" and "out" of the set, based on the user's conditions.

57. In Tableau, what is the quick filter?

When you use a filter in Tableau, you can easily change how it works. For example, you can use it as a single-value drop-down list, a single-value list, a multiple-value list, a multiple-value drop-down list, or something else. After we add a filter to a sheet, we can right-click on the sheet to see all the quick filter options. If you change any of these options, the way the filter looks on the sheet will also change.

58. What is the tableau desktop?

Tableau Desktop is a product made by Tableau that is used to create, edit, and store data visualisations locally on a system. You can publish the visualisations to a server, online, or to the public after they are done or maybe even in the middle of the process. Tableau Desktop users can also edit any file made on another system in the same or a lower version of Tableau.

59. What does "page shelf" mean in Tableau?

Page shelf in Tableau makes it easier to understand and use multiple charts. If there is more than one plot on a single sheet and you want to see them one at a time, drag and drop the dimension that makes more than one chart onto the page shelf. Then, a button on the right side lets us look at the data one chart at a time.

60. How to figure out the percentage in Tableau?

To figure out how much of your worksheet's data it contains. To access percentage breakdowns, select Analyze > Percentages in the left-hand pane. Many other percentage breakdowns are available there, such as the percentage of the table, row, column, row in pane, pane, column in pane, and cell. Choose one of the options above, and then set the total amount for which the percentage is to be calculated. There is no way to give different options to rows and columns. The option you choose will be the same for all rows and columns.

61. What does "tableau developer" mean?

A tableau developer knows how to take raw data and use it to make data visualisations and get valuable insights. A tableau developer should be able to make advanced dashboards that are easy for other people to use and help them easily understand the data.

62. What is a tableau data engine?

The in-memory Data Engine used by Tableau is called Hyper. It makes it easier to import data and analyse it quickly. It lets the user make an extract file of a data set, which can be considered a smaller version of the dataset that still has all the data. This makes it faster to run different queries on the dataset. It makes it easier for the user to work with large datasets.

63. What's the difference between Power Bi and Tableau?

Tableau does a better job with large data sets than Power Bi .Tableau's customer service is better for both free and paid users, while Power Bi's customer service is only for paid users. Tableau's server-side storage and multiple data-source connectivities are two of its most appealing features. Power Bi, on the other hand, can only connect to a limited number of data sources and focuses more on reporting and analytical modelling than on storing data. Compared to Tableau, Power Bi has a better graphical user interface. It is also straightforward to use.

64. How do I hide the dashboard in Tableau?

Tableau doesn't have a way to hide a dashboard, but if you publish the dashboard to a website, you can set a command to show the dashboard only when a particular button is clicked. You can also hide sheets instead of dashboards before publishing the dashboard. So that when people first look at your viz, they only see the dashboard and not the individual sheets.

65. How do I use groups in calculated fields in Tableau?

You can make a group by right-clicking on a field in the data pane and choosing "Create" > "Group." Then, you can select the fields you want to group under the "General" tab and set the criteria for grouping under the "Conditions" tab. Then, right-click on this group and choose "create," "set," and "create a calculated field." You can then use this group as a set in this calculated field.

66. How to make hierarchy in Tableau?

Tableau creates a data source hierarchy based on the values in the fields by default. You can make your hierarchy in a way that fits your needs. Drag a field on the top of another field in the Data pane. When prompted, type the name of the hierarchy and press OK. After that, you can also add more fields to the hierarchy. By making a hierarchy, you can quickly move between the data categories you've made, which may be based on location, like country, state, city, or region.

67. How do I link R and Tableau?

First, download and install R on your computer. Then, use the command install.packages("Rserve") to install a package called Rserve. Once Rserve is installed, you can do this step only sometimes you want to use R from Tableau. The following steps, on the other hand, must be done every time you wish to link R to Tableau. Now, use the command library (Rserve) to bring the library into the current working environment, and then type Rserve() in the command window to connect R with Tableau. Now, go to Tableau's help menu and choose "Manage R connection." Enter "Localhost" as the server name and "6311" as the port. Click the "Test Connection" button to ensure everything is working correctly, and click "OK" to close the window.

68. What can't be done with Tableau?

Tableau is mainly used for visualising data, so it only does a small amount of pre-processing. When opened on a screen with a different resolution, dashboards look different. The price of Tableau is also high, and they don't offer any plans tailored to the needs of businesses. Users who use Tableau for free and post their work on Tableau Public can cause security problems because Tableau Public doesn't protect uploaded files.

69. Why do you need data aggregation or disaggregation to make charts in Tableau?

Depending on what the user wants, aggregation and disaggregation tell Tableau how to combine data. To make a chart, it must meet specific requirements, such as having one or two dimensions and one or two measures. And for measures, you have to choose the aggregation, such as sum, median, average, etc., or all the values will be shown as sum by default. And the person using the chart might want to see something different. So, it is essential to use the proper method of aggregation or, if necessary, to break up the data.

70. How does custom SQL work in Tableau?

Users can get the information they need with the help of a custom SQL. You can write your own SQL query when you connect Tableau to a data source. Once you're connected to a data source, on the data source page, double-click the "New Custom SQL" option. Then type the SQL query or copy and paste it into the text box, and when you're done, click OK.

71. How do I link MongoDB to Tableau?

To connect to Mongodb, you may need an extra driver. I suggest you get the driver from and install it. Once it's installed, open Tableau and choose "Connect" > "Mongodb BI connector." If you can't find it in the main list, you can find it under "To a server" > "More" > "Mongodb BI connector." Then, type in the server's name, user name, and password for the database that goes with it. When you connect to an SSL server, check the "Require SSL" box. Then click "Sign in." The data source is now ready to go.

72. In Tableau, what is a cascading filter?

Cascading filters can also be thought of as giving priority to one filter and then using other filters on a data source that has already been filtered. Right-click on the filter you want to use as the primary filter and ensure it is set to "all values" in the dashboard. Then, select the following filter and choose only the relevant values to cascade the filters. This will improve the dashboard because you have reduced the time wasted running all of the filters over the whole data source.

73. What is the "Tableau Reporting Tool"?

Creating a dashboard is also a form of reporting because once you're done designing the dashboards to meet the client's needs, they can be used in ppt, pdf, or any other required file type, as long as they're compatible with the view you've made. These interactive dashboards allow the client to set the filters and parameters to see custom charts in different situations.

74. What does "view in tableau" mean?

The term "view" refers to how data from a source is shown in a worksheet. A view can be anything. It could be a plot, a chart, a graph, or even a table. Then, all of these points of view are put together on a dashboard to make a single story and show how they all fit together.

75. How can I make Tableau work better?

There are many ways to improve performance, but one of the simplest is to use the "extract" option on the data source. This is one of the most effective ways to improve performance. Once you're done making dashboards, run the performance recorder from the help menu. It will tell you which sheets are slowing down your Tableau and why. You should try to lower the marks. Try using fewer filters, or if you need to, use the include field instead of the exclude field. Use the context filter to sort through large amounts of data, and try to use cascade filters to cut down on the time it takes for a query to run.

76. In Tableau, what is a workbook?

A workbook is a complete set of sheets, dashboards, and stories you have made on tableau desktop or public, saved on your local system or published on tableau public. You can get the workbook for tableau public by clicking on the link to its website.

77. What is the most miniature version of the Android operating system that can be used with tableau mobile?

Tableau mobile works on devices that have Android 7 or higher. Visualisations made on the tableau desktop, tableau server, or Tableau online can be viewed on tableau mobile.

78. What do "live" and "extract" mean in Tableau?

The extract is a snapshot of the data set up so it can be added up. Extracts are loaded into the system, which makes Tableau run better. Whereas extracts won't help when data is constantly updated because we have to manually refresh the data for each change, a live connection might slow down the processing. Still, it will update the data source itself. So, you should only use a live connection when data is constantly being changed. Otherwise, you should use an extract file.

79. In Tableau, what is a scatter plot?

A scatter plot shows how two or more measures, with or without dimensions, relate to each other. To make a scatter plot, you need at least one measure in each row and column. You can then use different dimensions to add more details—marks over colour and information on the card. In a scatter plot, the data points are drawn in a space, and their shapes depend on the values in the measures.

80. What are cycle fields in Tableau used for?

Cycle fields let you try and switch between different colour combinations or views in a loop. It will only work if we have a chart showing more than one measure, like a stacked bar chart, and we can't finish the visualisations. In that case, we can use cycle fields. To use the cycle field, go to the toolbar and click on the analysis menu. Then, click on cycle fields to quickly look at a different way to display the data.

81. In Tableau, what are marks?

A Marks card helps add details to the chart because it can give different colours based on a category and change the size of a line, circle, or bar in the chart based on any measured value. Marks card is also used to put labels on the chart and add details to the view. It is also used to control the tooltip and how it looks, which should improve the visualisations.

82. How do you connect Tableau to your website?

A developer needs to know everything about Tableau's Javascript API to connect Tableau to a website. It allows you to examine and manipulate a Tableau spreadsheet or dashboard without ever having to leave the convenience of your browser. Tableau has given a complete list of all the functions used in the Javascript API. Some of the essential functions are also shown how to be used in the free tutorial section. When published on Tableau Public, Tableau Online, or Tableau Server, all dashboards and worksheets are automatically linked to the Javascript API. A developer only needs to call that API in HTML code to start interacting with it.

83. How do I display an axis in Tableau?

You can choose whether to show or hide an axis. To hide the axis, right-click on the axis and uncheck "Show header." To bring back the hidden axis, right-click on the fields in a row or column and choose "show header."

84. How do I add a logo to the dashboard in Tableau?

In the dashboard objects pane, there is a choice to import an image. Make sure you have chosen the floating type instead of the tiled type, which is the default. Drag the image object to the dashboard, and select the logo you saved on your computer in .png, .jpg, or.jpeg format. Users can use the small drop-down menu on the right side of the image and choose "Send to Back" to use it as a background. They can then make it bigger to use as a watermark logo.

85. What's the difference between .twb file and .twbx extension?

A.twb file has information about all the sheets, dashboards, and stories but needs to be about where the data came from. The .twbx file, on the other hand, has all the sheets, stories, dashboards, and compressed data sources. The data source needs to have an a.twbx extract done to save. If we send an a.twb file to someone else, they will be able to look at the worksheets and dashboards but not the dataset.

86. How do I clean up my data in Tableau?

At the top or bottom of a data file, there may be a description of what the file is about. Tableau won't be able to make sense of the data in its current form. After connecting to the data file, you need to turn on the data interpreter in the left panel. It will eliminate the unwanted rows from the data source in Tableau without changing the file the data is coming from.

87. How do I publish Tableau reports to Tableau Server?

Open the workbook you want to publish to Tableau Server. Make sure you are on a working sheet that will be sent to the server. If you don't, you won't be able to see "Publish Workbook" in the toolbar's "Server" menu. After you click "Publish Workbook," sign in to your tableau server account and give it the name you want it to have on the server.

88. In Tableau, what does it mean to assume referential integrity?

When you know that two data sources have the same references in a column, you can use the "assume referential integrity" option. Then, you can use the feature "assume referential integrity" to define the relationship between the two data sources and "join" them. To implement referential integrity, drop the second table on the side of the first table. It will then ask you to match the column to perform the join, after which you can choose the reference column, and Tableau will perform the join based on the reference and type of join.

89. How do I make a group in Tableau?

People in the same field are put together in a group. You can create groups in several ways, including selecting data in the view or from a lot in the Data pane. When you select multiple data points in view, the tooltip will show an option to group. You can use this option to create a group or right-click on a field in the Data pane and choose to Create > Group. Now you can select a few members you want to group and click the group button.

90. How do I use Tableau to make a longitude and latitude?

Tableau makes it very easy to get longitude and latitude. Drag and drop countries, states, cities, or any other geographical field into the view, and Tableau will automatically plot the places on the map. Then, choose all the data points, right-click, and select "view data." On the tab called "View Data," you can see the generated longitude and latitude next to the country name. You can also export this data from Tableau to use in another programme or another data source.

Face the Tableau Interview Questions Like a Pro

The best time to prepare for that all-important Tableau job interview is before you even start looking for a job. By participating in user groups, publishing your work, and doing the other activities suggested in this Tableau Interview Questions article, you’ll lay the groundwork for a better job interview by being more prepared but also by having tangible proof of your efforts. 

Certification is one of the best ways to prepare for a Tableau job interview if you’re still somewhat new to the analytics field. And Simplilearn has the right certification program for you. The Simplilearn Caltech Post Graduate Program in Data Science course will teach you the concepts of Tableau Desktop 10 as you become proficient with Tableau statistics and build interactive dashboards. Also, you’ll learn to master data sources, create data extracts, and organize and format data as well as learn visualization and data analysis techniques, among many other skills. This Tableau training is designed for professionals seeking to start to advance a career in data analytics, as well as business users who want to develop Tableau proficiency. The course will also prepare you to face any kind of Tableau interview questions and demonstrate your skills.

And in case you have any questions about these tableau interview questions, drop a comment below, and our experts will get back to you right away!

Data Science & Business Analytics Courses Duration and Fees

Data Science & Business Analytics programs typically range from a few weeks to several months, with fees varying based on program and institution.

Program NameDurationFees
Post Graduate Program in Data Science

Cohort Starts: 28 Oct, 2024

11 months$ 3,800
Applied AI & Data Science

Cohort Starts: 29 Oct, 2024

14 weeks$ 2,624
Post Graduate Program in Data Analytics

Cohort Starts: 7 Nov, 2024

8 months$ 3,500
Professional Certificate in Data Analytics and Generative AI

Cohort Starts: 7 Nov, 2024

5 months$ 4,000
Caltech Post Graduate Program in Data Science

Cohort Starts: 11 Nov, 2024

11 months$ 4,000
Professional Certificate Program in Data Engineering

Cohort Starts: 13 Nov, 2024

32 weeks$ 3,850
Data Scientist11 months$ 1,449
Data Analyst11 months$ 1,449

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