Agile Vs Waterfall: Choosing the Best Methodology

The initial and most crucial step in software development involves deciding on the development methodology to adopt. Among the various methodologies available, the Waterfall Methodology and the Agile Methodology stand out as the two most significant models. In this Agile vs Waterfall Methodology comparison, we aim to delineate their key differences and similarities. This analysis is designed to assist you in identifying which methodology aligns best with your project requirements, enabling you to make a more informed choice.

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Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The Software Development Life Cycle is a structured process software engineers and IT teams use to develop, maintain, and replace software systems, ensuring quality and correctness. The SDLC framework provides a step-by-step methodology for planning, creating, testing, deploying, and maintaining software. Each phase of the SDLC has its objectives, and specific deliverables are delivered to the next phase. Understanding the SDLC's different phases can help manage the complexity of software development projects, reduce risks, and ensure on time completion of the project. Here’s a breakdown of the main phases:

1. Planning and Requirement Analysis

The first phase is crucial for laying the project's groundwork. Stakeholders discuss the project's requirements, objectives, and scope. This phase involves detailed analysis to identify the needed resources, risks, and timelines. The outcome is a project plan or a requirements document.

2. Design

In this phase, the software's architecture and design are developed. This includes defining the software's overall structure, its components, and how they interact with each other and with external systems. Design considerations include system interfaces, data models, and software and hardware platforms. The deliverables include design documents and specifications that guide the next phases.

3. Implementation or Coding

Here, the actual development of the software takes place. Developers use the design documents to write code in the chosen programming languages. Good practices like coding standards, code reviews, and version control are crucial in this phase to ensure quality and maintainability.

4. Testing

Once the software has been created, it is examined to find and correct any flaws or problems. This stage may involve different testing methods - unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing - to ensure the software complies with all specified criteria and is devoid of defects.

5. Deployment

The software is deployed to the production environment, where the end users can access it. Depending on the deployment strategy, this might be done in stages. Initial deployment may be followed by an evaluation period to ensure the software operates as expected.

6. Maintenance

After deployment, the software enters the maintenance phase, where it will reside for most of its lifecycle. This phase involves regular updates, bug fixes, and possibly adding new features. It's crucial for keeping the software relevant and operational over time.

Variations and Models

There are several SDLC models that organizations can choose from, depending on their project's needs, including:

  • Waterfall Model: A step-by-step method where each stage must be finalized prior to the commencement of the subsequent one.
  • Agile Methodology: Focuses on flexibility and customer satisfaction by continuously delivering functional software components.
  • Spiral Model: Combines elements of both design and prototyping in stages, emphasizing risk analysis.
  • DevOps: Focuses on fostering teamwork and open dialogue among software developers and IT experts to streamline and automate the software deployment and infrastructure updates process.

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What Is the Waterfall Model?

The Waterfall Model is one of software development's earliest and most straightforward methodologies. It is a sequential design process often used in software development, where progress flows steadily downwards  similar to a waterfall through diverse phases. This highly structured model divides the software development process into distinct phases, each with specific deliverables and a review process.

How Does Waterfall Work?

The Waterfall model works in a linear and sequential manner, where each phase must be completed before the next phase can begin. There are no overlapping or iterative steps. The process flows like this:

  1. Requirements Analysis: This is the first step, where the project team and stakeholders define the requirements in detail. It involves gathering all the specific details needed to guide the project through to completion.
  2. System Design: The system's architecture and design are created based on the requirements gathered. This phase outlines the system's overall structure, including data storage, modular architecture, and the delineation of system components.
  3. Implementation: With the system design in place, the actual coding or programming of the software begins. Developers must follow the predefined specifications closely to ensure the design is accurately translated into code.
  4. Integration and Testing: After coding, the software components are integrated into a complete system, and extensive testing is performed to detect and correct defects. Testing ensures that the software meets all specified requirements and is bug-free.
  5. Deployment: After the software is tested and ready, it is deployed into the production environment, where it becomes accessible to the end-users. Initial deployment may be limited to a specific user group before a full rollout.
  6. Maintenance: Post-deployment, the software enters the maintenance phase, where it is updated, repaired, and enhanced over time-based on user feedback and evolving requirements.

Features of Waterfall

  1. Linear and Sequential Approach: The model follows a strict linear order, with no phase beginning until the prior phase is complete. This makes the process straightforward to understand and manage.
  2. No Iteration: Once a phase has been completed, there is no mechanism to return to any previous phase. Changes or errors found in later stages require restarting the entire process, making the model less flexible.
  3. Clear Objectives and Milestones: Each phase has specific deliverables and review processes, making it easier to track progress and milestones.
  4. Well-Documented: The Waterfall model requires extensive documentation at each phase due to its structured nature. This can be beneficial for understanding the project's evolution and maintaining the software post-deployment.
  5. Predictability: With its defined stages and review processes, the Waterfall model allows for relatively easy predictability regarding project timelines and budgets.

Linear-Sequential Life Cycle Model

The Linear-Sequential Life Cycle Model, often synonymous with the Waterfall Model in software engineering, is a straightforward approach to software development and system engineering. This model structures the development process into a sequence of distinct phases. The concept is based on traditional engineering practices and provides a disciplined, rigid framework for project management. It emphasizes meticulous planning, scheduling, and documenting the development process, making it suitable for projects with well-defined requirements and outcomes.

Key Characteristics

  • Sequential Flow: The process flows linearly from the idea's conception to its deployment and maintenance, like water flowing over a series of steps. Each step represents a distinct phase in the software development life cycle like requirements gathering, system design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance.
  • No Overlapping or Iteration: Unlike Agile or iterative models, the Linear-Sequential model does not allow for revisiting or overlapping phases. Once a phase gets completed, the project moves forward to the next phase without going back. This makes it critical to get each phase right before proceeding.
  • Phase Completion Dependency: Progression from one phase to the next depends on the completion and approval of the current phase. This dependency ensures thoroughness but can introduce delays if revisions are necessary.
  • Emphasis on Documentation: Each phase produces specific deliverables, including comprehensive documentation that facilitates clear understanding, communication, and continuity throughout the project's life cycle. This documentation is also vital for maintenance and updates post-deployment.


  • Predictability in schedules and budgets due to the model's structured nature.
  • Comprehensive documentation facilitates maintenance and compliance with standards.
  • Suitability for projects with well-defined requirements and low risk of changes.


  • Inflexibility to accommodate changes or errors identified in later phases without significant rework.
  • Potentially slow response to evolving user needs and market trends.

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Pros of Waterfall Model

  1. Simplicity and Ease of Understanding: The Waterfall Model is straightforward to understand and use. Its linear approach makes it easy for new team members to grasp the process quickly. Each phase has specific deliverables, making it easy to manage.
  2. Well-defined stages: The clear separation of development phases allows for better organization and managerial control. Each phase has defined goals and deliverables, which facilitates thorough documentation.
  3. Easy to Manage: The waterfall model is easier to manage due to its sequential nature; each phase acts as a checkpoint.
  4. Emphasis on Documentation: The Waterfall Model stresses thorough documentation at each phase. This detailed documentation ensures a solid product development and maintenance foundation and helps transfer knowledge between team members.
  5. Ideal for Smaller Projects: The waterfall model can be highly effective for small projects with clear requirements. When the project scope is clear and unlikely to change, this model allows for quick and straightforward development.

Cons of Waterfall Model

  1. Difficulty in Accommodating Changes: The biggest drawback of the Waterfall Model is its inflexibility in dealing with changes. Once a phase is completed, it is difficult and often costly to go back and make changes. This can be problematic if the project requirements are not well-understood upfront or if they evolve over time.
  2. Late Testing Phase: In the Waterfall Model, testing only occurs after the build phase, which means that any bugs or issues are discovered late in the process. If significant problems are found, this can lead to delays and increased costs.
  3. Poor Model for Complex Projects: For projects that are complex or have an undefined scope, the Waterfall Model is not suitable. It does not handle iterative or evolving requirements well, making it difficult to adapt to changing needs.
  4. Assumption of Requirements Stability: The model assumes that all requirements can be gathered up front and remain stable, which is often not true in real-world projects. This can lead to a mismatch between the finished product and stakeholder expectations.
  5. Risk and Uncertainty: The Waterfall Model carries a higher risk and uncertainty because it does not allow for much feedback from end-users or stakeholders until the project is near completion. If the product needs significant changes, implementing them can be costly or impossible.

What Is the Agile Model?

The Agile Model is a highly flexible and interactive approach to software development that emphasizes adaptability, customer satisfaction, and iterative progress. Unlike traditional models like Waterfall, which treat software development as a sequence of strictly defined phases, Agile approaches software development as small, manageable increments known as sprints or iterations. The Agile Model is not just a set of practices for software development but a mindset guided by values outlined in the Agile Manifesto, emphasizing individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change.

Stages of the Agile Life Cycle

The Agile life cycle can be viewed as a continuous loop that focuses on constant improvement and adaptation throughout the project's duration. The cycle typically includes the following stages:

1. Concept - Project Planning

This initial stage involves identifying the project's scope, objectives, and potential challenges. Stakeholders, including clients and development teams, discuss the project's vision and agree on initial expectations.

2. Inception - Team Setup

Once the project is defined, a cross-functional team will work on the project. The team usually includes developers, designers, and testers who collaborate closely throughout the project.

3. Iteration/Construction - Development Sprints

This core phase of the Agile life cycle involves iterative cycles of development where the software is designed, developed, and tested in small increments. Each iteration typically lasts 2-4 weeks, resulting in a potentially shippable product increment. Feedback is gathered at the end of each iteration to guide future development.

4. Release - Product Release

After several iterations, when the product reaches a level of maturity and fulfills the necessary criteria, it is released to the market. The release stage involves final testing, user training, and deployment activities.

5. Production - Ongoing Support

Once the software is in use, ongoing support is provided to address any issues, make improvements, and ensure the product continues to meet user needs.

6. Retirement - End of Life

Eventually, the software may reach its end of life, either due to technological obsolescence or because a newer system has replaced it. At this point, the software is retired, and support ceases.

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Features of Agile

  1. Iterative and Incremental Development: Agile breaks down the project into small, manageable units, allowing for frequent reassessment and adaptation of plans.
  2. Emphasis on Individuals and Interactions: Agile prioritizes direct communication and collaboration over rigid processes and tools. The project's success hinges on the team's ability to work together effectively.
  3. Customer Collaboration: Customers or end-users are involved throughout the development process, providing feedback and adjustments.
  4. Responsiveness to Change: Agile methodologies welcome changing requirements, even late in development, to improve product competitiveness and customer satisfaction.
  5. Sustainable Development: Teams in an Agile project aim for a sustainable pace of work, avoiding burnout and maintaining high levels of productivity over time.
  6. Continuous Delivery of Value: The aim is to frequently release functional software, ranging from a few weeks to a few months in duration, favoring shorter timelines whenever possible.
  7. Reflective Improvement: Following each cycle, teams engage in reflection to identify ways to enhance their efficiency, subsequently making necessary adjustments to their practices.

Pros of Agile Model

  1. Flexibility and Adaptability: One of the most significant advantages of Agile is its inherent flexibility. It allows teams to adapt to changes in customer requirements, even late in the development process. This ensures that the final product aligns more with the customer's wants, even if their needs evolve.
  2. Customer Satisfaction: Agile methodologies increase customer satisfaction by involving the customer throughout development. Customers have numerous opportunities to see the work being delivered and to make adjustments, ensuring the final product meets their needs.
  3. Improved Quality: Agile methodologies encourage regular testing, and the iterative nature of the process means that errors are spotted and rectified early. This not only improves the quality of the software but also reduces the time and cost associated with fixing bugs.
  4. Increased Collaboration and Ownership: Agile promotes a collaborative working environment where team members work closely together and share responsibility for the project's success. This approach boosts morale, encourages accountability, and leverages diverse skills within the team.
  5. Faster Time to Market: With its focus on delivering small, working increments of the product regularly, Agile can help reduce the time to market. Early and frequent releases mean businesses can benefit from their investment sooner and generate revenue early in the development cycle.

Cons of Agile Model

  1. Less Predictability: The flexibility of Agile comes at the cost of predictability. Since requirements can change frequently, it can be challenging to predict the final outcome, total costs, and exact delivery dates at the start of the project.
  2. Requires More Customer Involvement: The success of an Agile project heavily relies on continuous customer or stakeholder involvement. This can be a drawback if the customer does not have the time, interest, or expertise to participate actively in the process.
  3. Difficulty Scaling: Agile methodologies can be challenging to scale in large organizations or for projects with multiple interconnected teams. The need for close collaboration and communication can become a bottleneck in large-scale implementations.
  4. Risk of Scope Creep: Given Agile's iterative nature and flexibility, there's a potential risk of scope creep, where features or requirements continue to be added without proper review, potentially leading to delays and increased costs.
  5. Not Suitable for All Types of Projects: Agile may not be the best fit for projects with fixed scope and requirements or where the end product is clearly defined from the start. In such cases, more traditional methodologies offer better predictability and control.

Key Differences Between Waterfall and Agile


Waterfall Model

Agile Model


Sequential and linear

Iterative and incremental


Low; changes are difficult and costly once the project is underway

High; welcomes changes even in late development stages

Project Planning

Extensive planning at the beginning of the project; changes are discouraged

Minimal upfront planning; plans evolve as the project progresses

Customer Involvement

Limited after the requirements phase

Continuous and high throughout the project


Conducted after the completion of the development phase

Integrated throughout the development cycles


Single delivery at the end of the project

Incremental delivery throughout the project

Risk Management

Risks are identified and addressed during the initial stages

Risks are managed throughout the project

Feedback Incorporation

Feedback is generally incorporated in future versions

Feedback can be incorporated into the ongoing project

Project Scope

Defined clearly at the beginning, and changes are rare

Dynamic and adaptable based on ongoing feedback

Team Structure

Teams work in silos based on the phase of the project

Cross-functional, collaborative teams


Emphasizes comprehensive documentation at the start

Documentation is lightweight and produced as needed


Best for projects with clear, fixed requirements

Suited for projects with evolving requirements

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Common Similarities Between Agile Project Management and Waterfall

  1. Goal-oriented: Both methodologies deliver high-quality software products that meet or exceed customer expectations. They are structured approaches designed to achieve specific project goals within time, cost, and scope constraints.
  2. Phases of Development: Despite their different arrangements, Agile and Waterfall encompass similar phases of software development, including planning, designing, developing, testing, and deploying. The primary difference lies in how these phases are executed and organized throughout the project lifecycle.
  3. Importance of Documentation: While Agile emphasizes working software over comprehensive documentation, it still recognizes the importance of necessary documentation. Similarly, Waterfall requires documentation at various stages of the development process. Both methodologies understand that documentation is crucial in project transparency, knowledge transfer, and future maintenance.
  4. Stakeholder Involvement: In both methodologies, stakeholder involvement is critical for the project’s success. Waterfall involves stakeholders in the early stages of requirements gathering and project planning, while Agile seeks continuous engagement and feedback. However, the underlying principle is the same: understanding and incorporating stakeholder needs and expectations are essential.
  5. Quality Focus: Quality assurance is a cornerstone of both Agile and Waterfall methodologies. In Waterfall, quality is managed through detailed planning and extensive testing at the end of the development phase. In Agile, continuous integration and testing are employed to ensure quality throughout the development process. Both approaches aim to deliver a final product without defects and meet quality standards.
  6. Project Management Tools: Agile and Waterfall employ project management tools to track progress. Tools like Gantt charts, Kanban boards, and various software applications can be adapted to fit either methodology.
  7. Risk Management: Risk management is inherent in both methodologies, although the approaches differ. Waterfall attempts to identify and mitigate risks in the initial stages of the project, while Agile addresses risks continuously through its iterative nature. The goal in both cases is to minimize the impact of potential problems on the project’s outcome.
  8. Customer Satisfaction: Ultimately, the end goal of both Agile and Waterfall methodologies is to deliver a product that satisfies customer needs and expectations. The path to achieving this goal may vary, but the focus on delivering value to the customer is a common thread.

Why Does Agile Reject Waterfall?

1. Flexibility to Change

Agile accommodates changes in requirements, even late in the development process. Waterfall's linear and sequential nature makes it difficult and costly to incorporate changes once the project has progressed beyond the initial stages. Agile's iterative approach allows teams to adjust their plans and deliverables based on ongoing feedback, making it more adaptable to evolving project needs.

2. Customer Involvement and Satisfaction

Agile methods promote continuous involvement of the customer or end-user throughout the development process. This regular interaction helps ensure that the final product aligns closely with the customer's expectations and needs. In contrast, Waterfall typically involves the customer primarily at the project's beginning (requirements) and end (delivery).

3. Emphasis on Working Software

Agile focuses on the early and continuous delivery of valuable software, prioritizing working software over extensive documentation. While documentation is not disregarded, Agile values it as a means to an end, not an end in itself. Waterfall, meanwhile, often requires comprehensive documentation before any coding begins, which can delay the development process and detract from focusing on the actual software functionality.

4. Risk Management

Agile methodologies provide a framework for managing risks more effectively by identifying and addressing them incrementally throughout the project lifecycle. This contrasts with Waterfall, where risks are typically assessed during the initial phases. If assumptions change or unexpected issues arise later in the project, Waterfall's structured phase dependencies can make adapting challenging.

5. Efficiency and Speed

Agile methods aim to deliver a product to market faster by breaking the project into smaller, manageable units that can be developed, tested and delivered incrementally. This approach can lead to quicker benefits realization and allows businesses to respond to market changes more swiftly. Waterfall's longer, more linear timeline can slow delivery and make it harder for businesses to pivot or capture new opportunities.

How Do Waterfall and Agile Compare?

Waterfall and Agile are two fundamental methodologies in software development, each with a distinct project management approach. Waterfall is a linear, sequential model that relies on meticulous planning and execution of project phases one after the other, from requirements gathering to deployment, emphasizing thorough documentation and adherence to initial plans.

In contrast, Agile adopts an iterative, incremental approach, focusing on flexibility, customer collaboration, and rapid delivery of small, functional project segments. Agile allows continuous feedback and adjustments throughout development to accommodate changing requirements and improve customer satisfaction.

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When Is Waterfall Methodology Better Than Agile?

  1. Well-Defined Project Requirements: When project requirements are clear, detailed, and unlikely to change, Waterfall can be more efficient. This stability allows for comprehensive planning and design before any development begins, reducing the need for rework.
  2. Regulatory Compliance and Documentation: The waterfall model benefits projects requiring extensive regulatory compliance documentation. Its sequential phases ensure that documentation is completed at each step, making it easier to meet stringent regulatory requirements.
  3. Fixed Budget and Schedule: Waterfall’s detailed planning phase allows for precise cost and time estimates for projects with a tight budget and a strict timeline. The Waterfall model's predictability helps avoid budget overruns and missed deadlines.
  4. Limited Client Involvement: In cases where the client or stakeholder cannot be continuously involved in the project, Waterfall offers an advantage. It requires client input primarily at the beginning and then progresses through its phases with less need for ongoing client engagement.
  5. Large or Distributed Teams: Waterfall can be more manageable for large or distributed teams that may struggle with the high levels of communication and collaboration required by Agile methods. The clear delineation of phases and tasks in Waterfall helps coordinate efforts among team members who may not have the opportunity for daily interaction.
  6. Complex, Non-Software Projects: While Agile is particularly suited to software development, Waterfall may be more appropriate for complex projects in industries like construction, manufacturing, or aerospace. These projects benefit from the sequential planning and execution model, where phases such as design, construction, and testing are distinctly separated and built upon each other.
  7. Projects with a Clear End Product: Projects aiming to create a product with a well-understood and unchanging set of features (e.g., a bridge, a building, or a physical product) may find Waterfall more suitable. The linear progression from concept through to completion aligns well with the fixed objectives of such projects.

Advantages of Agile Over Waterfall Model

Agile methodologies offer several advantages over the traditional Waterfall model, particularly in environments characterized by uncertainty and rapid change.

  • Agile allows for changes in project requirements at any stage of development, accommodating evolving customer needs and market trends. This flexibility ensures the final product is more relevant and valuable to the user.
  • Agile promotes continuous customer or stakeholder involvement throughout the project, allowing for regular feedback and adjustments. This ongoing engagement helps ensure the product meets customer needs and expectations, leading to higher customer satisfaction.
  • Agile delivers a minimum viable product (MVP) and then releasing iterations quickly. This can reduce the time to market, allowing businesses to respond more rapidly to market opportunities and customer feedback.
  • Agile incorporates testing early and often throughout the development process, allowing teams to fix issues promptly. Continuous integration and regular testing ensure high product quality from the start.
  • Agile manages risks more effectively by identifying and addressing them iteratively throughout the project. The incremental delivery model also allows for early detection of potential failures, reducing overall project risk.
  • Agile creates a collaborative work environment where cross-functional teams interact daily, share responsibilities, and make decisions collectively. This enhanced collaboration can lead to more innovative solutions and a more cohesive team dynamic.
  • Agile offers increased control over the project through its iterative planning and feedback loop. Regular reviews of progress and priorities allow for better oversight and adjustments as needed, ensuring alignment with project goals.

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Can You Combine Agile and Waterfall?

Yes, combining Agile and Waterfall methodologies is possible and beneficial under certain circumstances. This hybrid approach, often called the Water-Scrum-Fall model or Agile-Waterfall Hybrid, seeks to leverage the strengths of both methodologies to address the limitations of using each in isolation. The hybrid model aims to provide Waterfall's structure and predictability with Agile's flexibility and adaptability.

Key Characteristics of the Hybrid Model:

  • Upfront Planning
  • Agile Development
  • Waterfall Completion


By this point, you should have a solid understanding of the Waterfall and Agile methodologies. In the Agile vs Waterfall Methodology section, we've explored various aspects that could influence your decision-making process. Understanding these differences is crucial for choosing the methodology best suits your project's needs. Your choice should consider the project's scale, the available timeframe, and your team's proficiency. Opting for the ideal methodology will enable you to execute your project more efficiently and effectively.

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1. Is Agile more expensive than Waterfall?

Agile can initially seem more expensive due to its iterative nature, requiring ongoing stakeholder involvement and frequent iterations. However, its flexibility can lead to lower costs over time by reducing rework and adapting quickly to changes, potentially making it more cost-effective in the long run compared to Waterfall.

2. What is the difference between SDLC and Agile?

SDLC outlines the stages involved in software development, from planning to maintenance. Agile is a specific approach within the SDLC that emphasizes iterative development, customer collaboration, and flexibility.

3. How is Scrum different from Waterfall?

Scrum, an Agile framework, emphasizes iterative development, team collaboration, and flexibility to change. Work is divided into sprints. Waterfall is a linear, sequential approach where each phase must be completed before proceeding to the next, making it less adaptable to change.

4. How do I know whether Agile or Waterfall is best for my project?

Consider Agile if your project has dynamic requirements, needs frequent client feedback, and values adaptability. Choose Waterfall for projects with well-defined requirements, limited client involvement during development, and where a structured approach is necessary.

5. How do the costs differ between Agile and Waterfall methodologies?

Due to its iterative nature, Agile's costs are more fluid, which can lead to better cost control and value over time. Waterfall's upfront planning and linear execution can make initial costs predictable, but changes and issues discovered later in the project can significantly increase costs.

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Simplilearn is one of the world’s leading providers of online training for Digital Marketing, Cloud Computing, Project Management, Data Science, IT, Software Development, and many other emerging technologies.

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