A multinational corporation, Cognizant, offers a variety of IT services to various organisations, including digital technology, consulting, operations, and more. The company is headquartered in Teaneck, New Jersey. In 1994, it was launched as an internal unit of Dun & Bradstreet. In 1996, it began serving external companies as clients. 

About Cognizant Company

Cognizant helps businesses streamline processes, reimagine customer experiences, and modernise technologies to keep up with the constant changes in business environments. Its technology offers the tools and flexibility necessary for each person to develop their best self, whether changing the companies that the world relies on or helping you build your best self. In addition to information technology, security, consulting, ITO, and BPO, Cognizant also offers services in education and government. Cognizant has three key areas of focus: digital business, digital operations, and digital systems and technology.

Cognizant Recruitment Process

Cognizant believes in employing people that are driven to succeed and go above and beyond to contribute significantly with their digital expertise. Their hiring method takes into account the fact that students have varying levels of IT experience. They are offered jobs depending on their skills and interests in technology. 

The process for freshers happens in two ways:

  1. On-campus recruitment
  2. Off-campus recruitment.

The recruitment of experienced candidates takes place through job portals like:

  1. Naukri
  2. Monster jobs
  3. LinkedIn
  4. Indeed
  5. Employee Referrals

Written/Aptitude/Objective/Technical/Hr Rounds

The interview rounds are divided into

  • Aptitude Test / Skill Based Test

If you are a fresher, you must take the aptitude test first. Candidates can take the test on an online platform. Usually, freshers apply for the GENC position in Cognizant.

The Genc interview questions are divided into the following - 

While the experienced candidates have to take skill-based assessments. This test is based on previous experience and technology.

  • Technical Interview

Technical round is standard for freshers and experienced candidates. It is one of the crucial and difficult rounds in the entire process. The questions can vary from Data structures, Databases, System Design, UI, AI/ML, etc.

  • HR Interview

In this round, HR will usually check your attitude and organisational fitment.

Cognizant Technical Interview Questions for Freshers.

1. Explain the concept of pointers in C

A pointer is a variable that stores the address of another variable. It is used to point to the variables indirectly. It makes it possible to manipulate the values.

2. Can you explain memory leaks?

A memory leak occurs when objects available in a heap are not utilised. The garbage collector fails to remove it from memory. Hence these objects are kept in the memory unnecessarily.
Memory leaks can lead to performance issues and are bad for the application's health.

3. How does garbage collection work? What algorithm is used in garbage collection is a memory management mechanism. The algorithm automatically detected the unused objects in the memory and deleted them.

The most commonly used garbage collection algorithm is Mark and Sweep algorithm.

4. Explain the mark and sweep algorithm

Objects are that dynamically created are stored in the heap memory. If objects are created without management, the memory will exhaust, crashing the system.

Mark and Sweep algorithm is a garbage collection algorithm. It works in 2 phases.

In the first phase, the algorithm detects the unused objects in the memory, while in the second phase, these objects are removed from the memory to reclaim the wasted space.

5. What is a dangling pointer?

Pointers that are not initialised with a valid address are called dangling pointers. It occurs during the object destruction phase. The object is destroyed from memory, but the pointer's address is not changed.

6. What is recursion?

Recursion happens when a program calls itself.

7. What is a data type?

A data type is characteristic of the data. It helps the machine understand how the machine will use the data in the code.

8. Explain malloc

The malloc() function is used for memory allocation. This function is used to allocate the memory dynamically.

ptr = (cast-type*) malloc(byte-size)

9. Can you explain a string?

The string is a data type. It is used to represent a sequence of characters.




char str_name[size];


string helloWorld


string helloWorld


helloWorld = “Hi”

10. What is an integer?

The integer is a data type. It is used to represent numbers.




int a;


int a;


Int a


a = 100

11. What is an array?

The array is a collection of similar elements stored in the continuous memory block. The data stored in the memory can be accessed by index.
Arrays are used to store large amounts of data in the memory.

12. What are the primitive data types in Java?

There are eight primitive data types in Java. These data types have no additional methods. It only mentions the size and type of the variable value.

  • byte
  • short
  • int
  • long
  • float
  • double
  • boolean
  • char

13. What is the difference between int and Integer in Java?



It is a primitive data type.

It is a wrapper class;

It has no additional methods;

It has additional methods and flexibility for storing and manipulating the data.

Int is not a class.

An integer is a class

14. What is a bootloader?

The bootloader is an essential component in the booting process of the OS.
It is also called the boot manager. It places the Operating System in the memory.

15. Explain the difference between interpreter and compiler?



Translates one line of code at a time.

It scans the entire piece of code and converts it into machine code.

It is faster than a compiler in analysing the program.

Although it is slower to analyse the program. But the overall execution time of the compiler is faster than the interpreter.

They are memory efficient.

As the compiler generates object code, it is less memory efficient than the interpreter.

Examples - Python, Ruby

Examples - C, C++, Java

16. What is the OOPs concept?

OOP stands for Object-Oriented Programming. It is about writing code in functions and procedures. The idea is about writing code in a minimalistic way that reuses code. The OOP follows 

  • Abstraction
  • Inheritance
  • Encapsulation
  • Polymorphism

17. Explain Abstraction

Abstraction means only displaying what is necessary while hiding all the unnecessary data and implementation from the end-user.

It is one of the most important features of OOP

18. Explain Inheritance

It is a mechanism that allows one object to acquire all the characteristics and properties of another object. A class used for inheritance is called the base class or superclass, while the class that inherits is called a derived class or subclass.
It can be understood from a simple natural example - The son inherits all the properties and characteristics of his parents.

You can create multiple objects using the template of parent objects,

19. Explain Encapsulation

It is used to protect the data from the outside world. Encapsulation means shielding the data, it is done by wrapping it under a single program or function.
The data in an encapsulated class is hidden from other classes by making the data private in nature.

20. Explain Polymorphism

Polymorphism means taking multiple forms. The object in the program can act in different ways depending on the message or the event occurring.

A very good example of polymorphism is that a man can have different roles like father, son, or uncle yet he is the same person.

21. What is a constructor?

The constructor is used to initialise the object. It is similar to the method. Every time a class is instantiated constructor is used for it. During the instantiation, the memory required for the object is allocated.
There are 2 types of constructors in Java

  • Default constructor.
  • Parameterized constructor.

22. Explain Destructor

Destructor is used to destroy the objects that are created while the class was instantiated. It is a special method that gets called when the object lifecycle comes to an end. It can remove the object from the memory and reclaim the space. 

The destructor also releases any locks held by the object and closes the database connections.

23. What is constructor overriding?

No, you cannot override a constructor in Java. The constructor is similar to a method by it does not work like the java method. If you try to call a super class’s constructor in a subclass, the compiler treats it as a method and will throw compilation error

24. What is constructor overloading?

It can be defined as having multiple constructors with different parameters so that every constructor can perform a different activity. In Java these constructors must have unique signatures and for error-free compilation different set of arguments must be passed to the constructor

public class Employee {  

int uid;  

String name;    


System.out.println("this a default constructor");  


Employee(int i, String n){  

uid = i;  

name = n;  


public static void main(String[] args) {  

//object creation  

Employee s = new Employee();  

System.out.println("\nDefault Constructor values: \n");  

System.out.println("Employee uid : "+s.uid + "\nEmployee Name : "+s.name);  

System.out.println("\nParameterized Constructor values: \n");  

Employee Employee = new Employee(10, "John");  

System.out.println("Employee uid : "+Employee.uid + "\nEmployee Name : "+Employee.name);  


25. Explain virtual functions

A virtual function is a member function that is declared in the base class and it is overrriden by the derived class. Virtual function helps in achieving runtime polymorphism.

Rules to keep in mind for virtual functions

  • It cannot be static
  • It should be accessed using a pointer or reference to the base class
  • A class can have a virtual destructor but not a virtual constructor.

26. What are DML statements?

DML is also known as Data manipulation language. These statements are used to manipulate the database objects inside the database.
Following are included in DML

  • Insert
  • Delete
  • Update

27. What are DDL statements?

DDL is also known as Data Definition Language. These statements are used to define or modify objects in the database.
Follwing are included in DDL

  • Create
  • Alter
  • Drop
  • Truncate

28. What is SQL?

SQL is known as Structured Query Language. It is the language used to manipulate the database. The SQL includes various categories

  • DDL
  • DML
  • TCL

29. Write a program to find power of a number

public class powerNumber {  

public static void main(String[] args)   


        int result=1, n;  

        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);  

        System.out.println("the Exoponent is:- ");  


        System.out.println("the base is:- ");  

        int base = sc.nextInt();            

        while (n != 0)  


        result *= base;  



        System.out.println("Power of Number is:-" +result);    


30. Write a code to reverse a number in Java.

package javaapplication6;  

import java.util.Scanner;  

public class JavaApplication6 {  

    public static void main(String[] args)   


        int i, temp, sum=0, n;  

        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);  





            int r = n%10;  

            sum = sum*10+r;  

            n = n/10;  


        System.out.println("Reverse of Number is:-" +sum);  



Cognizant Technical Interview Questions for Experienced

1. What is Linked List?

Linked List is similar to an array; it is a collection of elements in a linear fashion. The order of the elements is determined by the pointer. This pointer points to the next element in the collection.

2. Can you reverse a Linked List? Explain

Yes. We can reverse a linked list. Please follow the High-level solution

Initialize three-pointers prev as NULL, curr as head and next as NULL.

Iterate through the linked list.
In a loop, do the following. 
Before changing next of current, 
store next node 

next = curr->next

Now change next of current 
This is where actual reversing happens 
curr->next = prev 
Move prev and curr one step forward 
prev = curr 
curr = next

3. What is Queue? Provide a real-life example

It is one of the most important data structures. Any queue follows the first in first out method. It means that the element that is inserted first gets removed first. The elements are inserted near the bottom end and deletion is done at the top end.

A queue for cinema tickets is an example of a Queue.

4. What is a doubly Linked List?

It is an advanced version of a simple Linked List. One can traverse forward and backwards using a doubly-linked list. Unlike a simple linked list, it stores the previous pointer as well.

5. What is the difference between push() and pop()

Push() is used to insert the elements in the stack, while pop() is used to remove the elements from the stack. The top is used to keep a track of elements at the top of the stack.

6. Explain Graph

It is a non-linear data structure where elements are connected by links. These elements are termed vertices and the links are called edges.
The length of the links does not matter in the graphs.

7. What is the difference between Stack and Array?

A stack based on the LIFO principle. The sequential process of accessing data means that the last data is entered after the first has been erased. In an array, there is no particular order and each element can be accessed by inspecting its index.

8. What is Stack?

It is a linear data structure; it is similar to queue but follows the Last in First Out principle. The elements that are inserted last are removed first. Stack has two methods - pop() and push().
A bucket of clothes resembles a stack.

9. Explain the concept of a binary tree?

A binary tree is a non-linear data structure. Every node in the tree has left and right pointers along with data. The topmost node is known as the root node. The nodes that have sub-nodes is called parent node and nodes that do not have any sub-nodes are known as leaf node.

Binary trees are used in Binary search tree implementation. They are useful in storing records without taking up much space.

10. Write a program to implement search in Binary Search tree

public Node search(Node root, int key)


// Base Cases: root is null or key is present at root

if (root==null || root.key==key)

return root;

// Key is greater than root's key

if (root.key < key)

return search(root.right, key);

// Key is smaller than root's key

return search(root.left, key);


11. Explain Dynamic Programming

It is a technique widely used in competitive programming where overlapping methods are used. The main problem is divided into smaller problems so that the results generated from solving them can be reused again.

12. Explain Travelling Salesman? What is it used for?

It is a problem to find the shortest route for completing any job.  During a salesperson's visit, the points represent the different cities. The salesman aims to keep travel costs low, as well as distance, travelled as low as possible.  

13. Explain the Concept of Merge Sort

Merge Sort falls under the divide and conquer algorithm. The problem is broken down into smaller problems of the same type until they are solvable.
The solution to the subproblem is then combined to provide the solution for the initial problem.

The time complexity of merge sort is O(n* log n)

14. Can you implement the Bubble Sort algorithm?

It is one of the classic sorting algorithms. The idea is to swap the adjacent elements if they are in the wrong order. Bubble sort doesn’t work well with large datasets.

class BubbleSort {

    void bubbleSort(int arr[])


        int n = arr.length;

        for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)

            for (int j = 0; j < n - i - 1; j++)

                if (arr[j] > arr[j + 1]) {

                    // swap arr[j+1] and arr[j]

                    int temp = arr[j];

                    arr[j] = arr[j + 1];

                    arr[j + 1] = temp;



    /* Prints the array */

    void printArray(int arr[])


        int n = arr.length;

        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)

            System.out.print(arr[i] + " ");



15. Explain Preemptive Multitasking

The preemptive multitasking process allows computer programs to pool operating systems (OS) and hardware resources. It uses established criteria to switch resources between processes and distributes operating and computing time among processes. Preemptive multitasking is also known as time-shared multitasking.

16. What are steps involved in Oracle database startup?

The steps involved in Oracle database startup is 

  • Nomount – uses spfile
  • Mount – uses controlfile
  • Open – uses db files.

17. Can you explain RAC?

RAC stands for Real Application Cluster. Oracle introduced it to provide high availability and clustering for the databases. More than 2 nodes of the database form a cluster and provide 24*7 database availability even if some nodes in the cluster go down.

18. What is split brain syndrome?

Split brain syndrome happens when the database node starts behaving like an independent database. This can cause corruption and data loss.
To prevent split brain syndrome, a voting disk is used.

19. What is Depth First Search Algorithm for Binary Tree?

An algorithm called Depth first search or Depth first traversal is used to search all the nodes in a graph or tree. The concept of traversing is to see all nodes at once.

20. Swap two numbers without using third variable

import java.util.*;  

class Swap   


    public static void main(String a[])   


        System.out.println("Enter the value of x and y");  

        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);  

        /*Define variables*/  

        int x = sc.nextInt();  

        int y = sc.nextInt();  

        System.out.println("before swapping numbers: "+x +" "+ y);  


        x = x + y;   

        y = x - y;   

        x = x - y;   

        System.out.println("After swapping: "+x +"  " + y);   


21. Write a code to print numbers from 0 to 100 in C++ without using loop and recursion.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template<int n>

class PrintZeroToN



   static void display()


       PrintZeroToN<n-1>::display();  // this should not be mistaken for recursion

       cout << n << endl;




class PrintZeroToN<0>



   static void display()


       cout << 0 << endl;



int main()


   const int n = 100;


   return 0;


22. What is index? How does it work?

Index is used to optimize and improve the performance of the database. It is a data structure used to access and quickly locate the data in the database.
Just like the index in the book, database index works in the similar way. 

23. Find the length of a string without using the string functions

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


      char str[100];

      int len = 0;

      cout << "Enter a string: ";

      cin >> str;

      while(str[len] != '\0')




      cout << "Length of the given string is: " << len;

      cout << endl;

      return 0;


24. Explain Fill Factor

The fill factor represents how much space on each leaf-level page will be devoted to data. SQL Server's smallest unit is the page, which is composed of 8K pages. The number of rows per page depends on the size of the rows.

The default value for Fill Factor is 100, which is the same as the value 0. When the Fill Factor is set to 100 or 0, SQL Server will fill the leaf-level pages of an index with as many rows as possible. There will be no or very little blank space on the page when the fill factor is 100.

25. Explain what is views? What operations can be performed on views?

Views are virtual tables that contains data from combination of two or more tables. Views are important when the data is stored in different tables and you want to have to a single table.
You can create, update and delete a view


SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3, ..., ColumnN

FROM Table_Name

WHERE Condition;


SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3, ..., ColumnN

FROM Table_Name

WHERE Condition;

DROP VIEW View_Name;

Cognizant Objective Interview Questions

1. A 300-meter-long train running at the speed of 150 km/h crosses the second train running in the opposite direction with the speed of 120 km/h in 9 seconds. What is the length of the second train?

  • 370 meters
  • 400 meters
  • 375 meters
  • 372 meters

Answer - 375 meters

train running in the opposite than total speed= (150+120) = 270 km/h

270kmph=270*5/18=75 m/sec 

let the length of another train be l meter 

(300+l)/9 = 75

Length (l) =375 meter.

2. Assume ax = by, then 

  • log(a)/ log(b) = x/y
  • log(a/b) = x/y
  • log(a)/log(b) = y/x
  • log(b/a) = xy

Answer - log(a)/log(b) = y/x

3. Sum of two numbers is 80, and their product is 320. What is the sum of their reciprocals?

  • 1
  • 2
  • ¼
  • ½

Answer – ¼

Given, a + b = 80 and a*b = 320.
Sum of their reciprocals:
1/a+1/b = (a + b)/a*b= 80/320 = 1/4.

4. How many seconds will a 300-meter-long train moving with a speed of 83 km/hour, take to cross a man walking at a speed of 3 km/hour in the direction of the train?

  • 13.5 seconds
  • 14 seconds
  • 13 seconds
  • 14.5 seconds

Answer – 13.5 seconds
train and man are moving in the same direction so the relative speed will be = (83-3) km/hour = 80 km/hour

Then 80 km/hour * 5/18= 200/9 m/sec

Therefore, time = distance/speed

= 300/ (200/9)

= 13.5 seconds

So, the answer is 13.5 seconds.

5. A set sum of money amounts to Rs.3000 in 2 years and Rs. 3400 in 4 years. Find the sum and rate of interest

  • INR 2000, 13%
  • INR 1600, 12.5%
  • INR 1500, 12.5%
  • INR 1600, 12%

Answer - INR 1600, 12.5%

3400-3000= 400 for 2 years (4-2) 

so for one year 400/2= 200 

then for 2 years interest is 200+200=400 

Then principal 2000-400=1600. 

Now 200/1600*100= 12.5%.

6. What is the antonym of VINDICTIVE


7. What is the antonym of PECULIAR


8. What is the antonym of PREJUDICE


9. Odometer : Mileage :: Compass: ?

  • Distance
  • Direction
  • Speed
  • Gravity

Answer - Direction

10. Marathon : Race :: Hibernation: ?

  • Sleep
  • Awake
  • Dream
  • Animal

Answer – Sleep

11. Window : Pane :: Book: ?

  • Page
  • Cover
  • Author
  • Ink

Answer – Page

12. Cup : coffee :: Bowl: ?

  • Water
  • Noodles
  • Bread
  • Soup

Answer – Direction

13. Vikas plants six separate saplings -- A, B, C, D, E, F in rows no 1 to 6, according to the following conditions: He must plant A before B and E, He must plant B and D, the third has to be C. Which sitting arrangement is acceptable?


Answer - AFCBED

14. When Rahul saw Aditya, he recalled, "He is the son of the father of my daughter." Who is Rahul?

  • Brother
  • Cousin
  • Father-in-law
  • Brother-in-law

Answer – Brother-in-law

15. Which of the following is synonym of Catechize?

  • Query
  • Silence
  • Walk away
  • Sing

Answer - Query

16. Which of the following is synonym of Loathe?

  • Love
  • Play
  • Hate
  • Dance

Answer - Hate

17. Which of the following is synonym of Recede?

  • Attack
  • Retreat
  • Dodge
  • Complain

Answer - Retreat

18. Which of the following is the synonym of Spurious?

  • Real
  • Genuine
  • Fake
  • Excellent

Answer - Fake

19. Which of the following is the synonym of Pudgy?

  • Chubby
  • Skinny
  • Ugly
  • Beautiful

Answer - Chubby

20. If VIJAY can be written as 'XKLCA,' then what can RCTKU be written as? 


Answer – PARIS

21. After walking 11 kilometres toward the south, a man turns right. He walks 2 km to the left and 7 km to the right. After that, he walks 3 kilometres straight back. Where is his starting point now?

  • South-West
  • South
  • North-West
  • North

Answer – North-West

22. In the 800m, race A gives B a start of 5 sec and beats him by 25 sec. In another race, A beats B by 15 sec. The speeds are in the ratio

  • of 10:11
  • 9:8
  • 8:9
  • 8:8

Answer – 9:8

A's Speed: 800/a, a=time taken for A to complete 800m

B's Speed: 800/ (a+8) = 775/ (a+5)


A's Speed = 800/88 = 9.09

B's Speed = 400/96 = 8.33

23. Consider some digits between 10 and 1000 such that when each number is divided by 6, 7 and 11, it leaves five as the remainder in each case. What are the original numbers?

  • 535
  • 400
  • 462
  • 135

Answer – 462

As the number remains the same in each case,
∴ required numbers = 5 + (common multiples of 6, 7 and 11)
∴ Consider the LCM of 6, 7 and 11.
LCM = 462

24. If 13 + 23 + 33 +.... + 103 = 4050, then find the value of 23 + 43 + 63 + .... + 203.

  • 10000
  • 32400
  • 42350
  • 32000

Answer – 32400

Solution –
Given, 13 + 23 + 33 +.... + 103 = 4050
23 + 43 + 63 + .... + 203
= 23 (13 + 23 + 33 +.... + 103)
= 8 × 4050
= 32400.

25. What will be the most significant number which divides 37, 59 and 74 leaving the remainder 2, 3 and 4 respectively?

  • 7
  • 9
  • 10
  • 5

Answer – 7

Let, divisor = X.
Dividend = (Divisor × Quotient) + Reminder
37 = (X × Q1) + 2
(X × Q1) = 35 [Where Q1 is a quotient]
(X × Q2) + 3 = 59
56 = (X × Q2) [Q2 = quotient]
(X × Q3) + 4 = 74
70 = (X × Q3)[Q3 = quotient]
Now, since X is the Biggest digit satisfying the given condition, X will be the HCF of 35, 56 and 70.
HCF [35, 56, 70] = 7
Largest number is 7.

HR Interview Questions for Freshers and Experienced

Those that make it through the technical round will advance to the final round, which is the Cognizant HR Interview. Candidates will have a face-to-face interaction with Cognizant's HR Manager in this stage. During the HR stage, candidates may also be interviewed by a panel (more than one interviewer).

Participants will be asked things about their personal history, academic qualifications, interests, strengths, weaknesses, professional experience, and so on. Finally, if candidates are chosen in this round, they will now be recruited for the job description for which they applied.

 1. Tell us a little bit about yourself

This topic is typically asked to initiate a conversation and to gain a basic understanding of the candidate. Candidates typically begin with their current academic qualifications, technologies learned, family history, projects completed in their final academic semesters, internship programs completed, and in what role. Note to answer confidently to make the best impression on the interviewer. The manner in which you conclude your answer can set the tone for the next few questions. 

2. How do you increase your knowledge?

Learning does not come to an end ever. The interviewer will want to know if you are a critical thinker who challenges yourself to grow. You can respond to this question by saying that you are aware of current IT trends and that your knowledge will not only help you advance in your career but will also be beneficial to the company's growth.

3. What are your qualifications?

You must illustrate how you differ from the other candidates. Tell them about your abilities that will help you make a beneficial influence at work. Operating in a new environment is not really a problem for you. Check that you match the job description and explain how you believe you could be a good fit based on your strengths.

4. Assuming you are employed, how long do you anticipate working for us?

No employer wants an interviewee who will leave the company after only a few years. They anticipate that the candidates will be a good fit for the company for 7-8 years. Even if you are unsure, you must tell them that as long as the job you do challenges and leads to a profitable company, it will help you grow.

5. Why do you believe you are qualified for this position?

Remember why you applied for this specific role when answering this question. Tell the interviewer about your qualifications and how they make you eligible for this position. In addition, emphasize how you can add value to their current workforce.

6. Tell us about some of your strengths

Again, it is critical to research the job requirements before attending the interview. Make a list of your areas of strength and say the ones which this role requires.

7. Tell us a little about your weaknesses.

Do not give a weak point that will directly impact your selection, but also do not claim that you don't even have any weaknesses. The best way to respond to this question is to flip one of your strengths into a shortcoming, but you believe it is important to function in this way.

Another option for answering this question is to provide a totally unrelated weakness.

8. What do you like to do in your spare time, aside from studying?

Candidates must respond to this question by discussing their hobbies or extracurricular activities. Just don't say outright that you enjoy reading books, watching television, and playing sports. Since the interviewer will ask you what genre you love to read and why, as well as the technicalities of the sport. So, ensure you answer this question honestly and only if you have such a knack for doing so in your spare time.

9. Why are you leaving your previous company?

This is a difficult question but never speak negatively about the previous company. It only serves to make a negative impression on you. Instead, you could discuss new possibilities and get out of your comfort zone. The interviewer then considers your loyalty to the company for which you work, your enthusiasm to learn and embrace new technologies, and your comfort with new challenges in the future.

10. Why have you stayed at your job role for so long?

Many people do not change jobs for years, and when it comes time to search for a different job, this is among the most critical questions you will be asked. Giving proper reasons for staying so long, such as constantly developing in the company, doing new things, and dealing with greater challenges, could be a good answer to this question. 

11. Your knowledge of cognizant

Your interviewer may inquire about your information about the company. And, truthfully, if you do not answer these questions correctly, you should assume that you will not be hired. It is because firms seek skilled individuals who can truly add to the company's progress. And it is not attainable for personnel unless they have a thorough understanding of the company's objectives and goals.

12. Tell a story about how you dealt with a stressful situation.

The recruiter would be the one who assesses you in all areas. He wishes to hire the best possible applicant for his company. As a result, you can anticipate this sort of question from any prospective employer. This question is designed to assess your maturity level and your managerial skills. So keep in mind any stories in which you demonstrated your leadership abilities.

Cognizant Objective Interview Questions

The Cognizant Aptitude test includes all objective questions. It is a 35 minutes test with 24 questions, which are all mandatory. This exam tests you on basic, applied and engineering mathematics. Some topics include programming constructs, data structures, algorithms, database/SQL, Web UI, etc.

How to Prepare for Cognizant HR Interview

  • Practice regularly. Before actually taking the test, make sure you have a good comprehension of the topic and enough practice. Reading good literature or registering for a suitable online course can help you clear your doubts.
  • Make sure you review your coding test papers and practice programming principles like C, C++, and Java, as well as other computer essentials like OOPs, concepts, databases, and networking.
  • Ensure all of the information on your CV concerning prior projects and internships is correct and that you understand everything. You'll be questioned on your past projects and work experience, as well as what technology you used and what you achieved.
  • Ensure you're updated on technological developments. You should be familiar with recent technology advancements.

Cognizant Careers

Cognizant recruitment takes place for freshers and experienced candidates. CTS runs recruitment for the following positions:

  • GENC

Cognizant recruitment is quite rigorous. It is one of the fortune 500 companies and a great place to work. Cognizant is an excellent place to start your career if you’re a fresher. Even for experienced candidates, Cognizant is a good paymaster and has terrific projects that can elevate your career.

Following Are CTs Recruitment Eligibility Criteria:

  • More than 60% marks in 10th and 12th (or diploma).
  • A minimum of 60% marks in graduation.
  • A maximum interval of one year is permitted.
  • Graduation and post-graduation in BE, B Tech, ME, M Tech, MCA
  • A candidate should not have any pending backlogs during the recruitment.

Tips for Candidate

Going through the recruitment process can be overwhelming and mentally draining, especially if you're a fresher. To help you relieve stress, here are some tips:

  1. Keep yourself hydrated at all times.
  2. Understand the fundamental concepts that can help you in the interview rounds.
  3. Time management is crucial during the aptitude test.
  4. Read the marking rules of the aptitude test. If there is no negative marking, make sure you attempt all the questions.
  5. Don’t cheat by any possible means. If you don't know any answer, skip it and move ahead. Getting caught can have some severe implications.
  6. Carry all the necessary documents with you. All the mark sheets, identity proof and certificates.
  7. Before answering any question, take your time and frame the flow of your answer.
  8. Don’t hesitate to ask more questions to the interviewer if you’re unsure.
  9. Reach the venue at least 30 minutes before to avoid any last-minute rush
  10. Greet the interviewers with a smile and be cheerful.

Land Your Dream Job Today

This list is a great way to help you get started on your journey with Congnizant. If you want to dive deeper into more complex and technical subjects, check out Simplilearn’s amazing Full Stack Developer - MERN Stack. Built in tandem with Caltech, this coding boot camp will easily take your career to the next level.


Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:

1. Is the cognizant interview challenging?

The amount of preparation you put into an interview defines how challenging it is. The better prepared you are, the simpler it is to clear the interview. All you need to know about new technology solutions, programming languages, initiatives, and Cognizant. In addition to technical knowledge, recruiters are keen on how applicants approach problems, compose their thought processes, and demonstrate character traits such as communication (which is vital).

2. What is the starting salary for new employees at Cognizant?

A fresher's salary at Cognizant varies from 3.3 to 4.5 lakhs.

3. Can I apply for more than one position at once?

You most certainly can. At Cognizant, each individual brings unique abilities and talents that can benefit the customers. So, feel free to apply for numerous open positions where you believe you have the qualifications to excel.

4. Does Cognizant offer job sponsorships?

Depending on the job, Cognizant may or may not offer sponsorship, and all those who do may be able to receive Visa application guidance from Cognizant.

5. Who should I contact if I have any queries about the Cognizant onboarding procedure?

If you have questions about the onboarding process, please get in touch with the person who has been assisting you or send your queries to TAGPH@cognizant.com.

6. What should I wear to the CTS interview?

You should wear formal clothes. You should wear a proper suit, black shoes, and a cheerful smile.

7. Is it hard to get a job at Cognizant?

No, it is not hard to get a job at Hilton. If you prepare thoroughly and present yourself as the candidate perfect for the job, you will easily bag the job.

8. Is it reasonable to work at Cognizant?

Yes, Hilton is one of the fortune 100 companies. It is a good paymaster as well.
You can expect to put your career on a growth trajectory working for Cognizant.

Our Software Development Courses Duration And Fees

Software Development Course typically range from a few weeks to several months, with fees varying based on program and institution.

Program NameDurationFees
Caltech Coding Bootcamp

Cohort Starts: 16 Dec, 2024

6 Months$ 8,000
Automation Test Engineer Masters Program

Cohort Starts: 4 Nov, 2024

8 months$ 1,499
Full Stack Java Developer Masters Program

Cohort Starts: 6 Nov, 2024

7 months$ 1,449
Full Stack (MERN Stack) Developer Masters Program

Cohort Starts: 8 Jan, 2025

6 Months$ 1,449

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