Practicing Meta (Facebook) Interview Questions will help you land your dream job at Facebook. Many developers look to grab this opportunity of working with a 52,000-strong workforce. Since the competition is fierce, you have to prepare everything for the interview. From how to answer questions to what are the answers to the questions, read on to go through the comprehensive Facebook interview questions and the step-by-step preparation guide. 

About Meta (Facebook)

Meta or Facebook is one of the top social networking sites globally, created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004. It's an American online social media site owned by Meta Platforms, which believes in delivering change, community building, and better growth. It ranked fourth in global internet usage in 2020, with around 2.8 billion monthly active users. In 2010, Facebook became the most downloaded mobile app. 

Many well-renowned computer experts aim to get a job at Facebook because the latter takes the matter of employment benefits and perks seriously. That makes people think about how their lives will be as software developers if they get a job in Facebook and get the opportunity to learn, prosper, and build an amazing career for themselves. 

Key stats about Facebook:

  • Raised more than $5 billion to support the causes they care about
  • Inaugurated more than 1 billion stores worldwide
  • Have more than 200 million connected businesses who use their services 
  • A platform where more than 100 billion messages are sent every day 

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Meta (Facebook) Interview Process

Interview Process

  • Connect With HR - The candidate's profile or resume should directly connect with HR. Further rounds take place once the candidate passes the HR round. 
  • Interview Rounds - Facebook conducts technical, behavioral, and situational interview rounds for various job positions. There are seven rounds; the first two are conducted over the phone. The rest are taken on site. Candidates get to interact with other employees in these rounds to learn more about the company's culture. 
  • Post-interview Process - The interviewers judge the candidate based on their resume and the interview conducted. Another round may be conducted to discuss the final call with the candidate. 
  • Results - If the candidate successfully creates his first impression and is selected, the offer letter is sent to him by the recruiter. 

Interview Rounds

  • Phone Screening - HR conducts two telephonic interviews. The initial call is to decide whether the candidate is the right fit or not by asking them behavioral questions. And the second is the technical phone interview, where the candidate is supposed to answer DS/Algo-oriented questions.   
  • Coding/Technical Rounds - There can be four to five coding/technical rounds. Each interview round can last from 30 to 45 minutes. The freshers are asked fewer questions than the experienced ones to judge their skills and abilities. 

Top Meta (Facebook) Coding Interview Questions

  1. You are given a set of random numbers. Write a code to shift all the zeros to the left. 
  2. Write a code to merge overlapping intervals. 
  3. You are given a binary tree. Can you in-place convert it into a doubly-linked list?
  4. Can you print the given binary tree's nodes level by level, i.e., print all nodes of level 1 first, then level 2, and so on? 
  5. 'The sky is dark blue.' Can you reverse the order of this string? 
  6. You are given four words - apple, pear, pier, and pie. Can this be completely segmented? If yes, then how? 
  7. Here is a list of daily stock prices. Return the buy and sell prices to maximize the profit. 

Meta (Facebook) Technical Interview Questions

  1. How will you convert decimal numbers between 1 to 3999 to Roman numerals? Also, can you do the reverse? How? 
  2. Can you find the triplets whose sum is zero?
  3. What is the largest subset whose elements are Fibonacci numbers?
  4. Calculate the maximum value using the '+' or '*' sign between two numbers in the given string.
  5. How will you convert the ternary expression to a binary tree?
  6. How will you count all distinct pairs with differences equal to k?
  7. Given is an array of positive integers. Can you find the smallest subarray's length whose sum of elements is greater than a given number k? 
  8. You have to find if the string is K-palindrome or not. Can you do that? 
  9. How will you find the minimum depth of a binary tree?
  10. You are given an unsorted array of non-negative integers and an integer sum. Can you find a continuous subarray that adds to a given sum? 
  11. You can see two unsorted arrays. How will you find all pairs whose sum is x?
  12. Given are the 10 activities with their start and end times. Compute a schedule where the greatest number of activities take place. 
  13. What is the next number of the sequence - 1, 11, 21, 1211…?
  14. Given are two strings with binary numbers. Find the result obtained by adding those two binary strings and return the result as a binary string. 
  15. Rearrange the given string of alphabets in sorted order and all the integers present in the string. 
  16. Map the digits of the given positive number corresponding to the alphabet in the mapping table. Also, return the count of the total number of decodings possible. Take suitable assumptions before coding.  
  17. Can you rotate the given square matrix by 90 degrees in a clockwise direction? The transformation should be done in quadratic time and in-place.
  18. State which histogram has the largest rectangular area. Also, return the area of the largest histogram. 
  19. You are given integers in the form of an array. How will you print the largest subarray sum having at least K numbers? 
  20. Return the product of the two integers represented as strings.  

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Tips for Meta (Facebook) Interview Preparation

Whether you will give your first interview over the phone, via a video call, or onsite on Meta, the following tips will help you get an edge over your fellow candidates.

  1. Have a clear approach to answering the interview's behavioral, technical, and situational questions. 
  2. Focus on every detail of the design the interviewer has asked. 
  3. Answer the technical questions keeping in mind their practical applications. Provide a realistic solution to the problem with different approaches.
  4. Highlight the experiences and your ability to work in different typical situations. 
  5. Do not panic if the question sounds alien to you. Try to relate to something similar. If that doesn't work, politely state that you cannot recall the answer to the question. 
  6. Practice coding and boost your ability to solve coding-related problems quickly. 
  7. Do not jump to conclusions too quickly. Initiate the solution, iterate and improve it further. 
  8. Research various topics, such as hash maps, arrays, strings, queues, hash tables, stacks, sorts, graphs, searches, and more, and increase the depth of knowledge. 
  9. Practice time management by attempting several mock interviews to simulate the interview experience.  


Now that you've read about some common Facebook interview questions and the best ways to answer them, we encourage you to pursue opportunities to build the skills it takes to become an expert in Web Development. We will help equip you with new skills needed for developing websites by enrolling in our Full Stack Java Developer Program. These proven strategies were created by industry experts, using proven methods that have helped thousands of others like you master this exciting field.

Do you have any questions for us? Feel free to leave them in the comments section of this “Meta Interview Questions” article. We will review and answer them soon!


1. How many rounds of interviews does Meta have?

The recruiters at Meta look for the right fit during the recruitment process. Usually, there are two rounds of interviews for the developer role; however, the numbers can increase depending on the candidate's experience and answers. The first round is the phone screening, the second is the onsite interview, and the third could be done by HR to make the final decisions before taking you on board.  

2. Why do you want to work at Meta?

It is the most frequently asked Facebook interview question. The recruiter asks this question to figure out how motivated a candidate is about working at Facebook. If you are applying for a developer role, you must answer this question by stating your future aspirations of growing as a developer for the company. If you are applying for the role of a senior developer, then you must state your experiences and how your abilities will contribute to the company. 

3. Which programming language is used in a Meta interview? Is Python allowed in coding interviews? 

For Meta interview questions, you must be adept in Java, C++, Python, Perl, and Ruby. It would be best if you stick with one language, depending on your comfortability while answering the questions in the interview. 

4. Is it hard to get hired at Meta?

Like other top tech companies, getting a job at Facebook can be challenging. But with the right skillset, in-depth knowledge, and experience, anyone can crack the interview at Facebook. They look for aspirants who have the agility to solve problems, the presence of mind, and are keen to learn and grow with them. 

5. What are the different levels of software engineers at Meta?

Instead of calling different engineers Principal, Fellow, Senior, etc., Facebook has different levels for software engineers who are bifurcated based on their salary. There are six levels of Software Engineer positions - I to VI at Facebook.

6. How can I get a job at Facebook?

The first stage is to read the job description carefully. You have to prepare yourself to match the expectations of the recruiters at Facebook. Keep the documents ready with yourself. Research the company, its vision, and the working environment, and most importantly, practice the Facebook interview questions mentioned above to nail the interview in your first attempt. Keep a positive attitude while answering the questions if you want to create a strong impact on the interviewers. 

7. What are the benefits of working at Meta?

Besides offering lucrative positions to the candidates, Facebook provides flexible health care spending amounts, mental health coverage, wellness centers, maternity benefits, paid parental leave, cancer care programs, dental benefits, and much more. According to a survey conducted by Glassdoor in 2021, Facebook was voted as one of the best places to work.

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