PwC is the world's second-largest business services network, and it is regarded as one of the Big Four accounting companies, along with Deloitte, EY, and KPMG. More than 295,000 individuals work for PwC in 156 countries and 742 locations. In order to meet the needs of organizations and consumers, it provides assurance, tax and advisory services. Vault Accounting 50 has placed PwC as one of the top accounting firms in the world for the last seven years. If you wish to be a part of this organization, this article is meant just for you. Know all about the recruitment process, PwC interview questions and answers for various rounds and more here.

PwC Recruitment Process

A detailed system is in place for the recruiting process at PwC Pvt Ltd. During the PwC recruiting process, they evaluate the candidate's technical expertise as well as his or her analytical skills, among other characteristics. Depending on the position type at PwC, several interview rounds may be conducted.

Interview Process

  • Aptitude Round

This is an online assessment conducted by PwC that typically consists of three components to evaluate the applicant.

  • Verbal Ability

This portion tests the candidate's proficiency in English. Questions in this area often ask students to connect the dots with the right tense, preposition, synonym, and antonym, among other things. It may also contain paragraph-based questions, with text, and you must respond to three to four questions based on it.

  • Numerical Ability

Here, the candidate's mathematical skills are put to the test. Most of the questions in this area deal with topics like speed and distance, profit and loss, permutations and combinations, probability and clocks, as well as the simple and compound interest of various types of investments.

  • Reasoning Ability

This portion tests the candidate's ability to think logically. Here, you'll discover questions that ask you to locate the next phrase in a given sequence or match a pattern, and so on.

  • Technical Round

Candidates will go through a technical phase based on their performance in the Aptitude Round. As an IT consultant, there are a variety of specializations, including SAP, Oracle ERP, Microsoft ERP, CyberSecurity, Data Analytics,  and so on. Aside from the technical features of the specific profile, this round focuses on a wide range of technological ideas.

Interviewers will go through your resume in detail and may ask you about prior projects and technologies that you have included on your resume. Before you appear for this round, it's a good idea to go through your resume extensively. Many of the principles of Computer Science, such as Object-Oriented Programming Concepts, Database Management Systems, Computer Networks and Operating Systems, might also be asked.

Programming languages such as C, C++, Java, or Python should be a part of the candidate's resume depending on the position. Despite the fact that this is a technical stage, the recruiters have the option of asking non-technical or human resources questions. There may be more than one technical round, depending on the level of expertise.

  • Partner Round

A candidate's advancement towards the Partner Round will be determined by how well he or she performs throughout the Technical Round. Executive Directors from PwC Pvt Ltd will be in charge of this round. Depending on the round, either technical or HR-related questions will be asked, or they may be a combination of both. During this stage, they also determine whether or not a candidate would be a suitable match for the company's culture.

  • HR Round

The Human Resources round is the last stage. The questions in this round will be mostly focused on your resume, previous work experiences, and basic human resources questions. This phase also determines whether or not the applicant is a good match for the company's culture. To discover more about PwC, read about the company's mission and values. You may also learn more by visiting the company's website. The following is a list of the most popular questions in a human resources interview: 
  1. Explain your resume to me
  2. Why PwC Pvt. Ltd.
  3. Why consultative roles? Why not contract directly with IT firms?
  4. Would you consider shifting to a different part of India?
  5. In five or ten years, where are you seeing yourself?
  6. Describe a challenging circumstance you've had to overcome.
  7. What are your long-term aspirations?
  8. What do you believe to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

PwC Technical Interview Questions: For Freshers and Experienced

1. In C++, what are the advantages of a vector versus an array?

  • Arrays are fixed, whereas Vectors are resizable. When the array reaches its limit, the array does not automatically expand, but the vector does so by reallocating elements and allocating new space.
  • When an array is dynamically allocated, it must be explicitly deallocated, whereas vectors are automatically deallocated when they reach the end of their scope.
  • The size of the dynamically allocated array must be explicitly tracked, but the size of the vector does not need to be watched. This also means that if we need to execute some operations in a function, we must explicitly supply the size of the dynamically created array along with the array, but we do not need to pass the size of the vector to the function.
  • The array cannot be copied or assigned to another array. However, the vector can be readily copied or assigned to another vector.

2. What is the meaning of a dangling pointer? What should you do to handle it?

A dangling pointer is one that points to a previously released location. Undefined behavior occurs when a dangling pointer is dereferenced. 


struct myStruct


   int myInt;

   char myChar;


int main()


   myStruct* firstPntr = new myStruct(); 

   myStruct* secondPntr = firstPntr;

   secondPntr->myInt = 5;

   secondPntr->myChar = 'A';

   delete secondPntr;

   std::cout<<firstPntr->myInt<<" "<<firstPntr->myChar<<"\n";




In the preceding example, the secondPntr, which points to the same location as the firstPntr, is destroyed, resulting in uncertain behavior when the firstPntr is dereferenced later. Because it still points to the memory that was destroyed, firstPntr becomes a dangling pointer.

To eliminate dangling pointers, we can utilize smart pointers (or) explicitly make all pointers that are being referenced NULL so that they don't point to the erased memory.

3. Is it possible to print 1-100 without using loops? If so, how?

We will use recursion to print 1-100 without loops.



void printValues(int x)


   if(x > 100)





int main() {

   int i = 1;








































































































4. A weighing balance and nine coins are included. Eight coins are the same weight, yet one is heavier. In the worst-case scenario, how many iterations do you need to find the heaviest coin?

The majority of people attempt to divide the coins into two categories. However, the trick is to separate them into three categories. Because we can only trash one group of coins if we divide them into two groups and weigh them. If we divide them into three groups and weigh two of them, they will either be equal or not. If both are equal, the coin with the heavier weight will be in the left out group; if they are not equal, the coin with the larger weight will be in the heavier weight group. In this scenario, we can eliminate two of the three groupings. As a result, we divide 9 coins into three equal groups.

  • Using the above principle, we can eliminate two groups in the first iteration.
  • We'll be down to three coins now.
  • Now we split them into three equal groups, each with one coin.
  • We can remove two groups again in the second iteration, and so find the heavier coin.
  • So, finding the heavier coin just takes two iterations.

5. What does the following code produce:

int main() {




Let's see what to accomplish.

Before starting the next iteration, the for loop does three tasks: initialization, condition checking, and evaluating an expression. A semicolon separates these three items (;). Inside the loop, whatever logic is required is enclosed in {}. If the body of the loop is a single line, the loop can be followed without the need of parentheses. Another thing to keep in mind is that when the condition check is empty, the compiler replaces it with a non-zero constant.

for(;;) - This is fine because, according to the C++ language definition, the condition is replaced by nonzero-constant by the compiler.

The setup, condition check, and expression to evaluate before running the next iteration are all empty in this case, with a single line body of the print statement.

Because the compiler replaces the condition with a non-zero constant, it is always evaluated as being true, and the loop continues indefinitely. As a result, an endless loop prints Hello on the screen.

6. What is the distinction between linear and non-linear data structures?

Based on the shape/arrangement of the data pieces, data structures are split into two types. Linear and non-linear data structures are the two types.

Non-Linear Data Structure

Linear Data Structure

A single node can connect an unlimited number of items.

Only the next and/or previous elements are linked to the current element.

There are multiple levels of involvement.

There is only one level involved. There are multiple levels of involvement.

Non-Linear Data Structures are easier to implement.

Linear Data Structures are challenging to implement.

We cannot explore all items in a single traversal without storing visited elements.

We can explore all items in a single traversal without storing visited elements.

The data is organized in a hierarchical/non-linear manner.

The data items are organized in a sequential/linear order.

Examples: Trie, Trees, Graphs, etc.

Examples: Queue, Array, Linked List, Stack, etc.

7. Write a Python program to filter list members that are even valued between 1 and 20 (both inclusive).

This can be accomplished in various ways. However, using filter and lambda is a more pythonic approach.

A function and a sequence are sent to the filter() method. True or false should be returned by the function. It applies a function to each element in the sequence and returns an iterator for those that return true from the function.

We can pass a standard function to filter, but lambda is a better way to do it.

nums = list(range(2, 100)) 

filtered_elements = list(filter(lambda x: (x%2 == 0), nums))

8. What is the difference between a Binary Tree and a Binary Search Tree?

  • Binary Tree - A Binary Tree is a tree with no more than two children per node. The value that a node or its children can have is unrestricted. In the case of a binary tree, searching requires traversing the entire tree.
  • Binary Search Tree - The left subtree of a node can only contain nodes whose values are less than the parent node's value, and the right subtree of a node can only have nodes whose values are greater than the parent node's value. In the case of a Binary Search Tree, we simply need to traverse the tree's height (in the worst-case scenario) for searching.

9. In Python, what is the difference between List and Tuple?

  • In Python, the main distinction between List and Tuple is that List is mutable, whereas Tuple is immutable. The structure or content of a mutable object can be altered after it is formed, whereas an immutable object cannot be changed after it is created.
  • A tuple is more memory efficient than a List since it has the attribute of immutability. Because List is mutable, Python needs to allocate more memory because we can potentially add additional items to it.
  • Because of the same property's Immutability, a tuple is similarly time-efficient. Instantiating a new Tuple requires less time than List. A Tuple also takes less time to look up than a List. Even if the time difference isn't significant, it's worth noting.
  • The list has more flexibility than the Tuple since we can simply add new elements, delete existing elements, and so on, whereas Tuples are immutable. Therefore adding a new element or deleting current elements requires us to create a new Tuple.

10. What exactly is Bootstrap? What benefits does Bootstrap have over CSS?

Bootstrap is a Twitter-developed Open Source Front-End framework for making web development easier and faster. This is just reusable code that we can download and use for our own web development to achieve the functionality we need without having to rewrite the same code (i.e., not inventing the wheel again). It works with practically all browsers because it supports almost all of them.

Bootstrap also makes the website responsive, meaning it adapts to the screen regardless of the device being used to see it.

Bootstrap has the following advantages over CSS:

  • Open Source: Because Bootstrap is free, we don't have to pay to acquire this capability.
  • Time-saving: We can get the same functionality by using the bootstrap in our code rather than developing the code from the start, which speeds up development.
  • Responsiveness: Bootstrap's fluid grid layout adapts to the device's screen resolution, so we won't receive a startling website view when viewing the same website on multiple devices of various sizes, such as a laptop, desktop, mobile, tablet, and so on.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Because bootstrap supports all major modern web browsers, we don't have to worry about whether or not a feature will work in all of them.
  • Easy to use: Bootstrap is simple to use and requires only a basic understanding of HTML and CSS.

11. What is the difference between C and C++?



Because it supports both functional and Object-Oriented Programming, C++ is a multi-paradigm language.

It is a programming language that is procedural.

C++ is thought to be a superset of C.

C is regarded as a subset of C++.

C++ is built using the bottom-up approach. (First, design lower-level modules, then use them to create higher-level modules.)

C works from the top down. (Divide primary modules into tasks, which are then divided into sub-tasks.)

Inheritance, polymorphism, data encapsulation, and abstraction are all supported in C++.

Inheritance, polymorphism, and data encapsulation are not supported in C.

In C++, method and operator overloading are both supported.

Overloading of methods and operators is not supported in C.

Exception handling is built-in utilizing the try and catch block.

There is no built-in capability for handling exceptions.

12. What will the output of the Python program below be?

class myClass:

  def __init__(self):





When an identifier that appears textually in a class declaration starts with more than one underscore character and does not conclude with two or more underscores, it is regarded as a private name of that class. Prior to the code generation of private names, they are changed into a lengthier form. The transformation places the class name in front of the name, removing any leading underscores and replacing them with a single underscore. The identifier __spam in a class named Ham, for example, will be changed to _Ham spam.

Because the name is changed into _myClass_y, the error 'AttributeError: myClass object has no attribute __y' is thrown. Instead, we can print(obj._myClass_y).

This works and prints the value 40.

13. How do I find the minimum, maximum, and average salaries from a table using SQL?

Assume that the table is in the following format -

Employee table:









To Determine the Highest Possible Salary

SELECT MAX(Salary) from Employee;

SELECT * from Employee where Salary = (SELECT MAX(Salary) from Employee);

To Determine the Average Salary

SELECT AVG(Salary) from Employee;

To Determine the Minimum Salary

SELECT MIN(Salary) from Employee;

SELECT * from Employee where Salary = (SELECT MIN(Salary) from Employee);

14. In C, what is volatile?

In C, the keyword volatile informs the compiler not to optimize anything related to the volatile variable and to always fetch the variable's value from memory for every use of the variable.

For example,

int flag = 1;



   // doing something that does not involve the variable run


Because the variable run isn't used in the loop in this example, the compiler can optimize the while loop into a while loop (1). A signal handler or the operating system, for example, can modify the run. If we make the variable volatile, the compiler will not perform any optimization.

The following are the three main places where volatile is employed (i.e., a variable can change without observable code action):

  • I/O mapped memory location interface with hardware that alters the value.
  • There is another thread that uses the same variable.
  • A signal handler that has the potential to change the value

15. Define the size of an empty C++ class.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class myClass



int main() {



In C++, an empty class is 1 byte in size. This is done to ensure that two separate objects have two different addresses. There is no way to tell whether two items are the same or different if they have the same addresses. It all comes down to the object's identification.

16. What does merge sort mean? How does the merge sort measure in terms of time and space complexity?

Merge Sort is a Divide and Conquer algorithm for sorting a set of data (can be an array or linked list). It entailed dividing the input into two halves at each stage until there was only one element left in the input, then merging the sorted halves to create a sorted input.

Merge sort isn't a built-in algorithm (which means you need to use extra space for sorting the input).

Merge sort is a stable algorithm, which means that if the input contains two identical elements, the sorted output will keep its relative ordering.

Space Complexity: O(N)

Time Complexity: O(N log N)

17. Is it possible to determine whether or not a string is a palindrome? If yes, how?

Palindrome: If a string can be read in the same manner starting from the front (or) starting from the back, it is termed a palindrome. In other words, if the reverse of a string equals the original string, it is a palindrome.

Approach 1: Naive Approach

The simplest way to use the STL's built-in reverse function is by the following steps:

  • Copy the string str to a new string, temp, and then reverse the string str.
  • Check if the string str is equal to the string temp. If it is true, then display “Yes“. else, display “No“.

Time Complexity: O(n)

Space Complexity: O(n)


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

string checkPalindrome(string str)


string temp = str;

reverse(temp.begin(), temp.end());

if (str == temp) {

return "Yes";


else {

return "No";



int main()


string S = "RADAR";

cout << checkPalindrome(S);

return 0;




Approach 2: Two pointers

A better way to tackle this is to utilize two pointers, one from the beginning and the other from the end, to verify if these two pointers refer to the same characters and move them to the string's midway.

Time Complexity: O(n)

Space Complexity: O(1)





using namespace std;

bool checkPalindrome(string a)


   int len = a.length();

   int start = 0;

   int end = len-1;

   while(start < end)


       if(a[start] != a[end])


           return false;





   return true;


int main()


   string s1 = "RADAR";

   string s2 = "KNEEL";

   cout<<s1<<" is "<< (checkPalindrome(s1) ? "": "NOT ") <<" a PALINDROME\n";

   cout<<s2<<" is "<< (checkPalindrome(s2) ? "": "NOT ") <<" a PALINDROME\n";





PwC Interview Questions for HR Rounds

1. Tell me about a time you had to correct someone’s mistake.

An interviewer asks questions such as this to discover how you manage obstacles, identify your shortcomings, and assess whether you have what it takes to accomplish the job properly. You want to be candid in your responses, but you also want to convey a positive story about how a mistake helped you become a better job applicant. 

Acknowledge the error briefly, and don't linger on it. Switch quickly to what you learned or how you grew after making that mistake, and outline the steps you took to ensure that the mishap never happened again. When discussing what you learned, attempt to stress the talents or attributes you developed that are relevant to the position you're interviewing for right now.

2. What do you think this role involves?

Interviewers would like to understand why you are intrigued about this particular job. Many people apply for many jobs at the same time, so demonstrate to the interviewer that you appreciate the role completely. Investigate the typical responsibilities of this role. Then consider how you are suitable or if you have the traits, talents, and abilities that qualify you for this position.

3. Describe a time when you had to improve a piece of work after criticism?

Describe a specific instance in which you increased your performance as a result of constructive feedback. Discuss how you responded to and changed your work after a boss or client criticized it. Give the idea that you continually strive for great work, which includes welcoming all types of honest feedback from coworkers. 

Do not claim that you haven't been criticized at work at all, as this appears to be boasting. Don't make the mistake of going into specifics about any mistakes at work; instead, concentrate on your positive answer to criticism. 

4. What have you read about PWC in the news?

The very first reason is that they want to ensure you did your homework before applying. They wouldn't want someone who applies to 200 jobs each day without really researching or understanding the job. Employers also need someone who is enthusiastic and works hard at their job. They think that if you've considered your job hunt and have particular reasons for applying, you're more likely to appreciate their position. 

It is also reasonable for them to question your objectives regarding your knowledge or your reason for applying, or how you know you won't despise working for them. You will need to thoroughly study and prepare for this. You must be prepared to say precise and name information and details about their company that you have read about.

5. Can you describe a time when you have worked in a team to deliver a piece of work? – What was your role in the team? What did you do exactly?

The question assesses both your communication abilities and your ability to operate as part of a team. Employers would like to see if you can respond professionally and clearly, how you talk about your colleagues and bosses, how easily you collaborate with others, and if you can achieve outcomes working in a group. 

First, briefly state the situation. It is advisable to concentrate on a certain event or team project. Then discuss the goal or objective you were working on. This could be the time in your narrative when you are confronted with a task, a deadline, or an obstacle. 

Next, describe how you collaborated with the team to overcome the difficulty. List the steps you followed in tackling the problem in detail. What happened when your colleagues came to help? What was the end result? Try to utilize instances with very concrete results; if possible, use numbers. The outcome should demonstrate your ability to work well with others.

6. Describe a time when you’ve successfully managed a project, for example, coursework or organizing an event. What challenges did you overcome? Who supported you? What was the outcome?

The interviewer is assessing your leadership abilities. The question is written in such a way that you have the option of discussing either people management or project planning. If you have never managed employees or projects, use the word "lead" instead of "manage." Individual contributors have most often led people and/or projects.

Or, at the very least, take the initiative among peers. Choose an example in which you provided results on time and on budget. Discuss how you used both human and non-human resources to get the desired objectives. Make sure your response displays your ability to set priorities, make decisions, meet deadlines, and delegate work.

7. Can you tell me about a piece of recent financial news you’ve read? Why did you find it interesting?

Interviewers want to know that you are informed on the market and financial developments. So, whether it's the Wall Street Journal, the Economic Times, or another financial journal, they want you to be aware of current market movements. Check your preferred financial journal on a daily basis in the week before your interviews to see if there are any stories that'd be a nice choice. 

Choose a piece that is related to your profession or a topic about which you are fluent. Explain why it's important. The more you can connect it to their business, the better. Make it a topic of discussion. See if you can include the interviewer in the loop.

8. Give an example of a time you failed to accomplish something.

Employers would not want to employ somebody who constantly makes excuses and blames others for their mistakes. This type of individual rarely learns from their setbacks and faults and is generally tough to work with. 

Accept responsibility, admit that you could have done things better/differently, and be honest and concise while explaining. Make it a point to demonstrate what you learned from the event as well as how you used this to better. 

They're also interested in whether you can create a coherent story and get from one point to another without deviating. If you are unable to communicate clearly during an interview process, the interviewer will be apprehensive about your potential communication abilities on the job.

9. Give an example of a time you built a relationship.

Interviewers are looking to discover if you can establish positive relationships with your boss, coworkers, clients, and other stakeholders. They also want to know if you take the initiative and strive to build your relationships without relying on the other person to do so. 

You should talk about the event in a positive light and emphasize that you took the opportunity. If this is your first employment application, you can talk about developing a relationship with your instructor, principal, or another important figure in your schooling or life.

10. Why audit?

The interviewer is mostly interested in learning three things about you: Your understanding of what the job entails, the forms of audits and their purpose in business, and also why you would like to work for their organization in particular, as well as how you can create a change. 

Remember that auditing is a collaborative effort. Keep your responses focused on the questions they're asking. Most of the questions they ask will require some explanation, so you won't need to stray off-topic if you answer them right. 

11. Give an example of a time you worked with someone with a different style. How did this differ from your own?

Irrespective of personality or work habits differences, the interviewer wants confirmation that if you're a team player. Tell the interviewer about a moment when you worked with someone who had a different approach to their duties or communication skills than you did. 

Describe the scenario and explain why working with this person was difficult. Concentrate on discussing the particular steps you took to achieve productive cooperation. While discussing another's work habits, avoid sounding closed-minded. You would like to prevent sounding rigid or like someone who knows everything. You can avoid making this mistake by praising other working styles, even though they differ from your own.

12. Give an example of a time you said something unethical.

Employers use ethical dilemma questions in interviews to evaluate your honesty and attitude toward evaluating and addressing workplace difficulties. Another major reason for posing the question is how it helps employers to evaluate what your key principles are and how they connect with the company's ideals. 

Even if you're talking about a period when things didn't go as planned, you should keep a pleasant attitude throughout the interview. Admit when you've made a mistake; humility can work in your favor. Then talk about how you dealt with the incident and what you learned from it. Maintain your optimism.

13. Give an example of a time when you weren’t given enough guidance.

The candidate must show maturity and the capacity to think conceptually about work. The recruiter will need to understand that you realize that simply finishing the task isn't enough. Try to clarify it with your boss at least once. By asking questions, you will gain a deeper understanding of the task. Blaming others is a common interview mistake, and it's also one of the quickest to make. 

When answering this question, describe how creative you were in gathering the knowledge you needed, and don't be afraid to confess that you were initially incorrect, as long as you can demonstrate that you grew from the event. Showing that you are proactive can go a fair distance.

14. Why PWC?

There are four key reasons for this: the personnel, the customers, the brand, and the training. Working with PwC allows you to collaborate with and learn from professionals in your area. One will be exposed to a variety of work types, clients, good training, and the chance to assume responsibility. All of these aspects contribute to one's career advancement and constitute the PwC experience.

15. Give an example of a time you overcame conflict.

To effectively answer this question, demonstrate to your interviewer that you really are an active listener who would recognize opposing viewpoints without becoming upset. You could also discuss how dispute resolution should occur in a private setting. 

Prospective employers will ask you questions like this to understand your character further. Past behavior often predicts how you will react in similar situations, so provide an instance you are grateful for or describe the learning you understood from experience. It is critical to emphasize the resolution rather than fixating on the dispute. When replying to a type of question, the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method may be useful.

16. What do you know about the ACA exams?

The Associate Chartered Accountant Program (ACA) is a high-level course developed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). The ACA is widely regarded as the most prestigious exam for earning the Chartered Accountant certification. 

This course is notable for its level of difficulty and the variety of chances it provides for applicants interested in accounting. The ICAEW is the largest professional association of qualified accountants. ACA is their only educational emphasis, guaranteeing that the curriculum is routinely evaluated and meets the needs of the business.

17. Give an example of a time when you worked with people outside your usual network.

Employers want team players, so interact in a sense that demonstrates to the recruiter that you can perform well with others. They need to see if you can begin communication, collaborate in a group, and optimize the outcome of your collective endeavors. Again, the STAR method comes in handy when answering behavioral interview questions.

18. What’s the most difficult thing about working with you?

The interviewer wants to see through this question if you are self-aware and if you can take accountability for a situation. Try and answer this question along the lines of the job you're applying for. However, give a clearer context about the situation. The interviewer should know that you learned from this experience. Stay on top with the instances and anecdotes you use in your response. 

Take into account highlighting situations that portrayed you in a positive light or that demonstrated your ability to work effectively as part of a team. After all, your anecdotes should highlight your strong points rather than your flaws as an employee.

19. Give an example of a time you solved a complex problem.

These questions provide employers with insight into a candidate's thought process, which includes gathering information from various source materials, critically thinking to evaluate that data, making decisions that generate more profit, and communicating their observations or suggestions with team members. You should provide specific examples that relate to the job description. Interviewers would like to learn that you are proactive and focused on results.

20. Give an example of a time when you had to complete multiple different projects to a short deadline.

The interviewer is interested in hearing your strategy for completing multiple tasks by the end of the day. Take the interviewer through your thought process for task prioritization. Do not express negative feelings about multitasking or getting a heavy workload. Saying you'd work until you finished everything, no matter how long it took, isn't a good answer. It says nothing about your capacity to reason quickly on your feet or to analyze a time-sensitive circumstance and then strategize a solution.

21. What would you do if you heard one of your coworkers releasing confidential client information?

This question is intended to assess both your perception of work colleagues sharing sensitive information and your interpersonal skills. The best way to respond is to say that you would first try to persuade the colleague that their actions would have an effect on them both professionally and personally, and if you didn't see a strong indication of them recognizing their error, you will indeed promptly notify the circumstance to a supervisor.

22. Tell me about a time when you were given vague instructions for a task and had to figure out what to do.

This question allows interviewers to determine if you can fit in well with the corporate culture and job needs. Many assignments will have ambiguous directions as you advance in an organization. This allows you to apply your abilities and expertise to solve an issue. You might highlight how you took advantage of the opportunity to lead that specific assignment. 

Mention, however, that you were prepared to embrace both success and failure. If your execution did not match your employer's expectations, explain how you learned from it. Keeping this in mind, you considered the organization's goals and objectives for the following time.

23. Give an example of a time you dealt with a team member who didn't pull his weight.

There are various excellent ways to convey how you handled such a difficult scenario. You can initiate a conversation with the person to figure out why they were having difficulty contributing. You can also go over the team's goals/mission again to see if the team member is having difficulty aligning with the goals. 

Alternatively, you might directly clarify team members' roles in order to create a greater structure for the team members. Finally, you can think of new techniques to encourage team members. A lack of motivation may result in a lack of contribution. These approaches demonstrate your communication, interpersonal, and leadership abilities, as well as your organizational and planning abilities.

Interview Preparation Tips 

  • Role Understanding

Know what you're applying for and what it entails. Make a list of all the information you can on the employment position you're looking for, including the skill set and education requirements, among other things. As PwC has a variety of positions and various profiles for each one, it is important to know what you're applying for before you walk in for an interview.

  • Resume Projects

Read over the resume from beginning to end, paying close attention to the specifics of each project and technology listed. Don't add projects or techniques that you aren't familiar with. Update your knowledge of the previous projects listed on your resume, as well as the technology you've learned about.

  • Practice DSA

Develop the habit of solving Data Structure and Algorithm challenges on a regular basis to improve your skills.  

  • Never Give Up

Never lose upon the challenges that were presented in the interview. If you can't instantly come up with the solution, then brute force the problem and subsequently apply refinements on top of it to get the best answer. Always look at things from several angles and keep going at them from all angles.

  • Grab Hints

Note the hints that have been provided. It's not uncommon for interviewers to provide guidance and assistance to candidates who run into difficulties. In order to go onto another phase, you must act quickly after receiving the tip. If you are unable to determine what the clue is, this is a huge red flag.

  • Behave Professionally

It's important to remember that interviewers aren't only looking at your resume to see whether you have the necessary qualifications. Your interpersonal skills, such as how you respond to a challenging topic, your thought process, if you match the organizational culture, whether you interrupt the interviewer, and so on, are also being evaluated. As a result, you should consider before you speak and avoid saying anything that may be seen as a red signal. 

  • Think Loud

Become proficient in the art of "thinking aloud." As weird as it may seem, in an interview setting, articulating how you came to your conclusion is the most important part.

  • Research and Communication

You shouldn't be nervous since the HR interviewer is likely to be a nice person. You won't be tested on your technical knowledge during the HR round, so keep your composure. With solid communication skills, the HR round will not be as daunting as it seems. Candidate preparation should include a self-introduction, capabilities and shortcomings, and a resume walkthrough, among other things. 

Discover the purpose and objectives of PwC Pvt Ltd as well as its history and background information. Make use of these phrases whenever you get a chance during the interview in order to gain a distinct edge since it demonstrates that you have done extensive study on the firm and that you are eager to join the team.

  • Mock Interviews

Don't be afraid to try practicing for interviews in advance. This will provide you with a sense of what to anticipate during the real interview. Your interview performance will improve as a result of giving more mock interviews. This also helps to improve your ability to communicate.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What drew you to PwC Pvt Ltd?

Always speak about the ideals that the organization holds dear and demonstrate that you, too, adhere to those values. Discuss the most current news about the business/products that you really like about this firm, and demonstrate your drive to develop and improve while performing for this organization. Discuss what you appreciate about the firm (not the money ) and why you want to serve this particular company in an open and honest manner.

2. What is the starting salary for new hires at PwC?

On average, PwC Pvt Ltd hires freshers with a starting salary of Rs. 6.5 lakh. PwC's software engineer compensation ranges from Rs. 6 lakh per year for freshers to Rs. 8.5 lakh per year.

3. Does PwC have a coding round

PwC does not have an online coding round at this time. Coding questions, on the other hand, will be asked during the interview process.

4. Is it difficult to join PwC?

Nothing is difficult if you put in the necessary effort and preparation beforehand. These interviews are mostly concerned with resumes, coding challenges (DSA & Algorithms), object-oriented programming (OOPs), and the foundations of computer science. Make sure you have a thorough understanding of these things in order to achieve your PwC career objective with flying colors.

5. What are PwC Eligibility Requirements?

  • There should be no current backlogs or outstanding debts.
  • Students should have a GPA of at least 6.0 throughout their academic careers.

6. How long does the Interview Process for Software Engineers at PwC last?

It's impossible to predict how long the PwC interview process will take. Everything is subject to change based on the circumstances. For the most part, PwC does not like to recruit extra applicants and then have them on the sideline. Even if you've passed all of your interviews, it might take up to 10 days for the ultimate offer letter to arrive. Typically, the interview process lasts from a few days to a few weeks.

Master Web Development With Simplilearn

Ace your PwC interview and land your dream job with Simplilearn’s Data Scientist. Master software development through this PG program in conjunction with Caltech CTME. You’ll be able to master both front-end and back-end Java technologies in just 9 months. Simplilearn also offers a myriad of other courses to help you get into other PwC domains. Check them out today to get your ideal job!

Our Software Development Courses Duration And Fees

Software Development Course typically range from a few weeks to several months, with fees varying based on program and institution.

Program NameDurationFees
Caltech Coding Bootcamp

Cohort Starts: 16 Dec, 2024

6 Months$ 8,000
Automation Test Engineer Masters Program

Cohort Starts: 4 Nov, 2024

8 months$ 1,499
Full Stack Java Developer Masters Program

Cohort Starts: 6 Nov, 2024

7 months$ 1,449
Full Stack (MERN Stack) Developer Masters Program

Cohort Starts: 8 Jan, 2025

6 Months$ 1,449

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