Want to analyze your website data with metrics used by top agencies? Start using the Google Analytics dashboard trusted by more than 27 million websites. It offers more than 500 important pieces of information. If diving into the vast pool of Google Analytics Reporting seems overwhelming and time-consuming, consider the simple alternative. Opt for a custom Google Analytics dashboard to create a view that displays your website's metrics that matter the most. You can have up to twenty private dashboards per account. Also, each account can have approximately fifty shared dashboards. Learn how to create the custom Google Analytics dashboard and share it with others. Advance your learning journey and become a Google Analytics expert. 

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Why Should You be Using a Dashboard?

Analyzing key metrics isn’t that simple. There is so much information that it gets difficult to skim the most important ones. A dashboard gathers data from multiple sources and combines them into a single interface. Thus, they provide a comprehensive snapshot of performance at a glance.

Dashboards are crucial for sound decision making. They can be interactive and dynamic, allowing filters that help set the view to the data that best suits your needs. 

How to Create Google Analytics Dashboards? 

Google Analytics dashboard provides a collection of data visualizations/widgets that present your website’s performance on a single canvas. It is completely customizable and can contain twelve widgets. While creating a Google Analytics dashboard, you can choose from the six standard widgets and four real-time widgets to visualize your data.

You can create a Google Analytics dashboard in the following two ways:

  • Create a Google Analytics Dashboard from scratch 
  • Use preset Google Analytics dashboard templates

How to Create a Custom Google Analytics dashboard?

The following steps will help you create your custom Google Analytics dashboard: 

  • Log in to Google Analytics.
  • Click on the “Customization” section and then click “Dashboards.”


Google Analytics Home 

  • Click on the Create option. 


Dashboards Page in Google Analytics  

  • From the two options that pop up, choose “Blank Canvas.” 
  • Next, give your dashboard a name. 
  • Click “Create Dashboard.”


Creating a New Dashboard

  • Add widgets and give them titles to build your dashboard. Select how you want to display widgets on your dashboard from the available options, including timeline, map, table, chart, and others. 
  • Add the metrics of your choice in the widget. 
  • Click on “Save” when done.


Adding a Widget to the Google Analytics Dashboard

  • Clicking on the “+ Add Widget” allows you to add additional widgets to the Google Analytics dashboard. 
  • Add until you get the dashboard you require.

The process can get overwhelming, so most users prefer prebuilt Google Analytics dashboard templates. 

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How to Share a Dashboard in Google Analytics? 

Sharing a Google Analytics dashboard is easy as you simply have to click on the “Share” dropdown menu on the dashboard.


Google Analytics Dashboard

Clicking on the Share tab in the sub-navigation section provides the following two options:

  • Share Template Link: It provides a shareable link to your dashboard and allows others to replicate it. However, the performance data will not be shared.
  • Share in Solutions Gallery: The account’s solution gallery has the template configuration stored, allowing you and others to replicate it easily. 

Top 10 Analytics Dashboards 

Building a dashboard demands expertise, and only the advanced Google Analytics users can ace the process. Therefore, the Solutions Gallery is an ideal option where you can find Google dashboard templates created and shared by Google Analytics experts.  

Discover the top 10 popular Google Analytics dashboards and learn about the perks of each. 

1. Basic - Traffic Growth Dashboard

The Traffic Growth dashboard shows the different types of visitors to your website. You can study both sessions and bounce rate to understand what sources lure in quality visitors.

Provides details about:  

  • Whether mobile visitors spend time on your site? 
  • Who visits your site and from where?
  • The sites that refer the maximum traffic to your website.
  • The social networks that provide quality visitors.


Traffic Growth Dashboard

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2. Executive- VP Digital Dashboard

The VP Digital dashboard covers some of the major metrics for executives, including acquisition, behavior, and outcomes. It is ideal for those interested in overall performance rather than tactical data.

Provides details about:

  • The common sources of traffic.
  • How well your site is converting visitors?
  • The time spent by visitors on the website.
  • The number of visitors who return for multiple sessions.


VP Digital Dashboard

3. Digital Marketing Dashboard- Audience Snapshot

The Digital Marketing dashboard gives the key information about the types of visitors arriving at your site. Viewing the demographics, locations, and devices, you can understand your visitor’s context for discovering your products. 

Provides details on:

  • The demographics of users visiting the website.
  • The visitors’ mobile devices.
  • Time spent by the visitors on your site.
  • The number of users visiting your site multiple times.
  • The number of new visitors you acquire.


Audience Snapshot

4. Content Marketing Dashboard

This Google Analytics dashboard checks the efficiency of your website content. It displays which pages grab the visitors' attention and the pages that maximize the goal conversions. It also provides insights into the pages with the maximum exits and might require updating. 

Provides details on:

  • The popular pages of your site.
  • The pages that lead to goal completions.
  • The pages that encourage visitors to continue reading.
  • The pages that the new visitors hit first.
  • Where do the visitors reside?
  • The last viewed pages before a visitor exits.


Content Analysis Dashboard

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5. SEO Dashboard

Want to prioritize your SEO efforts? Discover which existing pages provide quality visitors with the help of the Google Analytics SEO dashboard. It examines the complete process, including the search query and the goal completion. Digital marketers find this Google Analytics dashboard useful as it tells about the organic search terms that drive maximum traffic.

Provides details on:

  • The specific landing pages that lure quality organic visitors.
  • The keywords that drive visitors.
  • The most popular pages in organic search.
  • The landing pages with high bounce rates.


SEO Dashboard

6. Social Media Dashboard

This Google Analytics Dashboard allows you to consider on-site and off-site social activities. You can learn about the social channels that bring maximum quality traffic to the website. Also, you can discover whether they stay on the site to complete the specific goals you have set up.

Provides details on: 

  • The percentage of visitors coming from social platforms.
  • The specific social networks lead visitors that complete goals.
  • The specific social networks provide visitors who spend quality time on your website.
  • Whether mobile devices produce quality visits via social media.


Social Media Dashboard

7. Ecommerce Dashboard

This Google Analytics dashboard considers customer acquisition for e-commerce. It studies and displays visitors' purchasing habits from different referral sources. You can view product revenue and discover where you must offer more products.

Provides details on:

  • The devices used by visitors for buying products.
  • The referrals that lead to purchases.
  • The products that visitors usually buy.
  • How to make each visit more profitable?


E-commerce Dashboard

8. Site Performance Dashboard

The Site Performance dashboard is the best amongst the user starter bundles as it provides an overall picture of the website's performance. It displays the average load times on the web and mobile. It also tells whether the tour website takes more time to load in other countries. 

Provides details on:

  • The speed at which the website loads for web searches
  • How fast does the website load for mobile searches?
  • The pages (if any) that have unacceptable load times
  • Whether the website loads slowly in any specific browser?


Site Performance Dashboard

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9. Mobile Phone and Tablet Dashboard

It is crucial to create a satisfying user experience on every device. This Google Analytics dashboard tells you about the areas that require effort and those doing a great job. 

Provides details on:

  • The common screen resolutions for visitors.
  • The pages that the mobile visitors enjoy.
  • The devices used by your mobile visitors.
  • Whether mobile visitors complete the key actions included on your site.


Mobile Phone and Tablet Dashboard

10. Goals and Channels Dashboard

The visits that result in goal completions are the ones that matter the most, and this Google Analytics dashboard provides a clear insight into the same. You can easily find channels that generate the maximum goal completions. Also, learn about the ages and locations of visitors completing the goals. 

Provides details on:

  • The channels generating the maximum sales.
  • The pages generating the maximum leads/sales.
  • The location of the customers. 
  • The age groups of the customers that are most likely to convert.
  • The time of the day when the users are most likely to convert.


Goals and Channels Dashboard

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Match your pace with the constantly evolving digital world. Whether you create your Google Analytics dashboard from scratch or use the prebuild ones to reach your goals, adding Google Analytics to your skill set can fast track your digital marketing career. Master GA and other analytics tools by enrolling in our PGP in Digital Marketing. Give your career the right push and become a successful Digital Marketer in 2022! 

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Digital Marketing Courses typically range from a few weeks to several months, with fees varying based on program and institution.

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8 Months$ 3,000
Digital Marketing Specialist8 Months$ 1,649