Email vulnerability is a web security vulnerability used by spammers to send anonymous emails. It occurs due to insecure web applications that are not fully sanitized during preparing and sending emails. The “contact us” header plays the spoilsport that legitimate users use for sending emails to the owners of businesses.

Story to back up Email Vulnerability 
Germany has recently witnessed the biggest email hacking breach ever in history with 18 million users under getting the password of their account stolen as reported by German press Der Spiegel. The victims include German citizens and internet companies from both Germany and other countries. Here is a pie chart that indicates the email accounts that are targeted frequently.

Role of IT Security Management in relation to Email Vulnerability
Information technology security management frames rules and procedures that protect sensitive data of various organizations. The security management proactively controls the security breach by minimizing risk and ensuring business functionality.

Functionality of IT Security Management
Security management studies the security behavior and processes data and technology. Customer data is implemented in an intelligible way that becomes a part of the tradition of an organization. The management gives suggestions on internal audits, documentation, continual improvement and preventive measures.

Importance of IT Security Certification for Information Security Management
ISO/IEC 27001 is a security certification system. It is not obligatory to follow the certification standards by security management, but following a standard can give you multiple benefits as a business organization. It creates trust among the customers and clients that can prove to be a good strategy for businesses.

Common Methods of protecting Email Privacy
As per the current statistics, breach mails and photos are going to be the next sensation in social media even if the privacy setting is effectively enabled. Emails sound as a safer medium of sharing information in comparison to social media but losing control of your account can land you on a potentially risky side. The dangerous effects of email breach can end up in bouncing of information from server to server. Here are some common methods to protect privacy of emails:

Strong Password
Strong password is the only way to protect your email when you have to give your email address to everybody. Weak passwords leave an easy option for people to guess the passwords. The jargon as popularly known by security experts called malefactor who can surmise your password to gain access of your email account. The strategy best works for web-based email service providers like Gmail and yahoo mail.

Avoid Public PCs
Whenever you are accessing your email in a public internet café or library, you need to log out before leaving public PCs. Even simple traces of information can lead to gaining access of your email account to the next user.

Locking up the Windows
Whenever you are not using your PC, the best practice is to lock up your windows. If somebody is sneaking in to your computer while you are accessing your email, it becomes quite easy for people to hack your email.

Don’t follow the Security Breach link
Most of the time while accessing your email, you get messages of your email getting breached. It leads you to a page where you can change your password. Most of the time it is a fake message. The best practice is to avoid such messages. You need to double check in your client’s account so as to ensure that the message is genuine.

Email encryption is a present day technique that allows the use of passwords with files that you transfer through your email. You should more frequently be using build-in encryption of word files and encryption with ZIP files. There are various products that you can use for free to enable encryption with your email.

Vulnerability and Patch Management as done by IT Security Management 
The pro-active approach of security management services include checking vulnerabilities, identifying vulnerabilities, verifying vulnerabilities, mitigating vulnerabilities and patching vulnerabilities.

Checking Vulnerabilities
This is a process that involves network scanning, firewall logging and penetration testing. Vulnerability scanner is used to automatically check vulnerabilities in the system.

Network Scanning
Network scanning is a process to count the number of hosts connected to your network for the purpose of securing your network. Ping sweeps and port scans are used for this purpose to know the IP address of the active hosts. This makes an organization to adapt possible measures for securing its network.

Firewall is a set of programs located in the network gateway server. The main function of firewall is to protect the resources from the private users. An enterprise makes use of the firewall as the best way to protect the users of the organization from possible threats. It also includes proxy server and works through a router program. No incoming request can be directly installed in a firewall enabled network without permission of the resource.

Penetration Testing 
This test is popularly known as pen test. It protects the computer system, network and web applications that could possibly be the favorite destinations of hackers. The unique quality of this test is that it can both be performed automatically with the usage of software and manually. The test finds possible break points before the threat hampers the system.

Identifying Vulnerabilities
Analysis of vulnerability scans and pen test results find the possible threats pertaining to systems. Possible threats of malicious attack can be identified through this process.

Any program that is harmful for a computer is known as a malware or malicious program. Without prior permission of the administrator, these programs get installed in the computer of the administrator to begin the process of unauthorized access. Spyware, Trojan, virus and worms come in the category of malicious software or malware.

Verifying Vulnerabilities
After the detection of possible threats, it is the time for determining how dangerous the programs are for your server, applications, network and other systems. Apart from that this process includes risk calculations pertaining to each possible threat.

Server is a program that allows other computers to connect to the network. When a client passes a request for accessing the system of an organization, the request is processed through the server and then the client gains access to the server.

Applications are programs that are designed for carrying out certain functions. It can be web programs, drawing tools, games, email terminal and many others. These are pretty common in cell phones that people use in today’s world.

Mitigating vulnerabilities
It is the time for taking measures to combat the possible threats out of the system. In this process methods are invented to find out patch for treating the threats. The best practice is to disconnect your computer from the network that is possibly being the bone of contention.

A patch is a piece of programming required for fixing the possible threats. It provides solutions to individual users and enterprises. It can be downloaded from the website of the company that offers it as a product. Patch may not be the best solution for security threats but it can be treated as a security measure for combating possible threats.

Patching Vulnerabilities
This process involves collecting patch from the vendors, and applying these in the places where possible threats are suspected. This process involves patch testing process that tests whether a patch is compatible with the desired system or not. This is an automated process and is done with patching management tool.

Patch Management
Patch Management is a process that detects the areas of vulnerabilities in a network. Along with t this, the process installs patches in the systems of the administrator. This process involves the patches available in the market currently, the patches that fit to the system, the installation of the patches, and testing of their functionality after installation. Various patch management systems are offered in the market for safe operation of server and other vulnerabilities.

Security measures that go behind the scenes to safeguard your emails
Today’s organizations face a tough task ahead when it comes to security management. A bunch of new regulators in the market has possibly increased the challenge further for the organizations to build up robust security system for staying ahead the email vulnerabilities and security flaws. It has become essential for continuing business, managing security and working on budget.

Vendors providing security system as administrators of enterprises
The security system developed by vendors takes control of the whole system as an administrator. Most of the world class enterprises give control of their system to the reliable vendors, who have earned reputation in the international market as renowned security providers.

The way vendors work for the security of the organizations
The core unified security architecture of the vendors gain full control of the system of enterprises. They implement policies across the infrastructure in their own way to ensure the security system is fully protected from all the possible threats. Apart from that, private vendors update their security policies on a day-to-day basis to maximize the security of the enterprises. They employ specialists in different areas of the network to find possible weaknesses that arise in the system on a regular basis. On the basis of reports found by the examiners, the security measures are adapted to fully equip an organization with combating the possible threats.

Usage of multi domain security management software
As the name suggests the software can be used for handling various functions. You can possibly call this software as a multifunctional tool. This program centralizes the policies pertaining to the software. The program divides the whole system in to different fragments that can be controlled from a central server. The programs give access to various geographical locations even thousand miles away from the location of the main server.

The effectiveness of the programs in integrating the security of a unified system 
The granular role of the administrator increases the flexibility of the system implementation. It preserves the independence of the administrator with centralizing the security system. The security management system functions on the basis of location and business units.

Stronger security in adherence with global security provisions
This system requires single configuration for firewall, VPN and other security systems. A single console does the trick in this system. All the works are done automatically. Computers are deployed to handle all the possible threats posed by it. The situation cannot be better than ever when the same thing is treated for the betterment. Common security measures have opened the platform for the enterprises to look ahead in the era of globalization. Open discussions can be made to occur among different organizations in the world to take steps to further enhance the security measures.
The use of standard systems has made it easy for the enterprises. They can meet in summit where they can talk about security matters and can share the common thought. If somebody has a possible solution, he or she can share the same with others. It will be easier for people or enterprises to implement. Even government organizations are looking forward to implement the security measures that organizations have already implemented effectively.

Software developed by the vendors can be implemented with any system
The most astounding feature of this software package is that it can be effectively implemented and integrated with any system. It provides same functionality with all the systems. The only thing that differs from organizations to organizations is that, it can be regulated differently for different organizations. Suppose, a system has a specific type of vulnerability, it can be updated as per the persisting problem. With effective implementation of the programs for a particular system, the new regulation shows its character. In the era, when internet does miracles, it also creates possible threats that bring in security issues. Email vulnerability and security flaws can be of one type now.

With changing time and technology, security has been a great concern for the organizations. IT security management and IT security certification can be the best possible solution for staying ahead of e-Mail vulnerability and security flaws for the enterprises and individuals running organizations.

Duration and Fees for Our Online Cyber Security Training

Cyber Security training programs usually last from a few weeks to several months, with fees varying depending on the program and institution

Program NameDurationFees
Professional Certificate Program in Cybersecurity

Cohort Starts: 27 Jan, 2025

20 weeks$ 3,500
Executive Certificate Program in Cybersecurity

Cohort Starts: 13 Feb, 2025

7 months$ 2,499
Caltech Cybersecurity Bootcamp

Cohort Starts: 7 Apr, 2025

6 Months$ 8,000
Cyber Security Expert Masters Program4 months$ 2,599

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