Amazon Interview Questions and Answers That You Should Know Before Attending an Interview

In preparation for your Amazon interview, it is important to understand the types of questions that will be asked. In particular, you should focus on problem-solving and algorithm questions. While some questions may be specific to Amazon, many will be general and can be applied to any technical interview. By preparing for these questions, you will stand out from the other candidates and demonstrate your familiarity with common interviewing practices. In this article, we will look at some of the most frequently asked interview questions at Amazon and provide tips on answering them.

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Firstly, look at Beginner Level Amazon Interview Questions.

1. Why do you want to join Amazon?

This is one of the most straightforward Amazon interview questions you might encounter. Here’s an answer to it:

  1. The company's growth is increasing rapidly every day, and Amazon has disrupted every industry it has set its foot in every sector in the world.
  2. It is really about putting yourself in the shoes of the consumer to win their trust and confidence towards the company and the skills in a personality.
  3. It also helps me to excel at immersing myself in new industries and applying that knowledge to deliver above-average results.

2. What are checked exceptions?

A checked exception is an exception that occurs at the compile-time; these exceptions are also called compile-time exceptions. The exceptions cannot simply be ignored at the time of compilation, and the programmer should take care of (handle) these exceptions.

For example:- If a file is to be opened, but the file was not found, an exception occurs. These exceptions that occurred cannot simply be ignored at the time of compilation.

3. What is hashing?

Hashing is a technique used to convert a range of key values into a range of indexes of an array. For example, you can create an associative data storage where the data index is found by providing its key values using the hash tables.

4. What is linear data structure?

A Linear data structure has data elements arranged in a sequential manner, and each element is connected to its previous and next element. Such data structures are easy to implement as computer memory is also sequential.

The examples of the linear data structure are Lists, Queue, Stack, Array, etc. 

5. What does algorithm mean?

An algorithm is a finite sequence of well-defined instructions, typically used to solve a class of specific problems or perform a computation. Algorithms are used as specifications for performing calculations, data processing, automated reasoning, automated decision-making, and other tasks. A heuristic, in contrast, is an approach to problem-solving that may not be fully specified or may not guarantee correct or optimal results, especially in problem domains where there is no well-defined correct or optimal result.

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6. What is a search operation?

Search operation means whenever an element is to be searched, start searching from the root node, where the data is less than the key value, search for the element in the left subtree. Or, in simple terms, searching for the element in the right subtree.

7. What is the purpose of the "is" operator in Python?

The "is" keyword is used to test if two variables refer to the same object or not. The test returns the results true if the two objects are the same object and false if they are not referred to the same object or if the two objects are accurate. Use the == operator to test if two variables are equal.

8. What is data structure?

Data structure is a data organization and storage format that enables efficient access and modification of the data. And, a data structure is a collection of data values and the relationships among the data and the functions that can be applied over the data.

9. What is the difference between tuples and lists in Python?

The main differences between the lists and tuples are: lists are enclosed with ( [] ) square brackets and their elements, and the size can be changed when required. Tuples are enclosed in round or parentheses ( () )and cannot be updated. Tuples can be off as read-only lists.

10. What is the Tower of Hanoi?

The Tower of Hanoi is a puzzle consisting of three towers and more than one ring. Where all rings are of different sizes and stacked upon each other, the large disk is always below the small disk. The main aim is to move the disk tower from one peg to another without breaking its properties.

11. What is Collections API?

Collections API is a set of classes and interfaces that support operations on the collection of objects. The significant advantages of a collections API are that it provides interoperability between unrelated APIs.

12. Describe a time where you failed at something. How did you recover?

When I was managing a project for one of our biggest clients in my previous company, I was so eager to please them that I told them we could finish the project within three weeks. So, I took my experience and used it to become much better at managing clients' expectations during the project.

13. Tell something about you which is not included in your resume?

  1. Mention something you achieved at your current job that's so recent and not included in your resume.
  2. Talk about a volunteering experience that you can relate to the position.
  3. Stress is a strength or skill that's essential to the current position.

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14. What is BFS?

Breadth-First Search algorithm is used in searching for a tree data structure for a node satisfying the given property. The algorithm begins at the tree root and goes further to explore all the tree nodes at present depth before it moves on to the nodes at the next depth level. The extra memory, usually a queue, should be needed to keep track of the child nodes that were encountered but not explored.

15. Why should we hire you?

As some right out of college, I am on the lookout for opportunities to prove my ability. As a part of this organization, I'll put all my efforts and strengths to make your company reach outstanding achievements, and if you hire me, I will get an opportunity to build my professional experience through your company.

These are a few Beginner Level Amazon Interview Questions. Now, jump on to the Intermediate level Amazon Interview Questions in this tutorial.

16. What is a Heap in Data Structure?

Heap is a balanced binary tree data structure where the root-node key is compared with its children and is arranged accordingly. A min-heap, a parent node has a key-value less than its child’s, and a max-heap parent node has a value greater than its child’s.

17. What does success mean to you?

In my point of view, I define success as fulfilling my role in my team and the company. I trust that my employer has placed me in a position where I can achieve the goals of the company and my team. So I work toward completing my duties as effectively as possible.

18. How does Prim's algorithm find spanning trees?

The Prim's algorithm considers the nodes to be part of a single tree and adds new nodes to the spanning tree from the given graph.

19. What is synchronization?

Synchronization is the capability to control the access of multiple threads to the shared resources. Synchronized keyword in Java provides locking that ensures exclusive mutual access of shared resources and prevents data race.

20. List a few advantages of Packages in Java?

  1. Packages in Java avoid name clashes.
  2. Packages in Java also provide easier access control.
  3. It is easy to locate the related classes using packages in Java.

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21. What is Tree Traversal?

Tree traversal is a process of visiting all the nodes of a tree. All the nodes are connected via edges (links), where we always start from the root (head) of the node.

The three ways to traverse a tree:

  1. In-order Traversal
  2. Pre-order Traversal
  3. Post-order Traversal

22. Why did you decide to go into IT?

While technical skills can get you far, there's a lot in IT work that can be learned on the job. Because of this, employers might look for somebody who has other qualities that can be linked to success, like passion and curiosity. So this question can also be a way for employers to get to know you and your story.

23. What are your salary expectations?

For these kinds of questions, rather than offering a set number of the salary you expect, provide a range in which you'd like your salary to fall. And also, try to keep your range tight rather than very wide.

For example, if you want to make $80,000 a year, an excellent range to offer would be $75,000 to $90,000.

24. What does success mean to you?

 In my point of view, I define success as fulfilling my role in my team and the company. I trust that my employer has placed me in a position where I can achieve the goals of the company and my team. So I work toward completing my duties as effectively as possible.

25. What is Database?

A Database is a collection of the data that is stored and accessed by the computer system, and designed by formal design and modeling techniques. 

26. Describe yourself in five words?

Give a response like the following:  

  • Creative
  • Diligent
  • Honest
  • Friendly
  • Loyal

27. How does Kruskal's algorithm work?

The working of Kruskal's algorithm treats the graph as a forest and every node as an individual tree. A tree that connects to another only if it has the least cost among all available options and does not violate MST properties.

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28. How does depth-first traversal work?

The Depth First Search algorithm algorithm traverses a graph in a depthward motion and remembers the stack to get the next vertex to start a search when a dead end occurs in any iteration.

29. What was the biggest mistake of your life?

For these kinds of questions, one of the best ways to answer is to talk about a specific example of a time when you made a mistake. Explain what the mistake was and elaborate a little about it. Quickly switch over what you learned and how you improved after making that mistake.

30. What is shell sort?

Shell sort can be said as a variant of insertion sort. It divides the list into smaller sublists based on some gap variable, and then each sub-list is sorted using insertion sort. In some cases, it can also perform up to 0(n log n).

31. Mention some examples of greedy algorithms?

Examples of greedy algorithms are:  

  1. Kruskal's Minimal Spanning Tree Algorithm
  2. Travelling Salesman Problem
  3. Knapsack Problem
  4. Prim's Minimal Spanning Tree Algorithm
  5. Job Scheduling Problem
  6. Dijkstra's Minimal Spanning Tree Algorithm
  7. Graph - Map Coloring
  8. Graph - Vertex Cover

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32. What is a recursive function?

A recursive function is a function that calls itself directly or calls a function that in turn calls it.

Every recursive function follows the recursive properties base criteria where functions stop calling itself and progressive approach where the function tries to meet the base criteria in each iteration.

33. List the types of Data Structures? 

Data structures are divided into two categories: 

  • Linear Data Structure
  • Non-Linear Data Structure

34. What are your strengths?

The answer to this amazon interview question could be:  

  1. Creativity
  2. Discipline
  3. Patience
  4. Determination
  5. Dedication
  6. Honesty

35. What are the situations that make you angry?

For these kinds of questions, briefly mention the situation that agitated you and then move on to the solution. Every interviewer appreciates a problem-solving attitude or bent-of-mind. Do not over exaggerate about you being a calm and professional person.

36. State the properties of B Tree.

The properties of B Tree are: 

  1. Every node in a B-Tree contains at most m children.
  2. Every node in a B-Tree except the root node and the leaf node contains at least an m/2 children.
  3. The root nodes in B-Tree must have at least two nodes.

37. Which is more important: money or work?

In my point of view work is more important to me. Once you achieve and overperform the target and help increase the company's growth, then definitely money will follow.

These are a few Intermediate Level Amazon Interview Questions. Now, understand the Advanced Level Amazon Interview Questions.

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38. Mention some examples of dynamic programming algorithms?

  1. Knapsack problem
  2. Shortest path by Dijkstra
  3. Tower of Hanoi
  4. Project scheduling
  5. Floyd-Warshall
  6. Fibonacci number series

39. What is a queue in Data Structure?

Queue in a data structure is an abstract data structure. In contrast to stack, where the queue is opened at both ends, one end is mainly used to insert data (enqueue), while the other to remove data (dequeue). Queue follows FIFO methodology, and the data item stored first will be accessed first.

40. Mention the use of a default constructor in Java?

The purpose of the default constructor in Java is to assign the default value to the objects. Java compiler always creates a default constructor implicitly if there is no constructor present in the class.

41. What is a postfix expression?

An expression in which the operators follow the operands is known as postfix expression. The benefit of this form is that there is no need to group sub-expressions in parentheses or consider operator precedence.

In postfix notation, the expression "a + b" will be represented as "ab+".

42. What is meant by Selection Sort?

Selection sort is an in-place sorting technique. It splits the data set into sub-lists known as sorted and unsorted. Then it selects the minimum element from the unsorted sub-list and places it into the sorted list. This iterates unless all the elements from the unsorted sub-list are consumed into a sorted sub-list.

43. Write a code for Inserting a node?

class Node:

def __init__(self, data): = data = None 

class LinkedList:

def __init__(self):

self.head = None

44. What is merge sort, and how does it work?

Merge sort is a sorting algorithm based on the divide and conquers programming approach. Merge sort keeps dividing the list into smaller sub-list until all sub-list have only one element. And then, it merges them in a sorted way until all sub-lists are consumed. It has a run-time complexity of 0(n log n), and it needs 0(n) auxiliary space.

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45. Tell me about a time you could not finish a project and had to pivot quickly. How did you handle it?

At my last job, I led a project that was near completion. When everything was moving smoothly and on target for timely completion, then one of our partners provided one of the software upgrades that were to occur at the 90 percent mark and encountered a breach of systems and was estimated to be delayed by two to four weeks. Instead, we could allocate two resources to support the provider and help to recover from the breach in less than half of the projected time.

46. Why did you leave your Last Job?

The best way to answer these questions is, to be honest. Try not to forget to add your learnings from the situation and how you have overcome those problems.

Take care of yourself not to speak ill of your former employer, colleagues, or the job. Your attempt and approach should be to make the answer as positive as you can. So, it will be beneficial to make a good impression on you.

47. Count possible paths in an mXn matrix from top left to bottom right?

class Tree {static int numberOfPaths(int a, int b)    {if (a == 1 || b == 1)return 1;return numberOfPaths(a- 1, b) + numberOfPaths(a, b - 1);      }public static void main(String args[])    {System.out.println(numberOfPaths(3, 3));    }} 

48. Write a function to give the sum of all the numbers in the list?

def sum(numbers):total = 0 for num in numbers:total+=numprint(''Sum of the numbers: '', total)sum((10, 20, 30, 40, 0, 50))

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49. How to Split String in Java?

public class Split {  public static void main(String args[])  {  String str = "Simplielearn";  String[] arrOfStr = str.split("e", 2);  for (String a : arrOfStr)  System.out.println(a);  }}

50. Write a code to find the factorial?

class Factorial{   public static void main(String args[]){    int i, fact=1;    int number=5;     for(i=1; i<=number; i++){          fact=fact*i;      }      System.out.println("Factorial of "+number+" is "+fact);     }  }

51. How do you find the missing number in the array?

The secret to finding the missing number in an array is to use the formula n(n+1)/2. This will help you find the middle number in the array, and from there, you can determine the missing number.

52. Find out if the summation of two integers equals the given value.

This can be determined by using the following steps:

  • Determine the two numbers that are being added together.
  • Substitute these numbers for x and y in the equation x + y = z.
  • Solve the equation for z.
  • Check to see if the value of z is equal to the given value.

53. How to merge two sorted linked lists?

There are a few ways to merge two sorted linked lists. One way is to use a temporary variable to store the address of the head of the first list and then traverse the lists, inserting each element of the first list into the second list before moving on to the next element in the first list.

Another way is to use a temporary variable to store the address of the head of the second list and then traverse the lists, inserting each element of the first list into the second list before moving on to the next element in the first list.

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54. How to copy linked list with arbitrary pointer?

For example, you have a linked list, and you want to copy it. But you don't have a pointer to the first element, so you can't use the standard library function memcpy(). How do you do it?

The solution is as follows:

  • Traverse the given linked list and copy the data of each node to a new location.
  • Update the pointer in the original list to point to the next node.
  • Recursively copy the new list to the same new location.

55. What is the level order traversal of a binary tree?

The level order traversal of a binary tree is a depth-first search algorithm. The algorithm starts at the root node and explores the left and right child nodes before moving to the next level. The algorithm visits every node in the tree, including the leaves, and prints the nodes in the visit order.

56. Determine if a binary tree is a binary search tree

A binary search tree (BST) is a data structure that allows fast searching of data. It can be used to store a sorted list of items. The tree is binary because it has two children for each node at most. A binary search tree is a binary search tree if and only if the following two conditions are met:

  • The left child of a node is less than the node itself.
  • The right child of a node is greater than the node itself.

57. What is string segmentation?

String segmentation is breaking a string into smaller strings or segments. This can be done in several ways, depending on the desired outcome. Common methods of string segmentation include character delimitation, word delimitation, and sentence delimitation.

When you segment a string, you essentially break it down into smaller strings. These smaller strings can then be processed individually. For example, you could use string segmentation to split a list of names into individual strings. This would allow you to loop through the list and process each name separately.

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58. How do you reverse words in a sentence?

In C programming, you can reverse the order of the words in a sentence by using the strrev() library function. The strrev() function takes a string as input and reverses the order of the characters in the string.

59. How to find Kth permutation?

To find the kth permutation, we can use the factorial function to calculate the product of all the possible permutations of the first k items in the set and then divide by k!. The brute force method would be to try every possible permutation, which would take n!/(k! (n-k)! ) steps. However, this can be sped up using various algorithms.

One such algorithm is the Knuth shuffle, which takes O(n*k) time. Another is the insertion sort, which takes O(n*log(n)) time. Finally, the bubble sort takes O(n*log(n)*k) time.

60. What are the Key steps to succeed in your Amazon interview?

There are several key steps that you can take to set yourself up for success when interviewing with Amazon. First and foremost, it is important to research the company and the role you are interviewing for. Understand the company's values and culture, and be prepared to talk about how your skills and experience align with those values.

It is also important to be prepared for common interview questions. Practice answering questions aloud so that you can speak confidently and clearly. Be sure to ask questions of your own during the interview, as this will show that you are interested in the role. Finally, send a thank you note after the interview to reiterate your interest in the position.

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61. How to clone a directed graph

Cloning a directed graph is a process that creates a replica of the original graph. The new graph will have the same nodes and edges as the original, and the order of the edges will be preserved. The most common way to clone a directed graph is to use a graph algorithm like breadth-first search or depth-first search. These algorithms recursively explore all paths in the graph, creating a new copy of the graph for each path they encounter. 

62. How to find low/High index

You can use these algorithms to find low and high indexes.

For Low Index:

  • Consider the range between low and high indexes at each step and then find the mid-index.
  • If the element at the mid Index is lower than the key, low will become mid + 1. This allows you to move towards the beginning of the range.
  • If the mid element >= the key, the high will be mid - 1. The low Index will remain the same.
  • If the low > high, it would indicate the first appearance of the key.
  • Return -1 if the key does not match the element at the low.

For High Index:

Similar results can be obtained by slightly altering the condition above for high Index

  • Switch the low Index to middle + 1 if the key Index of an element is lower than or equal to the Index at mid.
  • Switch the high Index to middle - 1 if the key element is larger than the mid.

63. How to search a rotated array?

There are a few ways to search a rotated array. One way is to use the binary search algorithm. This algorithm works by dividing the array in half and searching for the element in the middle. If the element is found, then the algorithm terminates. If the element is not found, the algorithm splits the array in half again and searches for the element in the middle of that subarray. This process is repeated until the element is found or the array is reduced to a single element.

64. Create a program that prints the k largest elements of an array. An array element can have any order. If you have an array of [1, 23, 12, 9, 30, 2,50] and are asked to print the largest three elements, i.e., k = 3, the output should be 50, 30 or 23


  • Modify Bubble Sort to run an outer loop maximum of k times.
  • Print the last k elements from the array created in step 1.

The complexity of Time: O(n*k).

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65. What are classes and objects in c++?

Classes and objects are the two most important concepts in C++. A class is a template for creating objects. It is a blueprint for an object. Classes are defined by their members, which are the data and functions that belong to the class.

An object is an instance of a class. It is a specific instance of the template defined by the class. Objects are created by using the new keyword. The class members are copied into the object when it is created.

66. Given an array of integers, write a function that returns true if there is a triplet (a, b, c) that satisfies a2 + b2 = c2. 

Import kotlin. math.*

class ArrayTripletsAlg {

    fun doIt(array: Array<Int>): Triple<Int, Int, Int>? {

        fun sort(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int): Triple<Int, Int, Int> {

            return if (a > b) {

                if (a > c) {

                    if (b > c) {

                        Triple(a, b, c)

                    } else {

                        Triple(a, c, b)


                } else {

                    Triple(c, a, b)


            } else if (b > c) {

                if (a > c) {

                    Triple(b, a, c)

                } else {

                    Triple(b, c, a)


            } else {

                Triple(c, b, a)



        (0 until array.size - 2).forEach { i ->

            (i + 1 until array.size - 1).forEach { j ->

                (j + 1 until array.size).forEach { k ->

                    val triplets = sort(array[i], array[j], array[k])

                    if (triplets.first.toDouble().pow(2) ==

                            (triplets.second.toDouble().pow(2) + triplets.third.toDouble().pow(2)))

                        return triplets




        return null



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67. What is Operator Overloading?

Operator overloading is a feature of some programming languages that allows you to redefine the behavior of operators for user-defined data types. This can make code more concise and readable or provide more functionality.

68. How do you allocate and deallocate memory in c++?

The new operator is used in C++ to allocate memory from the free store (or heap). int *ptr=new int; , and the delete operator to deallocate.

Customer Obsession Amazon Interview Questions

1. Please tell me when you were obsessed with providing high-quality customer service.

Sample Answer: I worked as a support engineer at a software company and one of our biggest clients called XYZ. They were having some issues with the product, and I was the only one who could help them. I spent hours on the phone with them to resolve the issue. I was obsessed with giving them the best possible service. In the end, I was able to fix the issue, and they were very happy. That experience taught me the importance of going above and beyond for customers.

2. What was the most difficult interaction you had with a customer?

Sample Answer: 

The most difficult customer interaction that I have ever had was working at a call center for a cell phone company. I was helping a customer trying to upgrade his phone, but he was having trouble because his old phone was still under contract. He became extremely angry and began to shout at me. He accused me of being incompetent and of trying to cheat him. I felt like I would lose my temper, but I managed to stay calm and resolve the issue to his satisfaction.

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3. Could you give an example of when you sought feedback from a customer? What did you do with the feedback?

Sample Answer:

I was always very open to customer feedback and often sought it out to understand what I could do to improve their experience and the product. I would also take this feedback and use it to develop new features or products. For example, one of my customers suggested that we develop a desktop application because they found the website difficult to use on their mobile phones. We developed a desktop application based on this customer feedback, which was a huge success.

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Invent and Simplify Questions

1. Please tell me when you solved a complicated problem with a simple solution.

When answering this question, you have to share a time when you utilized your problem-solving skills to solve a complex issue. Be sure to highlight how you could remain calm under pressure and utilize your critical thinking skills to find a solution.

For example, suppose you were in a previous job and were tasked with developing a new software system. In that case, you could share a story about how you were able to simplify the process by breaking it down into smaller steps that could be easily tackled. This would show the interviewer that you can think on your feet and develop creative solutions to complex problems.

2. Tell me about a time when you invented something.

The interviewer is looking to gauge your problem-solving skills, creativity, and resourcefulness. When answering this question, you have to share a story that demonstrates how you could think outside the box and develop new ideas.

3. Please walk me through a different scenario of a process you invented or improved.

There are a few ways to answer this question. One way would be to describe how you identified a problem and came up with a solution. This could involve describing the steps you took to research the problem and develop a plan of attack.

Another way to answer this question would be to describe how you implemented a process improvement. This could involve explaining how you worked with your team to make changes and then following up to ensure that the changes were effective.

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Dive Deep Amazon Interview Questions

1. Give me an example of when you used data to decide/solve a problem.

There are a few different ways to answer this question. One way is to give an example of when you used data to decide your personal life, such as deciding what college to attend. Another way is to give an example of when you used data to solve a problem in your professional life. For example, you might have used data to figure out how to increase website traffic or improve customer retention rates.

2. Discuss the most difficult problem you have ever dealt with.

This question is designed to assess your problem-solving skills and ability to think on your feet. The best way to answer this question is to discuss a problem you were passionate about solving. You should describe the problem in detail and explain how you approached it. Talk about the challenges you faced and how you overcame them. Be sure to highlight your accomplishments and what you learned from the experience.

3. Tell me about a problem you had to solve that required in-depth thought and analysis. How did you know you were focusing on the right things?

Sample Answer:

The problem I had to solve was how to increase website traffic. I knew that I needed to focus on the right things to achieve this goal. I analyzed my website's Google Analytics data to determine which pages received the most traffic. Then I looked at the data to see what content attracted the most visitors. I also used Google Search Console to determine which keywords people used to find my website. I created new content that would target these keywords and published it on my website based on this data. I also promoted this content on social media and other websites. I knew I was focusing on the right things when I was able to come up with a potential solution after spending some time thinking about the problem and how to best approach it. This solution ended up working. As a result, I was able to increase website traffic.

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Frugality Questions

1. Tell me about a time when you had to work with limited time or resources.

There are a few ways to answer this question. One way is to share a time when you had to work with a tight deadline. You can talk about how you managed your time and resources efficiently to meet the deadline.

Another way to answer this question is to share a time when you had to work with limited resources. You can talk about how you were creative and innovative ways to get the most out of your resources.

2. Describe a time when you had to manage a budget (or manage time/money/resources/etc.). Were you able to get more out of less?

The best way to answer this question is to give an example of when you had to be very strategic with your resources and make the most out of every penny. Perhaps you spearheaded a project where you had to work with a limited budget, or maybe you had to cut back on your spending to save money. When answering this question, focus on the steps you took to succeed rather than the outcome. For instance, if you could reduce costs without sacrificing quality, highlight that achievement.

3. Tell me about a time when you thought of a new way to save money for the company.

The best way to answer this question is to describe when you identified an opportunity to save the company money and then implemented a plan. For example, you might have noticed that the company was regularly spending a lot of money on shipping costs, and you devised a strategy to reduce those expenses. Or, you may have realized that the company was wasting a lot of money on unnecessary inventory and developed a system to improve inventory management. Whatever the case may be, describe the problem you identified and how you solved it.

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Ownership Amazon Interview Questions

1. Give me two examples of when you did more than what was required in any job experience (D1C: I don't know why the interviewer asked for two situations)

There are a few ways to answer this question. One way is to give an example from a previous job where you went above and beyond the call of duty. For instance, you could talk about staying late to help a colleague with a project or taking on extra work when you were already overloaded.

Another way to answer this question is to give an example from a current or past job where you exhibited leadership skills. For example, you could talk about how you spearheaded a project or took charge during a difficult situation.

2. Tell me about a time when you took on something significant outside your area of responsibility, and why was that important?

When answering the question, you have to highlight how you successfully contributed to the organization's goals, despite not having prior experience in that area. You can also talk about how you were able to learn on the job and develop new skills. Ultimately, you want the interviewer to see that you are willing to take on new challenges and proactively seek growth opportunities.

3. Describe a time you didn't think you were going to meet a commitment you promised?

There are a few different ways to answer this question. One way is to share a time when you were under a lot of pressure and thought you wouldn't be able to meet the commitment, but you did anyway. Another way is to share a time when you didn't think you could meet the commitment because of unforeseen circumstances, but you found a way to make it happen. Finally, you can share a time when you thought meeting the commitment was impossible, but you were able to pull it off in the end.

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Earn Trust Questions

1. Tell me about a critical piece of feedback you received

When you're asked about a critical piece of feedback you received, be prepared to share an experience where someone gave you honest and constructive feedback that you took to heart. You can frame your answer around the following four steps:

  • Explain the situation
  • Describe how you felt about the feedback at the time
  • Talk about how you processed the feedback and what you did with it
  • Explain the outcome and what you learned from the experience.

2. Tell me about a time when you saw your team member struggling.

The interviewer wants to know if you can be observant and recognize when someone struggles, whether with work or personal issues. They also want to know if you can step in and offer help.

Your answer should showcase your ability to be a problem solver and leader. You should describe a time when you noticed that someone was struggling and took action to help them. Describe the steps you took to identify the source of the struggle and how you resolved it. Finally, talk about the positive outcome of your actions.

3. Building trust with teams can be difficult to achieve sometimes. Can you give me an example of how you effectively built trusting working relationships with others?

The interviewer asks about your interpersonal skills and how you've applied them in the past. First, think of an example of when you had to build trust with someone new. Maybe you were working on a project with a team member you'd never met before, or you were starting a new job and had to establish trust with your new boss and coworkers.

Next, describe what you did to build trust. Perhaps you took the time to learn about their background and shared some personal stories of your own. Maybe you showed that you were reliable and always followed through on your commitments.

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Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit Interview Questions

1. Tell me when you took an unpopular stance in a meeting with peers and your leader, and you were the outlier.

Sample Answer:

I was the outlier in a meeting when working at my previous job. We discussed a new project, and I was the only one against it. My boss and coworkers were pushy and tried to convince me to go along with the project, but I stuck to my guns and said no. They went ahead with the project without me, and it failed miserably.

I learned two things from that experience. First, always trust your gut instinct. If you don't feel right about something, there's probably a good reason for it. Second, it's important to be assertive and stand up for what you believe in, even if it means going against the majority.

2. Tell me when you decide to go along with the group decision, even if you disagree.

There are a few different ways to answer this question. One way is to discuss a time when you were in disagreement with the rest of the group, but you decided to go along with their decision anyways. This can show that you are a team player and willing to compromise to get the job done.

Another way to answer this question is to discuss a time when you agreed with the group decision, even if you didn't necessarily agree with it. This can show that you have good judgment and make decisions quickly.

3. Tell me when you strongly disagreed with your manager on something you deemed very important to the business. What was it about, and how did you handle it?

There are a few different ways to answer this question. One way is to stay calm and professional and explain your reasoning clearly and concisely. Another way is to be honest and upfront, explaining that you disagreed with the manager's decision but are still willing to do your best to carry out the task. Finally, you could also find a compromise or middle ground between the manager's decision and your own beliefs. Whichever way you respond, make sure that you are respectful and polite.

Hire and Develop the Best Amazon Interview Questions

1. Tell me about a time when you dealt with an employee with poor performance.

When answering this question in an interview, you want to focus on a time you successfully improved the employee's performance. You could talk about how you identified the problem and what actions you took to correct it. You could also share how you monitored the employee's progress and provided feedback. Ultimately, you want the interviewer to see that you have the ability to identify and solve problems when they arise.

2. Tell me about a time when you coached someone into outstanding performance.

This question can be difficult to answer if you haven't had any experience coaching employees. However, if you have had this experience, there are a few things you can do to answer this question effectively.

The first step is to outline the goals you set for the employee and how you helped them achieve them. Next, describe the techniques you used to motivate and guide the employee. Finally, explain how the employee's progress was monitored and adjusted.

3. Tell me about when you've built a team for a specific project.

This question is designed to probe into your ability to lead and manage a team. When answering this question, it's important to highlight when you took the lead on a project and successfully delegated tasks to team members. Be sure to highlight how you allocated responsibilities, delegated tasks, and communicated with your team. If you have any examples of successful projects that your team was a part of, be sure to share those as well.

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Bias for Action Interview Questions

1. Can you give me an example of a calculated risk where speed was critical? What was the situation, and how did you handle it?

Sample Answer:

I once took a calculated risk to increase my company's speed to market. We were working on a new product and knew that we needed to get it to market quickly to be successful. We decided to take a chance and develop the product using a new technology that we were not familiar with. This decision allowed us to get the product to market much faster than we would have been otherwise, and we could beat our competition to the punch. While this was a risky decision, it was ultimately successful and allowed us to achieve our goals.

2. Describe a situation where you made an important business decision without consulting your manager

You could talk about a time when you had to make a tough call on your own or when you had to make a decision quickly and didn't have time to consult your manager. Be sure to highlight your ability to think on your feet and make decisions in a high-pressure situation.

You could also talk about when you disagreed with your manager's decision and made the call to go against them. This shows that you dare stand up for what you believe in and aren't afraid to go against the grain. Whichever way you answer, explain why you made the decision and what outcome resulted from it.

3. Tell me when you had to analyze facts quickly, define key issues, and respond immediately to a situation. What was the outcome?

In my previous job as a research analyst, I often had to analyze data quickly and draw conclusions. This was especially important when working on presentations for my team or clients. To be successful, I had to learn how to quickly define the key issues at hand and respond immediately to any situation or outcome. This involved being able to think on my feet and making decisions quickly. I improved my analytical abilities and became more efficient when working under pressure by practicing these skills. This was beneficial in my current role as a business analyst, where I often need to provide solutions to problems in a short amount of time.

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Deliver Results

1. Tell me about a time when you were leading a group, were assigned a goal, and did not reach it.

The interviewer is asking about a time when you were not successful. This question is designed to understand how you handle difficult situations and what you learned from the experience.

Sample Answer:

I was once assigned a goal to lead a team in producing a large-scale event. Unfortunately, we did not reach the goal, and the event was a disaster. Despite this, I learned a lot from the experience, and it taught me how to be a better leader.

2. Tell me about a time when you not only met a goal but considerably exceeded expectations.

There are a few ways to answer this question. You could talk about a time when you overcame an obstacle in your way or a time when you went above and beyond to get the job done.

An example of overcoming an obstacle could be if you were working on a project and the deadline was suddenly moved up, and you still managed to meet the original deadline. An example of exceeding expectations could be if you were working on a project and the client asked for an additional charge, and you were able to make the change without any issues.

3. Tell me about a time when you were able to deliver an important project under a tight deadline.

When answering this question, you want to highlight your ability to stay calm under pressure and your ability to think on your feet. One time when I was able to deliver an important project under a tight deadline was when my company was preparing to launch a new product. We were behind schedule, and I was in charge of ensuring that all the marketing materials were ready to go. I worked around the clock for a week and was able to get everything done on time.

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Insist on the Highest Standards Interview Questions

1. Tell me about a time when you have been unsatisfied with the status quo. What did you do to change it? Were you successful?

The best way to answer this question was with an example of when you were proactive in making change, even if it meant going against the status quo. For instance, maybe you led a project to improve a process at work that had been stagnant for years, or maybe you organized a petition to get your school to change its policy on something you felt strongly about. Whatever the situation may be, explain how your actions positively impacted you.

2. Tell me about a time when you were dissatisfied with the quality of something at work and went out of your way to improve it.

The best way to answer this question is to give an example of when you were dissatisfied with the quality of something at work and then took it upon yourself to improve it. For instance, maybe you noticed that many customer complaints were related to product quality. In that case, you might have decided to take on a quality assurance role to ensure that the products met customer expectations. Alternatively, if you felt that the company's branding was lackluster, you might have started a branding initiative to improve the company's image.

3. When you refused to compromise around quality or customer service

The interviewer is looking for a real-life example of a time when you had to make a tough decision in the workplace. This is not the time to talk about when you made a minor concession or gave in a little bit. They are looking for a story about when you had to put your foot down and say no.

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Learn and Be Curious

1. What's the coolest thing you've learned on your own that you've then been able to apply and perform your job further?

The coolest thing I've learned on my own is how to code. It's something I was interested in and decided to teach myself. Once I learned the basics, I started coding for fun projects on the side. A few months ago, I was able to use my coding skills to help my company create a new website. It was a great experience, and I was proud of what I could do.

2. Tell me about a time when someone openly challenged you. How did you handle this feedback?

It can be tough to know how to answer this question in an interview, but it's important to show that you can handle criticism positively. One way to answer this question is to share an instance where you disagreed with someone's opinion but could still listen to them and learn from what they had to say.

You could also share a time when you received negative feedback but were able to use it to improve your work. Whatever example you choose, explain how you handled the situation and what you learned from it.

3. Give an example of a tough or critical piece of feedback you received. What was it, and what did you do about

The toughest feedback I ever received was when my boss told me that I needed to be more aggressive in my sales pitches. I had always been a bit of a shy person, so this was a difficult adjustment for me to make. I worked on being more assertive and eventually saw results. I learned that it's important to take criticism seriously but not let it get you down. Feedback can be tough to hear, but it's always given to help you improve.

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Think Big Interview Questions

1. Tell me about a time when very senior people adopted your vision across the organization.

When answering this question in an interview, it's important to stay positive and focus on the outcome rather than the challenges you may have faced. Try to think of a situation where several senior people adopted your vision within the organization and how that positively impacted the business.

For example, you could share a story about how your vision led to a significant increase in sales or helped the company achieve a new milestone. Stay positive, focus on the outcome, and avoid talking about any challenges you may have faced.

Are Right a Lot Amazon Interview Questions

1. Can you think of a time you made a bad professional decision? What was the impact of the decision? What did you learn?

The interviewer is trying to get a sense of your decision-making abilities. When answering this question, you want to focus on when you made a mistake that you learned from. Don't try to make yourself look good by talking about when you made the right decision.

2. When you had to make a difficult decision with input from a lot of people

The interviewer wants to know that you can handle difficult situations and take input from other people before making a decision. When answering this question, it is important to stay calm and not get defensive. Start by describing the situation in detail and explaining the process you went through to decide. Be sure to mention how you took into account the opinions of others before making your final decision. If you have an example of a difficult decision you made, share that. This will show the interviewer that you are capable of handling difficult situations.

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Strive to Be Earth's Best Employer Interview Questions

1. Tell me about a time when you created conditions for others to succeed.

This is a question that often comes up in interviews. When answering it, think about a time when you delegated tasks effectively or created an environment where others could thrive.

For example, suppose you were asked to describe when you created conditions for others to succeed. In that case, you might talk about a project you led where you delegated tasks effectively and gave people the freedom to work on what they were most interested in. You could also describe a time when you fostered a positive and productive work environment, where employees felt comfortable taking risks and collaborating.

2. Tell me about a time when you drove decisions that created a working environment that was more fun and inclusive.

The best way to answer this question is to give an example of when you made a decision that had a positive impact on the team. For instance, you might have decided to host a company-wide picnic or organize a team-building activity.

When you make decisions that create more fun and inclusive working environment, it tells your team that you care about their well-being. This can help to improve morale and boost productivity.

Success and Scale Bring Broad Responsibility

1. Tell me about a time when you considered the environmental impact of your decisions.

When answering this question in an interview, it's important to think about when you decided that it had an environmental impact. You want to share a positive story and showcase your dedication to considering the environment in your decision-making process.

For example, you might have chosen an environmentally friendly product over a less sustainable option, or you may have reduced your company's carbon footprint by changing how your business operates. Whatever the story, highlight how your actions had a positive environmental impact.

How to Answer Amazon Interview Questions

The Amazon interview process is notoriously difficult. To make the process a bit easier, here are some tips for answering Amazon interview questions:

  • Go through the company's website and research what they do.
  • Know your resume inside out, and be able to speak to your experience and how it relates to the position you are applying for
  • Practice, practice, practice. The best way to get comfortable with an interview is to practice in advance.
  • Be prepared to answer behavioral questions and other question types.

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Top 3 Amazon Interview Questions 

1. What would you do if you found out your closest friend at work was stealing?

This is a difficult question. You want to be honest, but you don't want to hurt your friend's feelings. You also don't want to get yourself in trouble. The first thing you should do is talk to your friend. Find out what's going on and why they're stealing. Maybe they're in a tough financial situation, and they feel like they have no other choice. Maybe they're doing it for fun, and they don't realize the implications.

If you believe that your friend is stealing because they need money, you might want to suggest some other solutions. Maybe they could apply for a loan or sell some of their possessions. If they're stealing for fun, you could try to talk to them about the dangers and consequences of stealing. If you believe that your friend is stealing because they're addicted to stealing, you might suggest getting help. Many addiction treatment centers can help your friend overcome their addiction.

2. Describe your most difficult customer and how you handled it. 

The interviewer is looking to see how you handle difficult customer interactions. They want to know if you have the skills and experience to deal with challenging situations. When answering this question, give a specific example of a difficult customer that you interacted with and outline how you handled the situation. Make sure to highlight your problem-solving skills and customer service experience. Explain what you did to resolve the issue and make the customer happy. If you have any awards or accolades for customer service, mention them.

3. Tell me about a time you were 75 percent through a project and had to pivot quickly. How did you handle it?

The interviewer is looking to see how you handle difficult and unexpected situations. This is a common question in interviews, so you should be prepared for it.

First, take a moment to think about when you had to change your plan mid-project. Then, walk the interviewer through the steps you took to handle the situation. Highlight how you maintained your professionalism and remained focused on the end goal. Finally, explain what you learned from the experience.

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More Interview Questions from Amazon 

1. Why Amazon?

The best way to answer this question is to research Amazon's core values and how your skills and experiences align with them. Amazon's core values include innovation, customer obsession, and frugality. You can highlight examples of how you've demonstrated these values in your previous roles. For example, if you've launched a new product or streamlined a process at your previous company, you can discuss how your innovation improved the customer experience.

2. Which leadership principle of Amazon do you connect with most?

This question can be answered by thinking about what you value most in a leader. Do you appreciate someone who is decisive and takes action? Or do you prefer a more analytical leader who takes the time to consider all of the options? Once you have identified the leadership principle you connect with most, you can provide an example of how you demonstrated that principle in your past work experience.

3. Do you know who the Amazon CEO is? How do you pronounce his name?

Jeff Bezos is the founder, CEO, and President of Amazon. He is an American entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist. His full name is Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen.

4. Tell me about a time you faced a crisis at work. How did you handle it?

The best way to answer this question is to share a time when you could successfully manage a difficult situation. You can talk about how you kept a calm head under pressure, displayed excellent problem-solving skills, or took decisive action when needed.

Ensure your strengths and how they helped you resolve the crisis. Stay positive, and don't try to paint yourself as perfect - nobody is. If you made a mistake, own up to it and explain what you learned from the experience.

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5. Describe [Amazon product or service relevant to the role] as you would to a prospective customer.

When describing Amazon's product or service relevant to the role, one should focus on how it is useful and unique. For example, when interviewing for Amazon Solution Architect, you can talk about cloud storage service, I.e., "Amazon's cloud storage service is incredibly useful because it allows you to store all of your data in one place. You can access your data from anywhere globally, and you can easily share files with other people."

6. Can you tell me when you had to make a fast customer service decision without any guidance? How did you decide what to do?

This is a difficult question because it is hard to think of an example where you had to make a customer service decision without any guidance. One option is to describe when you had to handle a challenging customer service situation. You could explain how you remained calm and handled the situation in a way that was satisfactory for both the customer and the company.

7. Tell me about a time that you dealt with a hostile customer.

When interviewers ask about a time you dealt with a hostile customer, they are looking to see how you handle difficult situations. They want to know if you can remain calm under pressure and whether you can think on your own. The best way to answer this question is to share an example of a time when you could successfully de-escalate the situation. You can talk about the steps you took to diffuse the situation and how you managed to keep the customer happy.

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8. When given an unfamiliar task, how do you ensure you handle it properly?

The best way to ensure you handle an unfamiliar task properly is to research the task. Once you have a general understanding of what is involved, you can begin developing a plan of action. This plan can be tailored specifically for the task at hand and will help to ensure that you handle it most efficiently and effectively possible. Finally, it is always a good idea to have someone else review your plan before putting it into action, just to ensure there are no potential problems.

9. If you are given two conflicting priorities from two separate managers, how do you figure out how to proceed?

There are a few ways to approach this problem. One is to try and prioritize the goals based on their importance to the company as a whole. Another is finding a way to compromise and meet in the middle. If neither of those solutions works, then it might be necessary to choose one goal over the other. It might even be necessary to speak with the managers directly and get their take on the situation in some cases.

10. Give me an example of when you received criticism. How did you respond to the information?

The interviewer is looking for an indication of how you handle constructive criticism. This is important because no one is perfect, and as a future employee, you will make mistakes. The company wants to know that you are capable of handling feedback (even if it is negative) in a professional manner.

11. What metrics do you use to drive positive change?

When asked this question in an interview, it's important to understand the interviewer's definition of "positive change." Some interviewers might be asking about tangible results, such as increasing sales or profits. Others might be more interested in softer metrics, such as employee satisfaction or customer satisfaction. No matter what the interviewer is looking for, you should always have at least one metric to track progress and success. 

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12. What would you do if a supervisor asked you to do something unsafe that went against policy?

The best way to answer this question is to discuss how you would try to resolve the situation. You could mention that you would first try to talk to the supervisor about the situation and explain why you think it is unsafe. If that doesn't work, you could then go to a higher-up or the HR department to resolve the situation.

13. Tell me about a time when you were handling a project outside your scope of work. How did you handle it?

I was responsible for managing a project that went outside of my scope of work in my previous job. The project plan had changed, and I was not aware of the change. As a result, I could not properly prepare for the project.

I handled the situation by communicating with my manager and the client. I explained the situation and asked for help getting up to speed on the new project plan. I also made sure to stay in close communication with my team to continue to be effective in my role.

14. Describe a situation where you had to deal with ambiguity when making a decision.

When I was working as a project manager, I had to deal with ambiguity. To make the best decision possible, I would ask many questions and gather as much information as possible. Sometimes it was hard to get a clear answer, but I always tried to stay calm and make the best decision I could under the circumstances.

15. Can you tell me about a time when you had to make a decision when all of the data you needed was unavailable?

When I was working as a sales representative for a company, I had to decide whether to offer a discount to a potential customer. The customer had requested a discount, but I didn't know how much profit the company would make if the sale went through. Offering a discount would be beneficial for the customer, but it could negatively impact the company's profits. In this situation, it's important to weigh the pros and cons of offering a discount before deciding.

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16. How do you keep yourself / your team / your colleagues motivated?

There are many ways to keep yourself, your team or your colleagues motivated. One way is to set goals and rewards for meeting them. For example, if you want someone to finish a project by a certain date, you could give them a bonus or a gift card if they are successful.

Another way to keep people motivated is to offer praise and recognition when they do a good job. This can be as simple as saying "thank you" or as elaborate as giving a public shout-out. Either way, positive reinforcement is an effective way to encourage people to keep up the good work.

17. What steps do you take to form positive and functional relationships with your colleagues?

The first step in building positive relationships with your colleagues is to be friendly and open. Introduce yourself and take an interest in them as people, not just workers. Be respectful and considerate, and don't gossip or talk about others.

Try to be helpful and supportive, and offer to help out with tasks or projects. Be positive and constructive in your feedback, rather than negative and critical. Celebrate successes together, and offer a shoulder to cry on during tough times.

18. What would you do if a team member wasn't pulling their weight?

There are a few possible answers to this question. You could explain that you would have a conversation with the team member to understand the issue and try to resolve it. If the issue was not resolved, you might then decide to reassign that person to a different task or team. Alternatively, you could explain that you would let the team member go if they were not meeting expectations.

19. What do you do to ensure that the customer experience is always a priority?

There are a few key things that I always do to make sure that the customer experience is a priority. One must always be willing to go the extra mile for a customer. If they need something, I do my best to get it for them. Another key thing is to be proactive in addressing any complaints or concerns that a customer may have. I want to know about them as soon as possible to address the issue and prevent it from happening again. Finally, I always try to be friendly and personable with customers.

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This article provides a list of common interview questions asked by Amazon. If you are applying for a position at Amazon or are just curious about what they might ask, this is a great resource. The answers to these questions will help you prepare for your interview and show you what Amazon is looking for in candidates.

About the Author

Hemant DeshpandeHemant Deshpande

Hemant Deshpande, PMP has more than 17 years of experience working for various global MNC's. He has more than 10 years of experience in managing large transformation programs for Fortune 500 clients across verticals such as Banking, Finance, Insurance, Healthcare, Telecom and others. During his career he has worked across the geographies - North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia Pacific. Hemant is an internationally Certified Executive Coach (CCA/ICF Approved) working with corporate leaders. He also provides Management Consulting and Training services. He is passionate about writing and regularly blogs and writes content for top websites. His motto in life - Making a positive difference.

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