All You Need to Know About How to Create a Facebook Clone Using React

Nowadays, if anyone wants to practice any programming language they must practice it by creating Projects, that can help them increase their knowledge about the language more. 

In this article, we are going to create a facebook clone using react from scratch, first we will create the login page and then we will create the main page. To run this project in your system the node js, and npm packages should be installed.

React is a JavaScript library that is used to build mobile and web applications fast and interactive. It is an open-source, reusable component-based front-end library of JavaScript. React is a combination of HTML and JavaScript. It provides a robust and opinionated way to build modern applications.

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Step 1:

First we need to create a React Project, for that we need to write a command npx create-react-app facebook-clone


This will take a few minutes to install all the files.

After that, we will create folders inside the “src” folder and inside that, create a LoginPage, HeaderArea, and MainArea 

Then, we will open your app.js file there, remove the header part and write “hello World” to print it on your screen.

Remove all the app.css code, 

And inside the app.js file, remove the SVG file from the top 

Step 2:

After that, we will create a login page same as facebook 

For that, inside the LoginPage folder, create two files LoginPage.js and LoginPage.css 

In the Js file we will write all our react code, and in the CSS file we will do the styling.


Fig: LoginPage.js


Fig(1 of 2): LoginPage.css


Fig (2 of 2) : LoginPage.css

The LoginPage will look like this:


Fig: LoginPage

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Step 3:

After completing the first login page we will install a module called react-router-dom, to install it we have to write a command :


Step 4:

Now that the LoginPage is ready we will work on the Header Part of the main page for that lets create two files under the HeaderArea folder, HeaderArea.js and HeaderArea.css to create a navbar.


fig : HeaderArea.js


Fig(1 of 2): HeaderArea.css


Fig(2 of 2): HeaderArea.css 

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Step 5:

After Creating the nav bar lets now work on the main part of Facebook. Inside that MainArea folder we will again create a js and css file. In the MainArea.js we will create 3 parts, first right-side , left-side and the main center.

After that we will start with the Lside first and then we will create the facebook clone accordingly


fig(1 of 4): MainArea.js


fig(2 of 4): MainArea.js


fig(3 of 4): MainArea.js


fig(4 of 4): MainArea.js

Now we will work on the MainPage.css part:






Fig: MainArea.css


Fig: app.js

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Fig: Output

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Next Steps

We hope that this tutorial on "Facebook Clone using React js" has helped you better grasp how React works. A Full Stack Developer - MERN Stack would be useful if you want to study React and become a frontend developer.

Full Stack Java Developer will teach you the fundamentals of React, including JSX, props, state, and events, a popular online framework for creating user interfaces. Reducers, actions and the state tree are all covered in this Redux training course.

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Simplilearn is one of the world’s leading providers of online training for Digital Marketing, Cloud Computing, Project Management, Data Science, IT, Software Development, and many other emerging technologies.

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