Your One-Stop Solution to Calculate Age in Excel

Many events and scenarios in business analytics require data analysts to calculate age in excel. Mostly to find out how old an employee is, how long we've been working with a client, and how long we could take to finish a business report.

Calculating age or time differences might sound complex, but it isn't as difficult as it sounds. Thanks to the DATEDIF function in excel. 

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What is the DATEDIF Function in Excel?

DateDif in Excel is an in-built library function programmed to allow users to evaluate the time difference between any two dates in terms of days, months, quarters, or years according to user requirements. 

Followed by the technical definition, let us learn the syntax of the DateDif Function in Excel.

=DATEDIF (Beginning_date, ending_date, units)

  • Beginning_date - Beginning Date
  • ending_date - Ending Date
  • Units - Days/Months/Quarters/Years

Following the definition and syntax of DateDif in Excel, let us try to implement the DateDif Function in real-time.

How to Calculate Age in Excel?

Calculating Age in Excel is simple. By following the simple steps mentioned below, you can achieve the results.

  • Step 1: Collect the dates to which you need to calculate the age difference.

The table below shows the sample dates to which you need to calculate the Age Difference.


  • Step 2: Use the DATEDIF Formula to calculate the age difference. 

Use the DATEDIF formula according to the syntax. The formula implemented on the sample data is shown below. The Original Syntax is described in the previous section for reference.


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  • Step 3: Apply the formula to all cells.

You can drag the formula cell against all the cells to implement the same formula on all the dates, as shown below. The final data/result is as follows/


With that, we have come to the end of this article on “How to Calculate Age in Excel?”. If you have any queries on the topics we learned, do let us know in the comment section below and our team of experts will be happy to resolve them at the earliest.

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Next Steps

KPI Excel Dashboard can be your next step in learning the fundamentals of Microsoft Excel. Excel Dashboards can help you allocate KRAs and KPIs to your team and help them keep track of their targets in a simple yet automated way

Interested to learn more about Business Analytics? Then consider visiting the Post Graduate Program in Business Analysis from Simplilearn. It is ranked among the five topmost business analytics courses in the Industry. This Simplilearn program is a result-oriented training and certification program that helps you master statistics and data analytics concepts. 

Should you have any questions about this "How to Calculate Age in Excel?" tutorial? Please feel free to write to us in the comments below. Our expert team will resolve them and will be happy to answer them earliest. 

About the Author

Ravikiran A SRavikiran A S

Ravikiran A S works with Simplilearn as a Research Analyst. He an enthusiastic geek always in the hunt to learn the latest technologies. He is proficient with Java Programming Language, Big Data, and powerful Big Data Frameworks like Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark.

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